So will you?

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Chapter 8

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-Shoutout to Emilly&Caitlin ;)


-Also follow me on twitter chelsea98_x

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Dan's P.O.V

It's been 2 days since George left, and Michaels mood is getting worse. Me and Aiden have suggested getting his parents over here, but that means Michael's Dad would have to leave the restaurant and we didn't want that. We tried to contact George, but that was no use. He had switched off his phone and just completely shut out the whole of the world.

"Dan? there is one thing we could do..." Aiden said in a questionable voice. "yea, and what's that? 'cuz I tell you something, I'm willing to do anything to get the Michael Sutthakorn I know back" I replied "well, we could um... Y'know, call Kavana"

What! is this guy out of his mind? we can't call Kavana! what she going to do? she can't come down here, she has college, and her family! she can't just up and move for a week because the guy she's falling for is having a mental break down! "Aiden are you crazy? we can't do that!" Aiden just looked at me, "ok maybe we can" I said.

Michael had went out for a walk and left his phone on the kitchen bench. I went over and flicked through his phone book until I came to a name that read "My Girl x" yup. That's Kavana! I fished my phone out of my pocket and copied the number onto the screen. After a couple of rings, she picked up.

Kavana- "Hello?"

Me- "Hey Kavana, it's Dan Lewis"

Kavana- "Oh, Iya Dan, what's up?"

Me- "well, you see... as you've probably noticed, Michael isn't really himself atm, George has disappeared for a week and he's going out of his mind, he doesn't know I'm calling so don't say a word, but I was wondering if you and the girls want to come down to London and stay until George gets back, I think Michael needs you right now"

Kavana- "Wow, Dan that's a lot to take in, in one phone call, but sure, I guess I could talk to Amelia and Natalie, I'll give you a text in about half hour, chow"

After that, Kavana ended the call, I guess it's just a waiting game now.

When she said Amelia's name, my heart quickened. My knees felt week and my heart began to race. I guess I'm going to see her cheeky little smile sooner than I thought! just wait till I tell Aiden!

I walked into the living room to find Aiden watching.. well you can guess what he's watching... Spongebob! I sat down beside him and began to fill him in on mine and Kavanas conversation. "so we're going to see the girls again!?" Aiden asked "well, I hope so Aid" I replied. Both of us just sat there with these dickish smiles.

Now the hardest part... Telling Michael.

About half an hour later, Michael walks through the door. Me and Aiden looked at each and Mike knew something was up straight away "what?" he said, while shooting us a concerned look. "um, Mike? we have something to ask .. Well, tell you" I answered him. "Yea on, what is it?" he asked while taking a seat opposite us, "well, I've spoke to Kavana.. and we've um, asked her and the girls to come down, just until George is back, Me and Aiden thought you might of needed Kavana here with you, since your going through a rough time" Michaels face began to fill with rage. His eyebrows were raised and his nose a little scrunched. But then it slowly started to straighten out, I don't know weather this was a good or bad sign.

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