everyday is bittersweet

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Every day is bittersweet
I'm happy
So very happy
But I'm also so
So very sad
I'm so excited for ever new day
But I also dread the new day
I continue on
Just like the time that goes on
I push aside all the doubt insecurities and sadness so I smile
I don't smile to hide what I feel
I'm a open book
I smile for the people around me
You never know who needs it
I smile for things to come
There's only up
When you hit rock bottom
My smile is my hope
There will never come a day
Where I don't smile
So even if I'm in a world of hate and crime
Even if three year olds die because of road rage
And tears roll down my face
I'll smile at the end
I'll show the whole world my hope
Maybe they'll have hope too
Hope for the new day
Everyday is bittersweet
I'm happy
So very happy
But I'm at so
So very sad

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