I want to die

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I want to die
but I can't pick up the blaze
I can't swallow the pills
I can't tie the knot in the Rope
I want die
but I know it won't bring a happy ending
And I won't get to meet you again .
But the voices won't stop
They're repeating in my head burden
I'm sorry
It Won't Stop
I hate the silence
Did you know that
The silence frightens me
I used to like this silence
but now the silence
Isn't So Silent.
I want to die
but I can't swallow pills
I can't tie the knot in the Rope
and I can't pick up the blade. The tears won't stop
even when they do stop on the outside they're still falling on the inside.
I keep asking
why you have to go
I keep saying sorry
begging you to come back
I'm sorry will you come back
I didn't realize how alone I was until it was too late
I didn't realize
that I had no purpose
I didn't realize
that all those time you was being mean or at least I thought you was you wasn't
You was just looking out for me
I wish you were here
I want to meet you again
I want to see my life
after all the pain
and suffering
and loneliness is gone.
I want to see me complete my dream
I want to not be a burden but I still want to die
I just don't have the courage to pull The Blaze
or swallow pills
my hands Shake too much to tie the rope
so for you Grandma
I'll stay here

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