Chapter 3

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Many girls are jealous of Hope, they didn't like the change, they didn't just hate Hope, they despised Hope. One day as Hope was in the bathroom the girls came in and threatened her, they pushed her down and hit her over and over but Hope didn't speak, those girls reminded her off her past, she didn't want to make the same mistake, as the girls hit her she remembered the girls she hurt when she was seven, she remembered the crying faces of the girls parents when they appeared on the news a few days after the girls went missing, Hope didn't want to see that again, so she kept quiet until the girls were done. In the end the girls left laughing and Hope on the ground, her face covered in bruises and her eyes puffy, even though she got beaten, she would rather she got beaten than the girls gone. In Hope's opinion the girls had a life to live, they have a family. Hope remembered watching the girls with their parents at concerts and talent shows, their family's always smiled and laughed, Hope didn't want that to end for them. Hope thought she knew her place, sitting on the floor and getting beaten, she thought that as long as she did what she was told, they would keep smiling. When Faith saw the bruises she was furious, but Hope told Faith that she fell and it was nothing serious, Faith didn't really believe it but she didn't wanna be nosey. After school Faith dropped off Hope to her house, they were expecting to see the old house torn down and shabby like usual, but instead they saw flames. When Hope saw the flames her eyes grew wide and she ran in, she could still hear Faith's voice calling out to her, telling her to come back, but she couldn't, she just kept running and running as the fire scorched her hair and burnt her skin, she could feel her lungs give out, she could barely breath, but she still ran, until she reached the room with the boxes, quickly, she grabbed the pictures and ran back to the door, but before she could reach it, she fell, before going unconscious she slipped the pictures into her jacket to keep them safe. When Hope woke up, she was in the hospital, she could feel the light hit her eyes, so bright and blinding, when her vision cleared, she looked next to her and she saw a person on a chair sleeping, she studied the person and figured out it was Faith. Hope's throat was so dry that it was hard for her to speak "F-F- Fai-Faith" once Faith heard Hope's voice, she opened her eyes and smile, they stayed like that until the doctor came in "young ladies, I am Doctor Katagiri, you can just call me Doctor. K, Hope, you have almost third degree burns, it doesn't seem too severe but it will leave scars. After hearing the good news, Hope and Faith laugh and carefully hug each other, it was a happy time for everyone, then Hope got to go home, but home was gone, what will happen to me now? Where will I stay? You'd expect someone to ask these questions, but not Hope, the only question that filled her head was "what happened to the pictures?"

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