Chapter 2 - Sadie

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When Sadie got round I had to tell her all the details.

"...But you were listening to the radio anyway" I told her when she asked, "theres no need to tell you!"

"C'mon Lou! Tell me anyway!" She begged.

"Fine" Once I told her all about it (even tho I didnt need to) we went on a thinking plan of what we were going to wear. Even tho she would look great in anything! shes tall and has beautiful crystal blue eyes and fair blond hair that comes up to her shoulders.She looks 17! Unlike me im small, have green eyes and brown hair that comes down halfway on my back. I look 12.

"Niall is going to be soo hot!" she cried, "I cant wait!"

"mhmm" i mumbled, I wasnt really listening because i was trying to fit a little black dress over my head. Sadie came over to help and did the zip for me.

"Too slutty" she said as she was examaning me.

"Shopping?" I asked

"Yep, Come on lets go now!" she replyed

"No not right now! One I need to change out of this" i moaned, "and two the consert not until another 2 weeks!"

Sadie sat down on my bed as I got changed back into my jeans and top. Then my mum and dad came in, followed by my two annoying little brothers.

"Shes going to take me!" my brothers fight at each other.

"We heard about the news" my mum smiled at me through the door, "here, have this" and she handed me £35.

"You didnt have too mum!"

"no, you take it! for your little shopping trip" She must of saw the clothes on the floor (we always try on clothes before we go out clothes shopping) "oh and hi Sadie!"

"Hiya!" sadie mumbled as she looked up from her phone, she was on youbook, she nomally is on there.

My brothers came into my room fighting and kicking each other.

"your taking me to London arent you?" screamed my youngest brother George.

"No,me!" screamed my oldest brother Tyler.

"no,im taking Sadie. Now GET OUT!!" I slammed the door behind them as they ran out.

Boys are soo annoying!


Thanks again for reading!

Sorry theres lots if speech in this chapter!

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