Chapter 25 (boyfriend!?)

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(Sarah's Pov)

i hear a bang causing me wake up to an empty bed and then here "Why hello there sleepy head" and then theres a dip in the bed.


"Hey" is all i say rubbing my eyes trying to get my vision not blurry any more, well until i can make out stuff.

I look beside me and get my glasses and see the time  7:28 "Ugh, so early" i say flopping down on the bed.

I then hear a snicker and "Sarah its upload time come on get up" Simon says.

"No" is all i say and roll on my side.

I ten felt myself being picked up making me let out a light scream "Simon!" "You called" He says looking down at me cause he was holding me bridal style.

"Put. Me. Down" i say crossing my arm. "Naw I'm good" He says smirking. "Well I'm not and i still need to cover something with make up that someone did" i say poking he's cheek where his dimple was.

"Fine you win this time" He says letting me down as i go and get ready.

I finish my make up in the mirror, hair; check, shower; check, Make up ;check and clothing; not check.

I go out of the bathroom only in a towel, i walk over to my suitcase and grab my tee, a flannel and a pair of jeans and as i was about to grab my under ware i hear a voice saying "Sarah?".

It makes me stand up and look behind me to see Simon "Oh hey" i say smiling.

"Ya hey" he says back and looks down at my body. "Guessing you just came from the shower and is getting your clothes"?.

"Well ya, wait" i say wide eyed, I'm only in a towel ONLY. i quickly get my clothes and hid my underwear and bra in my clothes and rush to the bathroom and get changed.

I walk out of the bathroom and go to my bed side and pick up the necklace Simon got me and attempt to put it on but i always struggle "Hey let me help you" I hear the British boy sitting on the bed say.

"Ya, Thanks" I say and give the necklace to him as i was about to turn around he puts his arms around me and moves my hair and puts the necklace on. "You better at putting on necklaces better than me" i say with a chuckle.

I then feel arms wrap around me causing me to hug back "Never leave me ok?, also i can do necklace's so easily because my mom always need me to do hers".

"Oh, and also ill never leave you Mr Emotional" i say laughing. Then feel us separate a bit but were still kinda in each others arms. "Oi boys can have emotions, and please don't really?" he says looking down at me.

"Ya whatever you say crybaby, And don't worry i won't, i almost lost you once I'm not letting that happen again" i say tightly hugging him again.

{At Upload}

As i walk onto the stage and hear the screams of our fans making me smile the biggest grin ever.

I sit down in my chair it goes Vikk then ChrisMD then me then Simon.

{Mid way}

'Do any of ye have girlfriends or boyfriends?' I hear the question at insanely look at Vikk.

"Well, I do and we decided to tell you guys if it was asked so Me and Shauna are going out currently so ya", Vikk says and the we hear someone from the crown saying 'Get in there Vikk". Cauing the room to laugh.

Chris remained silent so i said "Well erm, Me and Simon are well" is all i say and the crown start clapping and i push my chair over  to him and put my arm around him, he's looking at me as if i went mad and once the crowed died down i say " as i was saying Me and Simon are not a thing dun dun dunnnnnn" and i take my arm off his shoulder and we continue with the Q and A.

{At the end}

We all get up but i feel instantly dizzy and faint when i get up i notice our mic's were cut when Simon said "Sarah you ok" "I dont know" is all i say and put my hand on the chair trying to regain balance but fail as i tumble to the ground with a loud thud but at this point my hearing has gone and i feel as though in slow motion until everything turns black.

(Simon' pov)

I try to catch Sarah but fail as i hear a thud.

I bend dow to see if she's ok i then see Chris and Vikk at my level now "Here ill carry her somewhere where theres help, ok" i see them with nod.

Before i pick her up i grab a mic and say to the crowed "Dont worry guys she has only just fainted from what happened before this event as some of ye know" i then put down the mic and bend back down and carry Sarah back bridal style the only thing was we had to go through crowds of people and they were probulary giving me weir looks but ah well.

(Sarahs pov )

I start to open my eyes to be blinded by the light. "Sarah? You ok?" i hear by i think Simon. "Ya, i guess, what happened?". I say sitting up a bit on my elbows.

"Well" he started sitting down next to me "The doctor told you and me when you were in the hospital that you could get light headed or faint i thats what happened i pretty sure you got up to fast".

"Oh" I say back to him. "You ok, now, need some water?" he says handing me a bottle of water "Thanks" i smile back. 

I take sup and instantly put it down and check the back of my head to make sure my cut was ok. "Hey dont worry i have already checked its fine" he says taking my hand from my head and holding it.

"Hey what time is it?" i ask questionably. "erm 1:53 why" "I have meet and great with JJ at 2:00" I say as i get down from the chair table thing i was on "Hey go slow and be careful" He says finally letting go of my hand. "Hey dont worry ill be fine" i say smiling.

I quickly look around the room only me and Simon are in here. I look back at him, he's smiling i quickly peck he's lips and smile "Again ill be fine, Thanks Si" and with that i walk out quickly trying to get to this meet and greet.

(Simons pov)

"Hey what time is it?" she asked me. i quickly look at my watch "Erm 1:53 why?" "I have a meet and greet with JJ at 2:00" she says and slowly get down from the table thing she was on "Hey go slow and be careful" I say finally letting go of her hand. "Hey dont worry ill be fine" she said smiling back at me.

I see her looking around the room and then looks back at me smiling so i smile back. I then feel her lips on mine for about a second and then there gone so she gave me no time to react. "Again ill fine, Thanks Si" she said smiling and then turns on her heels and walks out.

"Didn't see that coming" i hear from behind me, Josh. "Josh!" I say surprised "How did you get in here?" "Theres another door, also remember you saying that she was never going to like you well what was that?".

"It was nothing, its just something we do". I say sanding up about to leave the room "You've kissed before and not just once?". 

"Maybe, why do you care?" i say back to him stopping at the door to exit. "I care cause your my friend, talk to her about it ok, also when are you telling her about the move?'

"I haven't" I say remembering those words i promised and the words she said  'i almost lost you once I'm not letting that happen again' "Ill tell her soon" and with that i left to go to the gaming stage.

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