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Chapter 3

Melianne's POV


I struggled under the zombie's strong grip, rolling over, only to have him follow me, pinning me again. I questioned why he hadn't eaten me yet. It was probably just because he was really slow and stupid. I looked towards my groupmates, only to see they had problems of their own. I could hear the hospital doors open, then footsteps, and a gunshot. The zombie fell on top of me, staining me with even more blood. I pushed the ugly lump of flesh off of me, looking at Adam, who had probably heard my scream, rushed out, then shot the ugly thing.

"Thanks, you saved me there." I said as I noticed a few more zombies coming around. They probably heard the commotion, and came to see. That's just like a zombie, to check out what a gunshot was for, instead of running away. 

"It's fine," Adam said, rushing back inside, going back to his group members. Jerome and Quentin had killed the zombies they had a bad time with, and now we were ganging up on the groups of zombies invading the streets. Blood puddles had filled the streets, making my black converse a bit wet, which didn't make me happy at all. These were my favorite shoes. Wait, why am I thinking of these petty things when I'm fighting zombies? I scolded myself, shaking my head. I sliced a few zombies, watching them fall to the floor, almost laughing. No, I wasn't going to turn into a apocalyptic maniac. I wasn't going to allow it. We continued going on like that, occaisonally stopping when we cleared enough zombies to do what we were supposed to do, boarding up windows and doors, leaving one door for us to get in, which we had planks on standby for. We couldn't see anymore zombies coming to the hospital, so we dashed inside, boarding the door up quickly.

"Well, what do we do now?" I asked, looking around the empty lobby. I sat down, taking a bottle of water out of my backpack. I drank some of the precious fluid, quenching my dry throat. 

"I'll go try to find everyone. They've probably mauled all the zombies by now." Quentin said. Before we could protest, he left. I sighed, shaking my head. 

"Should we go looking too?" I suggested, standing up and brushing my legs off, as if it would actually help my blood-stained clothes.

"No, we'd probably get lost. Let's just wait for now. Get some rest." Jerome said. I nodded, sitting down and closing my eyes.

~Le Time Skip~

I was awoken from my peaceful slumber by Quentin, who had shook me awake. I groaned, rubbing my eyes.

"Did you find them?" I asked groggily, standing up and stretching. Quentin nodded, and motioned for us to follow him. We followed him down the long hospital halls, then down some stairs into a dimly lit basement. Ella and Mitch had set it up into a training room. I dashed to the guns, taking one. It was much better than my machete, fighting wise. I'd be able to fight zombies better, well, if I had good aim, that is.

"Niceeee." Jerome said, high fiving Mitch

"I've always wanted to use one of these." Adam said, picking up a machete. I nodded.

"Well, you're going to learn from the best!" Ella said, a bit too cheery for my liking.

"We should probably have some lessons, most of us don't know how to use a machete, so we should learn about the machete first." Ty suggested.

"Yeah, and then whoever wants to teach Melianne and Ella how to shoot can go, then we'll be all good with weapons." Ian added on. We all nodded, agreeing with the pending idea. Ella left to teach everyone how to use a machete, leaving me at the gun training dummy, practicing my aim, and building up the courage to actually shoot it. You would hear an occaisonal bang from my gun, then either silence if I missed, or a small cheer if I hit the dummy. I was kind of getting better, but not at all ready for the zombies. I laughed slightly as I faintly heard Jason moaning that he couldn't do it, as others being in misery amused me. Yes, I'm fucked up. I know that. I continued shooting my gun, getting a bit better at hitting my target. I sighed, putting down my gun. I pulled out my machete, walking towards the group of trainees.

"Hey..." I said, walking towards a dummy.

"What is it?" Ella said. I scrunched my eyebrows.

"Wow, I'm just coming over here. No need to be all defensive. Damn." I said, taking a few swings at the dummy. I frowned, not finding a hint of curiosity or sarcasm in her voice. Why was she like this? I didn't even do anything to provoke her, which I did usually.

"I was just curious, don't have to be so harsh" Ella said, yet I didn't hear hurt in here voice. I shrugged. I usually am harsh anyways, so I made no comment, swinging continously at the dummy, getting a bit better. I saw Jason drop to his knees. I widened my eyes, yet my legs rooted to the ground.

"Jason!? JASON?!?!" Ella yelled, rushing over to him. "Melianne, get over here quick!" she yelled. What the hell was I supposed to do? I walked towards Jason, crouching down next to him. I felt his forehead, he was warm, too warm. He had a fever, but how?

"I need Tylenol, Advil, aspirin, or something like that." I said. Mitch and Ella ran off, probably to search for medicine. I carried Jason, who was surprisingly light, back to his room, laying him on the bed. I sat in the chair in the room, looking for one of those weird forehead thermometer things. I found one, to my surprise, and rubbed it on his forehead. I frowned at the temperature. 100 degrees. I sighed. This was bad. I placed the Advil Mitch gave me down on the table.

"Guys, this is bad." I said.


Le Author's Note~ Yay! Jason is sick! Whee! Wow, um.... yeah. There you go.

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