Chapter 3

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Ross' POV
We tackled the mysterious man while Rachael made a run for it to go find help,as we did this we tried to unarmed but did not succeed. We managed to annoy the man even more causing him to lash out at us, whip in one hand and a gun in the other. He struck us with his whip numerous times, causing us to scream out in pain each time we were struck. After a few rounds of these he stopped and said " I already know the answer but just want confirmation ,
Who attacked me first" .We all stood silently not to rat anyone out but Lauren stepped forward and yelled out "I did so leave everyone else alone,alright" but he only smirked and replied "darling you are in no position to be giving demands, and now I'm going to kill you and your friends are going to have to watch ok , so now you on your knees and the rest of you against the wall and do not try anything or it will get messy alright" he laughed and began to load his gun ,as he did this the door opened slightly to reveal 3 people standing at the door astonished at the sight unfolding in front of them. The gunman  turned to them and laughed then pulled the trigger.

Jace's POV
Lauren's scream still rang in my ears as I ran over to her and tried to support her in my arms to keep her conscious . " you fuckin bastard, I swear I'll kill you " I roared at him. Brandon ran over to me and Lauren, could see he had a tear in his eye, then turn around while taking out two guns and through one over to Ross so that they could surround the gunman. Racheal went over to the others to see if they were alright , then turned back to the man and questioned him " what have we ever done to you prick " he only laughed "well I had to get my information somewhere didn't I , well the little rat who told me bout you at the bar , well she in the room next store but I would not handle her right side its slightly burn so be carful ok"he laughed. Wiki left to find This girl with Rachael by her side. I took out the flash light from his pocket and shined it in the gun mans face , its you from the club isn't it .wiki pointed out and your the prick that was drink driving and crashed into my sister sophie almost killing her,your Sebastian aren't you Ross and I roared in unison. Sebastian laughed and replied "oh so you do remember me then" then Brandon stepped forward saying " you the Sebastian Velarc that abused Lauren when she was younger and all the other girls too " Sebastian's eyes narrowed at this " I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you calling the police when she told you ,they caught me for that, I lost 4 years of my life because of ye all of ye so I'm just taking back what should have been mine ,so I'm just going to finish my business here and I'll be gone " while pointing the gun at Lauren for one final blow and pulled the trigger but I jumped in front of her and took the bullet in the shoulder .Rachael, Wiki and The other victim came running in after the sound of the gun shot but The other girl did not stop running and straight for Sebastian with her eyes reading murder . Brandon threw his phone to wiki and yelled " call the police and an ambulance for Lauren and jace, we're going to lock this bastard up for good, after what he has done.

3rd person POV
At the hospital, everyone's wounds were being treated and wrapped, except for Lauren she was still in surgery to remove the bullet from her stomach. Jace was lucky that the bullet when straight through without hitting any bone .so with his arm in a sling he was waiting with the others in the waiting room for any news on Lauren. A nurse came over to the and asked if her parents were here Brandon stood up and walked over to the nurse and started to talk to her." What's he telling her " Jace asked Rachael, then she replied by saying that" Lauren's parents died in a car crash when she was only 9 years old and that she was raised by Brandon and his family since that's why there so close his her older brother really "Rachael whispered? At that moment Brandon returned " she's out of surgery but not awake yet and it could take awhile before she wakes because she lost a lot of blood" he explained .jace got up and started to walk in the direction of Lauren's ward but was stopped by Brandon " no visitors allowed yet guys but I'll keep ye posted if ye want to go home " he whined. rachael walk up to him "well , you better" then left with everyone except Jace ,"aren't you going home "Brandon questioned,  " No I'm not leaving until she wakes "

After 2 days friend and family were left in to see if their voices could help wake her up but nothing worked, Lauren was physically healing but it seemed that her body was still in a state of shock and was waiting for a trigger to wake her from her deep slumber. everyone took it in shifts to make sure she wouldn't wake up to no one with her, but jace had not left her side since he was allowed in to see her. It was Rachael's shift when she final woke, Jace was fast asleep on the edge of Laurens hospital bed when Rachael entered the ward, once Rachael sat down she started talking about the squad and how they were and how worried they are for her and everything. while Rachael took out her phone to text Ross that there was no change with Lauren, she heard a moan.Rachael was almost sure it was only Jace but then she saw Lauren sitting up on the bed mumbling "I feel like I lost a fight with a cheese grater" Rachael began to laugh uncontrollably, then jumped on the bed to hug her taking care not to touch any of her wounds. the force of the jump caused Jace to bounce off the bed and landed on the floor, he stood up looking all flustered and confused but when he saw Lauren and Rachael he realized what was happening. "Oh so you're finally awake, well I'll go and call Brandon then"Jace muttered then left the ward, " what's up with him and what did he mean by finally awake, " Lauren asked, Rachael just smirked and replied "well let just say that you been unconscious for 4 days and he hasn't left your side oh and don't let me forget he took a bullet for you and not even mentioning tracking you down to save us " but Rachael was interrupted by Jace walking back into the room " Brandon will be here in 10 minutes ok "he queried " perfect, I'm going to get some coffee want one, want one "asked Rachael "yup girl I'm dying for a coffee, as black as my soul remember"Lauren shouted as Rachael left the ward " so milky then " Rachael" jokes while closing the door ." So how you feeling " asked Jace " I'm fine just sore, it would have been a lot worse for me if you didn't take the bullet so thank you for that but I don't want people to risk their lives for me especially after what happen."Lauren blushed while saying this " well what should I have done, you were already whipped, punched, cut, stabbed and were already unconscious in my arms what should I have done left you to die"Jace yelled on the verge of breaking down, the only word that left Laurens mouth was " yes" and that was his breaking point, he leant down and kissed her. Then whispered into her ear "I love you and I would rather die than live without you"At that moment Brandon burst into the room followed by Ross and wiki hot on his heels " thank god you ok "Brandon said while embracing her "Im feel much better now" her gaze still locked on jaces " much better"

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