Chapter 8- Confusion

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Millie's POV


I am awake before him.

I hit his shoulder, hard. 

I then feel guilty, because he looks vulnerable, still dressed in his now crumpled black blazer and shirt, with knotted hair falling over the angled contours of his face. He blinks, and turns around to face me, his head tilted to one side, confused.

His eyes suddenly light up, and he violently stands up, out of bed, and claps his hands together.

"I'm an idiot Millie! The fake crime scene, I missed one fundamental aspect, and now it all makes sense! "Burn", it said on the wall. Why didn't I realise this before?" he says, wringing his hands in frustration. "Moriarty, Millie! Well, no, not Moriarty himself- he's dead, and as far as I am aware he doesn't have family... no...a work partner? A close acquaintance? But he was above friends... this is the bit that doesn't make sense. Someone, who knew Moriarty, tried to kill us. And you! Of course they would use you! As a statement! Yes, Millie-" he stops, then looks at me very strangely.

"Millie, why are you in my bedroom?"

"For someone with a photographic memory, it certainly is very selective," I say, folding my arms.

It's actually quite amusing to watch him scrolling through his recent memories, then finding the explanation to my unexpected appearance in his bedroom, looking horrified, then sitting down and resting his head in his hands.



"He will never let me forget this." he groans

I grin broadly, standing up and trying to smooth the creases out of my jeans and t-shirt.

"Sherlock, you and I both know that you don't forget."


John's POV


I'm sitting in the kitchen, drinking strong coffee and nursing a nasty hangover when Sherlock comes into the room. I can tell by his quick footsteps that he's excited- he's worked something out probably, so I'm not surprised to see his head poke round the kitchen door and hear him say: "John, get ready, we need to go to Coventry."

He looks different, and it takes me a second to put two and two together.

"Sherlock Holmes, get back in here!" I shout.

"Hm?" he says, reappearing in the kitchen.

"Jesus... I cannot believe this. You! You of all people! And you weren't even that drunk!" I sit back, laughing incredulously.

"What are talking about, John?" he says coolly, but there's something not as polished about his demeanour, and he looks uncomfortable, and my smile almost splits my face as he silently confirms my theory.

"You, Sherlock, you have sex hair"


"Excuse me?" he says, looking genuinely confused.

"You heard me, sex hair. Don't try and deny it! Though I can't believe it. You! After all this time, saying that you were above "physical attraction"! Ha! After you scorning me, and my dates, and you getting all arsey whenever we brought up the topic of girlfriends, or even boyfriends for that matter, you've gone and had sex wi-"

"I haven't-I don't have sex John," he splutters, a look of genuine disgust on his face.

And then, perfectly timed, we both turn around as Millie cautiously pushes open the door.

"Oh, hello John. I was wondering, have you seen my-" she pauses as she observes the scene in front of her. 

"Oh..." she blinks.

"Ha!" I shout triumphantly. "Sherlock Holmes, I told you! I told you!"


"I told you, that with your little seduction act, when you were playing your 'games''. And that's what I can't believe. No offence, Sherlock, Millie, but you two are machines. Why would you, of all people, end up sleeping together-"

"We didn't sleep together?!interrupts Millie, her face mirroring Sherlock's expression of blatant repulsion.

"Then...why.." I begin to falter.

"I'll leave you with the pleasure of explaining this one, Sherlock," she says, and she leaves the table, resuming the hunt for her jacket.

"Oh please do. Explain, Sherlock," I say, crossing my arms.

And he looks embarrassed. I savour this time, knowing that it will probably be the first and last time I'm ever in this advantageous situation.

But he doesn't let me revel in it for very long. He reaches for his coat and scarf, deliberately avoids the question and doesn't quite meet my eyes:

"We're going to Coventry, John. Now."

"That's not an answer-"

"I suggest you get ready."


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