Chapter 5

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A scream rang through the halls of the house causing mad panic and a surge of people rushing towards the source of the scream. Once they arrive they found Lauren unconscious on the ground with a piece of paper beside her that read " I'm back to finish what I started "in squashed handwriting " fuck " rachael roared as she read the note , " I have to make a call " Rodd said before taking out his phone and walking off . Jace picked Lauren up and placed her onto the bed for Him to check if there was any new injuries . Once examined they found no new wounds , Brandon was pacing back and forth in the room while calling and texting on his phone to try and get through to anyone and get information. " yeah I know Sebastian is supposed to be in prison but just can you check to make sure and I know it's three in the morning but we just need reassurance alright " Brandon pleaded to the person on the other end of the line . After 20 minutes of painful silence as they waited to be taken off hold they were told that Sebastian Velarc was M, I, A. Just then Lauren shot up in the bed and screamed "Sebastian " then released that she was not alone " shit so it wasn't a dream " Lauren cursed as she got out of the bed and headed towards the door but was stopped by wiki  " where on earth do you think you're going " wiki warned " I'm going to my car, if ye want you can come but you can't stop me " Lauren said while pushing passed the girls . The walk to her car was silent but Lauren knew that she was being followed by everyone. Lauren walked up to her car and opened the booth which was empty " you brought me out in the middle of the night to see you empty car booth " Magnus moaned , Lauren justed ignored him and continued at what she was doing " I'm not going to feel weak and unprepared like I did last time , so I've began training and learning ever since then so who's with me to kill this bastard " Lauren stated while opening the hidden compartment of the boot to reveal a whole booth of weapons, " oh and there's more in the back of Brandon's too just saying " Brandon looked at her shocked " that's why my back axial drive has been so heavy " Lauren just glared at him " this is now war"

" Morning, " Rachael said as she entered the training room where they all decided to meet and train last night, once in the room she saw the full extent of the damage caused by Laurens training "You have been up early anyway" Rachael scoffed.  " Never left " Lauren replied while putting down her bow and taking up a handful throwing daggers, then rapidly throwing then at a practice dummy which had a mugshot of Sebastian tapped on. Rachael then went over to the weapons table and picked up a crossbow then took aim and shot the arrow straight through the dummies head " for long distance I'll use a crossbow but for fights that are close enough to get physical I'm going to use my bat " Rachael remarked as the rest of the squad entered the room . " so what are we starting with " wiki inquired while pulling out some training mats " I say we do a bit of sparring to warm up, who will fight me " Ross quired . there was a silence but which was soon broken by Lauren shouting " you're  on "  while taking his stance on the mats he began to smirk " ill take it easy on her so don't worry " he announced to the rest of the group. " I'm more worried for you after this fight, she's not easy to beat " Brandon warned as Lauren took her stance on the mats waiting for someone to start the sparring match. " And start "                                                   after six round Ross finally admitted defeat and decided to try out different weapons.  the others were either sparring or trying out weapons.  Brandon and Jace collapsed on the mats and when everyone rushed over to see if they were alright, they just replied " need food to go on, slowly losing the will to go on " they both whined . " ill go order pizza " wiki shouted leaving the room. " You two are so dramatic " Rachael moaned . " we are but we make everything more fun " Brandon retorted while sticking out his tongue. everyone rolled their eyes and went back to whatever they were doing before. wiki walked back and said " the pizza will be here in 20 minutes so we should go get showered and changed before dinner " they all agree and went to get ready.

Wiki bolted to answer the door to get her hands on the pizza and more " thank fuck I'm starving here " Wiki laughed as she opened the door but was silenced because of what she saw. A tall handsome brunette with hazel eyes which seem to pierce into Wiki as if she was a balloon. After a few silent moments of awkward staring, he cleared his throat " well all these pizzas are for you hot stuff, so that means there on the house " he said with a cheeky smirk, which caused Wiki to blush from ear to ear. suddenly a gagging noise was heard from behind her, it was  Brandon making faces at them, " just invite him in were all hungry ok " Brandon moaned as he left the hallway . " so, am would you like to come in for pizza " Wiki stuttered. " I would love to but could my friend come to, his on the phone at the moment " his asked. " sure, my name is Wiki "declared wiki " and I'm Bob " the brunette stated. Once they entered the kitchen the could see that already half the pizzas were eaten, wiki raced over to grab some pizza before it was all gone " stretch or starve my new friend or you won't get any" Rachael and Lauren said as they walked over to take a look at what wiki found. This caused Bob to burst out in hysterics " I would rather starve " he said once he regained his composure " What do you mean by that " Rachael questioned but as soon as she finished talking the boys on the other side of the room collapsed " what the hell did you do " Lauren roared but was soon hit by a wave of vertigo and fell to the floor and was followed by everyone else as well. the sound of clapping could be heard from the hallway, then Sebastian walked in laughing "Do you know how easy it is to drug the pizza " he ranted . " and now we are going to play a game" he laughed as everything went black. 

the sound of a low buzzing was heard as wiki regained consciousness she was meet by the sight of three other concert walls and off each wall, someone was shackled, only then did she realized that she too was chained to the wall as well. once she tried to get up her shackles made a loud clatter which got the attention of her fellow prisoner's. the first face she recognized was wikis then Brandon and finally Ross . " where is everyone else and where is Rachael " Ross said with a panicked tone to ha voice, the only reply was from Brandon. even then it was a growl " Sebastian and his new little minion, Brian or Bob drugged us ". Wiktoria was completely silent until she muttered " It's Bob " she said in a barely audible whisper. "  suddenly the metal door was shoved open to reveal Sebastian and two other men . Once they stepped inside the room they could recognize that one of the men was Bob. they walked in when Sebastian began to talk " now, I say you're wondering why I gathered ye here at this moment." he was interrupted by an attention seeking cough " oh where are my manners, ye have not been interduce to the new members of my team . ye have already met Bob " as he was introduced Bob sent a wink in the direction of an open-mouthed wiki " and this is my younger brother Sean " once his name was mentioned sean looked up and began to take interested in the conversation instead of twirling a dagger between his fingers . sean walked over to a struggling Brandon " where is everyone else, where are they and if you did anything to them I will kill ye, ye sick bastards " Brandon growled as sean stepped closer" oh you not really in any position to be making demand right now" Sean laughed before quickly running his dagger across Brandon's cheek then left the room follow by Sebastian and bob . " well shit now there's three of them " Ross cursed

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