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Chapter 2

Melianne's POV


We approached the gunfire, and I could make out the voices much more clearly.

"Adam, hold them back!" One said,

"I'M DOING THE BEST I CAN JASON!" Another one yelled. I could tell Ella had figured out who they were, but I still couldn't identify the survivors. 

"Ella! Wait up!" I yelled, reaching her and seeing she was at gunpoint by one of the survivors. She had her hands up,

"We don't mean any trouble." she said, sounding quite confident for the situation she was in.

"R-Really?" the stranger asked. I approached them, standing behind Melianne

"I'm a really big fan of you Mitch." Ella said. Oh, that's where she knows these people from.... YouTube. It all makes sense now. Ella pushed the gun down.

"You're a fan?" Mitch said warily. Ella noticed the zombie behind him, as Mitch wasn't paying all that much attention to his surroundings right now. Ella did some awesome spin around thingymabober that I couldn't really understand was possible. She killed the zombie easily, blood spurting from the corpse, onto her.

"Yup," Ella said, probably answering Mitch's question.

"Awesome power move!" Mitch said as I walked to her.

"Are you OK? Do you know these people?" I asked frantically, panicking.

"Yeah, they're the people I watch on my laptop." she said as many more people walked up. I galnced my frantic eyes over the group, crossing my arms.

"Mitch you found some survivors and didn't shoot?" one of them asked. I wasn't all that familiar with them all, so I didn't match names and voices to faces.

"Yeah, wait, I didnt even get you're names." Mitch said. I sighed, rolling my eyes. I wasn't one for introductions.

"My name's Ella," Ella said, looking happy.

"Melianne." I said, looking at the ground. "I don't  trust them Ella, even if you do know them, I don't really want to stay." I whispered into my sister's ear. Was it my fault I didn't trust these strangers automatically?

"Melianne, I trust these people, you can either stay with me or leave." Ella said. I glared at her. She was too trusting of her idols.

"Fine..." I mumbled.  

"Do you guys have a base or something? We've really just been running around." Ella said. She has spilled too many details about us. Sometimes I swear Ella just gets on my nerves.

"Nope, we've just been doing the same thing you're doing. We have no place right now." One said. Ella sighed, serves her right to have no luck.

"Do you guys want to team up?" Ella asked them. I groaned. Socialization, ew.

"Sure, I have a good idea of where a base could be" one said.

"Thanks." Ella said.

"Thanks..." I muttered, sneering. I couldn't believe this, and reluctantly followed them to the abandoned hospital.

"We should clear it out first, and explore every inch of it just in case it isn't safe" the same one said. We split up. Ella was with people who introduced themselves as Mitch, who I knew, and Jason, who was the guy who brought us here. I was in a group with Jerome, the guy who talked to Mitch, and Quentin . Adam, Ty, and Ian were in a separate group as well. We walked into the lobby, noting the zombies.

"We should have one group reinforce the entrances so no more zombies can get in. Is that a good idea?" Ella asked.

"Yeah, we'll have some work to do." I said, pulling out my machete. I walked up to a zombie, slicing it's head off before it could get to me.

"That's a good idea, Jerome?" Jason asked, looking towards my groupmate.

"Yeah g?" Jerome said, confusing me a bit with his words. I wasn't all that sure what g meant, but I assumed it was something related to being friends.

"Can your group help reinforce?" Jason asked, referring to Ella's idea. I sighed, not really wanting to stay out here.

"Sure dood!" Jerome said, beckoning us outside. I reluctantly followed, gripping my machete a little tighter. I was greeted by the groaning face of a zombie as I rounded the corner outside. I yelped, then heard a gunshot. The zombie that confronted me fell to the floor, blood flowing out of the back of it's head. Jerome stood a few yards away, holding his gun up, breathing heavily, like it took a lot to fire the gun. 

"Thank you," I mumbled, my grip loosening on my machete. 

"No problem dood." he said, smiling, even though he had just shot someone, he looked cheery. I couldn't help but smile.

"Let's go kill things!" I said, pumping my fist up into the air. I ran after a few zombies, not caring for their mangled screeches and stabbed one in the head, blood getting on my face. One tackled me, and I struggled to push him off. I didn't have enough distance to lift my machete to his face. I was doomed. I transferred the machete to my teeth, getting more strength to push the abnormally strong zombie off me, to no avail. The zombie's disgusting face came closer, and I screamed.


Le Author's Note- HA! Cliffhanger biotches. You all probably hate me.... but! A chapter shall be uploaded soon. So don't fret my little ones.

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