The following is a written account of an audio diary of an eighteen year old serial killer and her partner.
June 21, 2004
Hey, diary! It's me, Jane. Me and the family are off to Colorado to go rock climbing tomorrow, so you won't hear from me for a while. Yeah, I know, family and actually having to talk to people, it all sucks, but I get to finally see Aiden! I haven't seen the guy in so long, it'll be good to catch up. And, after rock climbing, mom said Aiden and I could see a movie. I can finally see the new horror movie, and, since we're eighteen, mom doesn't have to accompany us. Freeeedooommmmm! Anyway, I gotta go. Rudolph is on, and I've been dying to see it. Catch you on the flip side.August 28, 2004
I had to do it. I didn't have a choice. We were trapped. The rocks collapsed, they killed... oh, God. They killed mom. And dad. It trapped us. We were in that cave for so long... so, so, so, so long. The food ran out... and the water... by the time I... by the time I... killed him... He must've been hallucinating... oh, cruel God, why?! Why did you make us suffer?! Why did you do this to us?! I had to eat his corpse! Drink his blood to survive! What cruel thing would do that?! When the rescuers arrived, it was too late. Aiden was nothing but a small puddle of blood and bones. But... what's worse... I liked it. The taste of him... so rich, fatty, and delicious... I want more... no. No, I can't. I could never do that to someone... I can't. But... I want it... so badly... oh, how good it was... no. I... I have to go. Before I actually do it. I... I have to go.September 30, 2004
I did what I never thought I would do again. I... I ate someone. It was so good... and I was starving. After Aiden, I couldn't stomach regular food. It was too plain, and didn't give me any nutrients. But, this time, it was someone who deserved it. An old drunk who killed his wife, but was somehow able to escape prison. I tricked him into coming to my house with the promise of sex. I slaughtered him quickly, though. Slit throat and a bucket to catch his blood so nothing's wasted. I tried human flesh cooked, and it was even better than before. So rich... I think I'm going to continue eating people... but only bad people. Still... I wonder... what young flesh tastes like... no. Not a child. Not unless they deserve it... I have to go. The leg I was cooking smells about done.November 1, 2004
I found someone else. Who eats people. He and I were after the same person, a mean old crone who beat her children. We worked together to kill her, and I even invited him to my place to eat. He, I found out his name was Victor, accepted, and we got to talking. When I asked him how he started with eating people, he told me the most heartbreaking story I've ever heard. Some sick bastard kidnapped him and his two friends. He kept them as sex slaves, beating and torturing and starving them. At one point, Victor and his friend had no choice but to eat the other in order to survive. The friend understood, and went along with it without a fight. They ate her, and he found he enjoyed the taste of human flesh, as mortifying as it was to harm his friend. But, thank God, that gave Victor enough strength to resist the man, and knocked him out in a fight that ensued. Victor grabbed his other friend and attempted to escape, but the man awoke and killed Victor's friend, but that allowed Victor time to escape. He swore revenge on the bastard, but has yet to achieve his goal. I asked if he wanted help, and he looked up at me with pleading eyes. That was all I needed. Anyway, I need to go. Victor is here to plan the death of the bastard, and I intend to help.November 27, 2004
We did it. We killed that bastard. It took a lot of planning, and it didn't go quite as we expected, but we did it. Hey, Victor, do you want to tell your story of revenge?
Huh? Oh. Sure. Do I just... talk into it? Yes? Ok.
We started out by making our plan, which was to get kidnapped. Stupid plan, I know, but it was the best way to get there. We went to where Fiona and Ray and I were taken, which was a relatively unknown children's park. We hung around for a while, until the blue eyed, brown haired man showed himself. It took everything I had not to attack him when I first saw him. He offered us a ride to Jane's apartment, and we, pretending to be stupid people, accepted. He loaded us into the back of his van, which was far creepier than I remembered. But, there was something else I didn't expect either.
When we got in, I noticed a sickly sweet smell that made me dizzy. I realized what it was before Jane did. I was able to cover my mouth with a mask we had packed in a backpack in case anything went wrong, but Jane had succumbed to the gas. She passed out, and, when the man opened the door, I had to pretend I was unconscious as well. He started by dragging out Jane, and the look on his face was disgusting. As if he wanted to... take her... right there. I wanted to kill him. So. Badly. But, I waited. I let his disgusting hands touch me, drag me into his house.
On the way inside, I heard him say something about me seeming familiar to him. I was scared we were found out, but he just shook it off as a coincidence. He dumped me in the living room, trusting that I wouldn't wake up, and took Jane into his room to start once again.
