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(I got this idea while watching 'Raising Izzy' I love that movie but I changed a few things, mostly a lot. Just the thought of an older sibling taking care of a younger sibling is pretty much all I took and a few other things. You should watch the movie it's very beautiful <3 please vote and comment what you think so far :-) thnx and please read the authors note at the end )

Alison's POV

It's been two years.

Two years already.

It just doesn't seem real.

How can she just leave? Just like that?

Me and my older brother Niall have had to move somewhere else just for the two of us.

It's not as big as our other flat but it will do.

"I'm gonna go now, do you need anything before I leave?"

I nod my head 'no' to his question.

"Alright, I'm leaving, be safe."

"I will."

"You sure you don't need anyt-"

"Niall. I'm fine. Now, go on before you end up being late for work."

He leaves the slightly small apartment leaving me with nothing to do.

There was nothing to clean since me and him would always clean up after ourselves.

I didn't have many friends so nobody had to know about the situation me and Niall are in.

Nobody will understand.

I decide to walk around at this small park where I live to clear my mind and just let the thoughts of my mothers passing and fathers abandonment.

I always walk here.

Whenever I have days like these.

It just helped.

Feeling the crisped air blow on my face and crunching leaves beneath my feet were just so soothing.

Not many people came here since it was a small town and the park had absolutely nothing but trees and a rusty playground, which I'm sure wasn't really safe.

Something that I never felt safe about in this park was the watching.

Ever since last week I had felt as if someone was watching me.

I never told Niall because he'll flip on me for even stepping one foot out of the apartment and even coming to this park.

He always told me to never come here.

It made me curious to see why, there wasn't really anything to do but walk or sit on the grass or dirty benches.

I've been walking for about twenty minutes and I don't feel any safer.

This feeling at the pit of my stomach is making me sick so I quickly head back to me and Niall's apartment.

Maybe coming to the park wasn't as good as I thought it was.

As I walk into the small apartment I see a duffle bag sitting on the floor.

"Where the hell were you?!"

His voice startles me and in trying to find the right words so he doesn't continue to yell at me.


"You have to be safe. And I don't want you leaving this apartment, Alison. You need to stay here. Who knows what kind if things can happen to you out there."

"Well nothing did happen. I came back perfectly fine so you could stop your yelling now."

He lets out a breath and looks down at the floor.

"I just don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"I know that. But you have to trust me, I'm 17 and I know right from wrong."

"But you-"

"Niall, please."

I beg him to not continue.

Whenever he starts a sentence with those two words I know what he would say.

'But you aren't strong enough after mum passed away'

is what he would say if I didn't cut him off.

"Alright, well do you want something to eat? We could go to that pizzeria that's not far from here."

"Uh, yeah that's fine."

When I'm with Niall, I don't really feel as if someone was watching me.

Maybe because Niall was two years older than me and when we were little he would tell me that if anybody tried to hurt me he would hurt then harder.

Niall wasn't as tall as most people we would see on the sidewalks walking around, but Niall did work at the gym and he practically lived there.

But he wasn't really buff or anything. He just had a few muscles and to tease him I would always ask if he was actually going to the gym or eating because he didn't have any muscles.

When we get to the pizzeria Niall gets up from where we were sitting to order the pizza at the front.

Even with him here I feel as if someone is watching me.

I don't even want to take my eyes off my hands that are placed on the table.

Everything now, was different.

And I knew it.

I felt it.

Every time I would stepped out of the apartment I felt as if someone was watching me.

But when I would turn, no one was there.


I hoped you liked the first chapter :-)

Sorry it had a suckish ending but just a fill in on what Alison was feeling and that there's pretty much no one when she turns because she just thinks she's being watched.

And yup.

Next chapter would be better :-)

Please vote/comment/fan & follow :-)

Thnx !

And read my other stories as well :-)

~Erika <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2014 ⏰

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