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Chapter 4

Melianne's POV


"What do you mean?" they all replied.

"I mean Jason has a fever, his temperature is 100 degrees." I said, frowning. I pitied Jason, getting sick this early in the apocalypse. I shook my head, looking at Jason's sleeping body.

"Is he bitten at all?" Ty asked, nervousness creeping into his tone. I sighed.

"I haven't checked yet, but thanks for reminding me." I said, walking towards the tranquil body belonging to the feverish Jason. I pulled his shirt off, barely noticing Adam bite his lip. I cocked an eyebrow, but looked away. "I don't see anything here." I said softly as I checked his back. I rolled his pants legs up, seeing blood and scratches, but nothing resembling a bite. I shook my head. "I've got nothing." I said.

"Well, that's good at least. Now we now that Jason here won't be zombifying on us." Ian said. I had barely noticed Ian in the room, maybe because he didn't stand out or talk much, maybe because I was ignorant, probably the latter. I nodded in his direction, smiling a little, even in the bleak state we were in. I wasn't sure how I mustered up a smile, a small one at that. I wasn't one for openly expressing my emotions, so the kind motion surprised me. I saw Ella smirk and glared at her. I could literally feel her idiotic thoughts penetrating my mind. I sighed, telling everyone to leave, to give Jason peace and quiet while he heals, as I've assumed it's just a regualr fever. I noticed Ella and Mitch stay behind, but I didn't question it.


I rubbed my eyes, looking at the unfamiliar surrounding I was in. I was in the basement, well, training room. I had fallen asleep there, and I could see my machete laying next to me. I put the sword in my belt loop, walking upstairs. I passed Ella, who was walking from Jason's room. Had she slept there? I shrugged, entering the sick boy's room. I sat in the chair next to him, taking his temperature, only to see it hadn't changed by much. I could hear Ian, Adam, and Ella's voices from the lobby, and could hear the teasing and laughing erupting. I smirked. Maybe this whole teaming up thing wouldn't be all too bad. Ugh, what am I thinking? I'm not supposed to like anyone, it's written in my instructions manual. I shook my head, looking at the still sleeping boy. I sighed, getting up to walk out of the room, a ssad look painted on my already dreary face. I brushed a strand of hair out of my face, walking to join the others in the lobby.

"Good morning, nothing's changed with Jason, just so you know guys." I said, leaning against one of the bleak walls in the hospital lobby. Sometimes I forgot this was a hospital, as I spend most of my time in the basement, you know, the not hospital-y part. I glanced around, my grey eyes flicking around the semi-depressing hospital lobby. 

"Way to ruin my day Melianne, I thought he was getting better." Ella said, pouting. I rolled my eyes, in a way my past teenager self would do way too much.

"Did you really think he was going to be better, it's been less than 24 hours, and his temperature is really bad, he might not get out of this for a while." I said crossly. I held back a condescending comment on her intelligence, but only because there were others here. I could hear Ian and Adam laughing, and I smirked, as they were laughing at her. Ella wasn't really paying any attention to them, just pouting. There was a conversaton of waking others up, but at that time I was already leaving to the training room, my machete clanking against my leg from time to time. I walked down the dark steps to the basement, my eyes roaming from the floor, to the old walls, to the dummies, to the weapons either on the floor or on the tables. I stood in front of a dummy, falling to my knees in front of it. I knew I didn't have much private time right now, but I felt hot tears running down my cheeks. I wondered why I had to go through this, why everyone relied on me for Jason's revival, why I even exsisted, and many other selfish and mean things in front of the lifeless training mechanism. I clung to it's shot up base, small sobs gurgling up from my already hurting throat. I really hoped no one would walk into my horrid state of being. I sighed, hearing footsteps, although the tears wouldn't stop, I looked at the stairs as Ty's face came into view.

"Um, I heard crying, and I just..." the boy said, stopping as he realized the noises were coming from me. He walked towards me, crouching down next to me. He held his arms out, and I fell into the boy's grasp, crying quietly into his shoulder. We went on like that, barely hearing the laughter upstairs, me crying, him petting my hair softly. I sighed, my throat aching, and my face wet from all the tears. I removed my head from his shoulder, looking at the floor. 

"I-I'm sorry." I said softly, my voice tired and crackling. I focused on the cracks in the gray floor, anything but his face. It would probably be filled with sympathy, pity, and other feelings I couldn't bear to witness, in risk of bursting into tears again.

"Melianne, what's wrong?" I heard Ella's voice ask. I looked up, scrambling out of Ty's arms and standing up. I wiped my face, giving a fake smile.

"N-Nothing's wrong!" I said, glaring at Ty, so he'd get the message. He nodded furiously, and I rolled my eyes. He couldn't just be inconspicous, could he? I sighed, wiping my cheeks so there would be no evidence. I puffed a breath out, flyaway strands of hair fluttering in and out of my face.

"I'm going to check on Jason."  I said, pushing past the two, I rushed up the stairs, hurrying towards Jason's room. I looked at his vitals, grimacing as I noticed he needed more fluids. I prepared an IV, soon sticking it into his arm, letting his nutrients come back. I sighed, everyone was worried about him, and I, personally, would like for him to wake up.


~LE AUTHOR'S NOTE~ Yeah, you'll see more shtuff in the next chapter (duh)... So bye.

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