Once I was sure he wouldn't come out, I went into the kitchen to find the dullest knife I could. So he would suffer. I was still searching when I heard Jane scream. Apparently, she had woken up. Her scream was quickly cut off, though, by the sound of something hitting flesh. Hard. For fear that he had already started the torture, I grabbed a random knife and ran to his room, but I found the door was locked. I heard the commotion from the inside stop, and he walked to the door. I quickly ducked into the room adjacent before he opened the door to see who was out there. He shrugged before returning to Jane, chuckling and saying something about 'getting back to their fun.' I heard the lock click, and silently cursed.
I went back to the kitchen to try to find a pin or a nail to pick the lock. It took me precious minutes to find a nail, and I had to be careful so that he wouldn't hear me. When I had successfully picked the lock, I pushed open the door to find Jane's hands tied to the bed post, her face bruised and scratched, and her clothes hanging off her body in tatters. The man was brandishing a whip, which he had already used on her repeatedly.
'Son of a bitch!' I yelled, before rushing him.
I yanked him away from Jane, shoving him to the floor. I dropped my knee hard on his stomach, relishing his pain.
'This is for my friends you slaughtered, you sick bastard.' I said, knocking him out by slamming the butt of the knife on his head.
'Help me drag him to the basement, Jane.' I said after untying her and making sure she was ok.
We threw him down the stairs, where a variety of sex and torture items awaited. We locked him on to a table, one I was sadly accustomed to.
'What are we doing first?' Jane asked me, staring maliciously down at the man on the table.
'I don't think you want to see what I'm doing to this prick. I wouldn't want to give you nightmares.' I answered, my head filling with ideas of revenge.
'I can stomach it. If you want me to stay, that is.' She said.
'If you don't mind, I need to do this alone. For them. And for everyone else who went through his torture.' I said.
She gave me one last long look, something of admiration, before going upstairs.
'I'm going to steal some things.' She called down to me.
I didn't respond. I instead woke him up.
He looked around, seeming very confused, before his eyes found me.
'Ah. You. I thought I recognized you before. Come to get revenge by killing a helpless old man?' He said, smirking slightly.
'Oh, no. First, I'm going to make you sorry. I'm going to make you regret everything you've ever done to me, or Fiona, or Ray, or Jane. I'm going to make you beg for death. And then, I'll show you the mercy you never showed anyone. But, I promise you won't find any mercy in Hell.' I said, getting right up in his face.
I began by cutting off his genitalia. He didn't scream or beg or even whimper, not when I burned the wound to make sure he didn't bleed out, and that angered me. I forced his mouth open, and shoved them deep into his throat until he began to gag, and his face turned blue. I didn't pull it out until I could see his eyes dimming.
He sputtered and coughed, but then began to laugh.
'Fiona... the red head, right? Oh, she was lots of fun to break. It took a while, but, when I finally did, we had plenty of fun. It was a pity we couldn't have anymore nights together.' He said, staring me straight in the eye.
My anger blinded me. I raised the knife above my head, about to bring it down on his heart, when I remembered all the other things I had in store for him.
I took a deep breath, and left him on the table as I went upstairs.
'Hey, Jane, can you grab me a wire coat hanger?' I called to her.
'Yep.' She called back.
She tossed me said hanger from the bedroom, and I returned to my former tormentor.
'And Ray... the black guy. He broke easily. All it took was a couple nights and my trusty old whip to get him to comply. Oh, he was feisty. And it didn't take a lot to make him beg. He was probably one of my easiest toys.' The man taunted.
'Son of a bitch, you're going to pay.' I sneered, bending the coat hanger until it was a long line.
I stuck the end of it under one of his fingernails, sliding it down into his hand. Somehow, the bastard didn't scream. He just had a pained expression and whimpered. I shoved it down harder, and he cried out, but that was it. I wanted to hear him scream and cry and beg for mercy. He didn't react as I did the same to the rest of his nails.
I threw the bloody coat hanger at the wall in frustration, racking my brain for more forms of torture.
'And then there was that girl who I'm guessing is upstairs. What was her name... Jane? She would've been very difficult to break, but once I did, she would make my night. She was pretty, too. I'm sure she would've looked better naked and covered in bruises, chained to this table. It's much too bad you ruined our fun. I'm sure she would have loved me. Oh, but I bet you two have already had your fun. Tell me. How was it? Is she good?' He asked.
I couldn't take his talking anymore, not about the people I cared about. I began punching him. Hard. By the time I got myself under control, he was missing several teeth, although he could still talk, and both his eyes were swollen and bruised.
'A little touchy, are we?' He said.
I got an idea. I went and grabbed the hanger again, and forced his eye open. I jabbed the point of the hanger into his eye, but not very deep. He cried out in pain, especially when I changed the direction the point was going in. I smirked, glad he was finally showing a reaction.
