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"I'm a little different. I just do what I want to do. If you just worry and become an adult, you'll have regrets."
~ RED VELVET (Happiness)

At the end of the day, I would complete all of my dares, and one of them was to play tennis in the house without having to break anything.
My friends created a dare list just for fun, and for a dare devil like me, I took it as a challenge.
My friends mocked me as I told them that I could finish this in one day. "Time to eat dinner!" My mom yelled from the dining room while I was still playing tennis in the house. She distracted me and so I hit the ball with my racket and it went straight up in the air and broke the chandelier. I covered my mouth when I saw the chandelier falling down from the ceiling in slow motion, then it landed on the hard wooden floor with a shattering sound.


I quietly walked away from the incident, but my evil twin blocked my way. She smirked and called mom and dad. Of course she would. Irene is my twin sister: the goody two shoes, the nice one, the good girl. I just wanted to punch her face until that smirk of hers disappeared. "I will get you back for this," I told her, but she didn't care.

My mom saw what happened and dropped her jaw. My dad just stood there with his eyes wide open.
I threw the tennis racket far away and it accidentally broke my mom's favorite vase. Another shattering sound I heard. I closed my eyes so that I wouldn't see my parents' firing eyes.

I heard my sister laugh annoyingly.
"Taeyeon. We need to talk."
My dad said in a serious tone and I gulped.
My mom was obviously disappointed in me.
They should be used to this by now since I always break things around the house, but I guess not.

I sat down in my dad's office with my back straight.
He looked really furious.
"How many times have I told you to stop breaking the rules?"
I tried to count all of them, but I gave up eventually.
"Like a lot."
I shrugged at the same time, and I don't think he was satisfied with my answer.
He took out his laptop and began to type really fast that it scared me.

"You're going to a winter camp."

I shook my head quickly.
"No thanks." I tried to say it in a nice way, but for a person like me anything that comes out of my mouth ends up sounding the opposite.
"Yes you are because I just filled in the application for your participation."
I was shocked. I couldn't believe that my dad would do something like this. I hate going to camp. It's so boring because there are so many rules that I want to break, but people will always stop me from doing it. It's no fun. I hate people as well.
In conclusion I hate people who tells me what to do. "That's not fair. You never asked me if I wanted to do it in the first place."

My dad is used to this kind of behavior, but I'm surprised that he actually shouted back at me.
"Kim Taeyeon! You need to start learning how to be a good girl."

'A good girl' kept repeating in my head.
I don't want to be one. Definitely, nope.
I wouldn't want to end up acting like Irene.
"So what if I'm a bad girl?! You can't change me,"
I think he took that as a challenge.
"That's the reason why I'm forcing you to go to this camp. It's specifically for troublemakers. The people there will change you into something better. And it's only for two weeks!" He seemed too excited.
I bet he's happy because without me, the house will be at peace.

"Maybe you should go," The angel voice inside of my head said. "No! Taeyeon convince your dad not to. Camp will be a prison to you," The devil voice spoke this time, and I nodded because the voice was right. "But if you go there then you won't have your parents or your sister to boss you around..." I smiled when I heard the angel voice. I watched my dad who was staring at me with his arms crossed.

*Winter Bootcamp* (Baekyeon Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now