chapter 40

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*Narrator's POV*

It's been weeks and none of the two even dared to speak to one another. Lauren is still crying herself to sleep and smoking while Camila is releasing all of her anger to anyone and barely smile nor talk now.

Camila was having a terrible night again and barely even slept but the abrupt ringing of her phone woke her up. She didn't even look at the Caller's I.D.

"What the fuck do you want? " She said with an irritated voice.

The voice on the other line cleared his throat. " Camila it's me Roger. " He said calmly.

"And? What is so important to wake me up? " She said.

"Since your single with bad things is selling like crazy the management said you and MGK should date." He said as his body tenses.

"No fucking way. " She said hanging up the phone.

... Time Skip...

Few hours later she went on the meeting with her management and the rest of the other girls.

The minute she walks in she slams her palm on the table.

"As far as i am fucking concern your job is manage our music career!  Not our fucking love life so mind your own okay? And I'll do mine so fuck off. You don't get to control our lives. If this is for fifth harmony's fame then i fucking quit. You guys always control all of us and i can't do it anymore." Camila said.

As shock as they all were, something much more shocked them all.

"I'll do it. I'll date Lucy. " Lauren said.

"Really Lauren?" "What the fuck Lauren? " the girls said all together.

Before anyone can react and notice Camila began sobbing and ran out.

"Thanks for fucking her up even more Lauren. " Dinah said as all of the other girls ran outside to comfort their other bestfriend while Lauren was left there dumbfounded of what she just did and the consequences of it.

*Camila's P. O. V. "

"I'll do it. I'll date Lucy. " Lauren said.

The minute I heard those words coming out of her mouth, tears just came falling down.

Why did it have to hurt this much?

Before I knew it my feet was running step by step my heart beat is getting heavier and so is my breathing. I thought she actually loved me. All I could do was run.

My body grew weak, I wanted to keep running, run away as far as I could but my body gave up I collapsed on the street my knees catching my weight as I continued to sob.

"Camila! " I heard screaming at the other end of the street.

"Camila please she didn't mean it it doesn't mean anything. " I heard Dinah said. She does mean it tho Lucy was always better than me. My breathing became heavier than ever as tears came streaming down my face even more making my eye sight blurry.  I tried to speak but all I could get was stutters.

"S-s-she d-d-does me-e-ean it. T-t-that Lucy Chick w-was a-always b-b-better than me. " I said trying my best to form my sentences.

"Hush Mila that's not true. " Ally said engulfing me in a tight hug as the two other girls did the same.

"Just breathe girl come on. " Mani said as she stroked my hair whilst trying to calm me down.

"Here. " Dinah said handing me a bottle of water.

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