I did the same to his other eye, which drew the scream I was waiting for. I set the hanger down at the top of the man's head as I began searching for more things I could use for torture.
'Oh, and let's not forget you, Victor. Mmm. You were the only one who didn't break, and showed no signs of doing so. No matter what I did, you never begged for me to stop. Actually, no. You did when I was hurting your friends. Oh, how noble. And idiotic. You brought much more upon yourself than you had to. However, before you exact your revenge, I have to tell you something.' He said, sounding as if he was gloating.
'And what might that be?' I asked, examining a box filled with whips and paddles.
'You shouldn't have left the hanger where you did.' He said cryptically.
It took me a second to figure that out. When I did, I whipped around, but it was too late. The man was free. He was just getting off the table when I turned around.
I started towards him, and was about to throw him back on the table, but he threw me a mean punch. It connected with my jaw, and I stumbled back, slightly stunned. He took the time I inadvertently gave him to run up the stairs. He slammed the door shut when I was at the bottom to the stairs, and I heard a scuffle from the living room.
I rushed upstairs, bursting through the door to see the man holding a knife to Jane's throat.
'Not. Another. Step. Not unless you want her to die.' The man said, digging the knife more into her neck.
I didn't dare even breathe, much less move. I was tempted, though. Just to get at him.
'That's a good little boy. Now. Back in the basement, in the corner. I'll get you when I'm ready to enjoy your company once again.' The man said, smirking.
'Sick pervert.' Jane breathed, watching the knife at her neck.
'Now, now, that's not very nice. It looks like I'm going to have to... punish... you more severely than I thought.' The man said, looking down hungrily at Jane.
'What did I say, boy?! In the basement!' The man barked, pressing the knife more into her neck, drawing a thin line of blood and causing her to suck in a sharp breath.
I obeyed, going into the basement, hiding in the corner by the door so I could surprise the man with a knife that I found.
The sounds of a struggle ensued, several screams and cries mixed in with the sound of crashing objects and shuffling feet.
Twenty minutes later, the door squeaked open, and the man came down the stairs. When he was at the bottom step, I rushed over and grabbed him, forcing him on his back on the ground. I raised the knife high up in the air, about to bring it down, but I was interrupted.
'Wait! It's me! It's Jane!' She cried, holding her hands up to try to shield herself.
'... Jane? What happened?' I asked, standing and helping her up.
'We fought, and I was able to win. It was long, and difficult, but he's upstairs tied to the bed.' She said, looking tired but proud of herself.
'Thank you. For helping me.' I said, pulling her into a hug.
'Oh. Um. You're welcome.' She answered awkwardly.
We went upstairs, into the bedroom, where the guy was tied up and covered in bruises and blood.
'Do your worst, bitch.' He sneered, spitting blood on Jane.
'I wouldn't have done that, if I were you.' She said, bringing her fist down hard on his nose.
It started gushing blood, and it was bent at an odd angle. The man cried out in pain, digging his nails into the bed post.
'Ooh, looks like you broke it. Nice hit.' I said, squinting down at it.
'Thank you. If you want, I'll leave so you can take your time.' She said, starting for the door.
'No. You can stay. I would think you'd like to get some revenge, as well.' I replied, grabbing her hand to stop her.
'Ok. Just tell me what you need, and I'll get it. I want to see this prick suffer.' She said.
'I need four things. Salt, lemons, a knife, and a potato peeler.' I said, staring down at the man I hated most in the world.
'Ok.' She said, hurrying to the kitchen.
She returned a minute later with the things I asked her for, setting them down on the bed.
'This is going to be fun.' I said, grabbing the peeler.
I started on his arm, slowly peeling off his skin. I kept going until I reached his muscle, and, by then, the man was screaming loudly. I took a handful of salt, throwing it on his exposed muscle. He screamed louder than before, and I smirked as I cut the lemon in half, squeezing the juice on to his bare muscles.
'Oh, God, please! Stop! Please, please, stop! I'm begging you!' The man cried, clenching his eyes shut.
I felt a triumphant feeling rushing through my veins. I had done it. He begged for mercy. But it would be while before he got it.
'Oh, no. Don't think you're getting out of this so easily. You'll get your mercy, but after I'm done with you.' I said, smirking widely.
I continued my procedure on his other arm, then his stomach, and then his face. I looked up at Jane at one point to see her smiling evilly down at the man.
'You want to?' I offered, holding the peeler out to her.
'No. He ruined your life. You deserve to make him suffer.' She answered, looking up at me.
I returned to the routine, until the man was practically dead anyway.
'I hate you. With all of my being. You're fucking a whore, and you deserve something worse than death.' The man slurred, his face looking hideous.
