Dead or Alive (A Zombie Apocalypse Collab with foefoetoetoe)

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Chapter 1

Melianne's POV


I was in my house, sitting on the couch and watching k-pop on my phone before the apocalypse started. Ella was watching SkydoesMinecraft modded cops and robbers in her room. I could hear faint sounds of laughing, over my inhumane noises and seizuring from fangirling too much, of course.

"Ella! Shut the fuck up before I come up there!" I yelled, pausing my beloved music, sitting up. Technically, this wasn't my house, I was just using it as a sanctuary so I'd have somewhere to go as my stuff was moved into my apartment. even though I was 19, I hadn't exactly moved out of my parents' house, so I had to finally retreat to my sister's house, bringing me here. I walked up to her room, knocking on the door before walking in.

"I hope you aren't watching porn or anything." I said as I invaded her room. I turned my head to the window as we heard the scream. 

"I'm not," Ella had said, but well, she was cut of by the ear-peircing scream from outside. I cocked my head. I know screams aren't normal, but I had to ask,

"Do you normally get screams in the middle of the day around here?" I asked, trying hard to not note sarcasm in my voice. I walked closer towards the window, peering over my younger sister's shoulder. I couldn't really tell what was happening, but I understood it wasn't good.

"What-What are those?" I asked, even though I could clearly tell that hordes of zombies were plowing their way onto our street. I had a strange urge to go outside and look at the lethal monsters, but, logically, I fought it. Who in their right mind would go out, unarmed, into the beginning of what seems like an apocalypse?

"The apocalypse has started, don't worry though, I keep machetes in my basement. No guns though." Ella said, baffling me with the comment of machetes. I never took Ella as a violent person. "Go grab a backpack and put some food in it, I'll get the weapons." she said. I nodded, rushing downstairs. I grabbed my navy blue backpack, which for some reason, I kept from high school. I jogged into the kitchen, raiding the cupboards for anything not perishable. I fill bags with cereal, granola bars, trail mix, and dried fruit. I grabbed a couple bottles of water, an energy drink, and soda (because I felt like it). The backpack was getting pretty full, and I was running out of compartments. I took the machete she handed me, using a belt loop of my red skinny jeans as a holster. I put on my vest, putting a black hoodie over it. 

"What am I going to even do with this?" I asked, gesturing towards my machete. I closed my backpack, hoisting it onto my back, holding the hilt of my machete warily.

"I'll show you once we get a secure base." she said, and I shrugged.

"Ok, I guess. When are we leaving?" I asked, cautiously edging towards the door. She had already left without me, causing me to mutter a few choice words under my breath. I ran outside, meeting up with her. I heard the gunshots, raising an eyebrow I looked at Ella. I unsheathed my machete, still a little uncomfortable with holding it, and started swing at the undead guys.

"Yeah, I'm not deaf. I heard them too." I said, concentrating on staying alive with all these brainless fools roaming around. I sprinted after Ella, as she, again, left me behind. I could almost make out the voices, but I couldn't put a finger on who they were.


Le Author's Note-

Yeah, this is a zombie collab with the wonderful foefoetoetoe. Yeah, go check her's out for Ella's POV! Yeah, Bye.

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