'And you deserve to go to Hell. And, lucky for me, I can facilitate that!' I said, driving the knife through his heart at the last word.
The man died instantly. To see his body to limp, to see the life leave him, filled me with happiness.
'I... I did it. I did it. Fiona and Ray can finally rest in peace. I did it.' I said, smiling as if I were in a dream.
'Yes. You did. I'm happy for you.' Jane said, resting a gentle hand on my shoulder.
I looked over at her, at how she smiled, and I had an urge to... ravage... her. I obliged my whims. I pulled her into a fierce kiss, that eventually escalated into the best sex I've ever had.
We left the house satisfied, and walked the rest of the way back to Jane's apartment, where we collapsed on the bed and slept for a day and a half.
That was a really long story, Victor. And very well told. You could be an author one day.
Well, thank you, Jane. Anyway, Jane's weird recorder diary thing, I am going to go have sex.
Looking forward to it.December 18, 2004
My life as a cannibal is wonderful.
I don't have to spend money on groceries. I have a new boyfriend. I look greater than ever, and now, Victor and I are moving into an actual house. In all honesty, I have to thank God for collapsing those rocks and having me eat Aiden in the first place. Ah, life is good. But we're going to have to be careful. The neighbors upstairs asked us about the "fantastic smelling dinners" we cook every night. They want a recipe. I'm not quite sure what to tell them... maybe just say it's a family secret or something. Ah, we're finishing packing in like, three days, then we'll be on our way. The best part about it? It's an absolutely horrible neighborhood, filled with people who no one would care about if they went missing. We'll find our prey easily. And, as an added bonus, Victor found an extremely exclusive restaurant for people like us. He's taking me the night after we move in to our new place. I'm looking forward to it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go shop for a dress using all the money I saved on not eating actual groceries.January 3, 2005
Things have gone incredibly wrong. Someone caught us trapping our prey. She threatened to tell the police if we didn't do as she said. That bitch took Victor with her, and they fucked. He has to do it whenever she says, otherwise, we're going to be convicted as killers and thrown into jail, then probably sentenced to death. It feels terrible, though, knowing he's with another woman. I cry every time they do it. Victor assures me that it meant nothing, but it doesn't help. Next time I see her, I think I'm going to stab her in her pretty little fucking neck. I'm not even going to try a bite of her. She'd be too salty anyway.
But, on a lighter note, the restaurant we went to was terrific. The food was delicious, and Victor was so sweet. He treated me as if I were a princess, and he even bought me the prettiest necklace with a sapphire that he said looked just like my eyes... God, I need to kill that bitch. Soon, though. Soon.January 26, 2005
I killed her and I am so happy. She is dead. Cut up in a dumpster because she is trash. Victor is just as happy, and very proud of me. It was quick, sadly, a knife in her neck and a smile down at her as she died. Ah, it felt so wonderful. Revenge is sweeter than anyone I've ever tasted before. I don't care if she was someone's mother, or wife, or anything. She fucked with who I loved, and, because of that, she died. Simple. Ah, it was perfect. When Victor saw her body, his face lit up like nothing I'd ever seen, and he pulled me into our room. We had more than our fair share of... fun... before disposing of the body. I'm much happier now. Especially with the new house. It's got a beautiful garden and a lovely little loft where I do my work and read. Ah, now that that bitch is dead, my life fucking rocks.February 19, 2005
This is my last entry. The cops are coming. I don't know how they knew what we did, but they're coming. One of Victor's friends who understands us and works at the police station, he tipped us off, and we have an hour to leave before they show up. I just finished packing my stuff, and I figured I should leave this behind so aspiring cannibals can hear Victor's and mine story. I know a place far away from here we can go... no one will find us. I'm sure of it.
Ok, Jane, we really need to go. Like, now.
Oh. Sorry, I just need to say goodbye to this place. Even though we've been here for only a little while, I'm still going to miss it.
Hon, I'm sorry, I really am, I loved this place, too. We need to go, though. Right now. I love you, and I couldn't bare it if you got hurt, and if we stay any longer, you'll be hurt.
I... I love you, too. Just get in the car, I'll be there in a minute. Ok, diary. We've had a good run, but I need to leave you here, so they'll hear our story. Farewell, old friend. Farewell.This was the last entry of the diary. The police have yet to find Jane or Victor, but there is a rumor of them taking shelter with the cannibals somewhere in Maine. People are looking into it now, but no evidence has been found.

The Fleshy Book
HorrorThis is just a compilation of a bunch of scary stories. Please note, not all of these are mine. I'm just using them because they are epic. If you wrote one of the stories I used in this and don't want it up, just tell me, and I'll delete it. Also, c...