Chapter 1

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She cried and cried all day until she could cry no more, her words did terrible things, but in order for you to understand this story I have to start from the beginning.

Her name was Hope, she was fifteen and even though she got everything she wanted, there was a price. Her words were what got out of hand, like that saying "be careful what you wish for" she wasn't careful and her words did unforgivable things. It started when she was seven and some girls were bullying her, she went home with bruises and scrapes, her mother asked what happened but she never answered, it went on for years, never getting better until on her eleventh birthday. The girls were coming to give Hope her daily beating but this time she fought back, and lost. Her head pushed to the pavement, the girls asked what Hope had to say for herself and she said "I wish you would leave me alone" the girls laughed and said "that won't happen until we're dead" then walked away and Hope was rushed to the hospital with five stitches in her head. The next day there was a news report on TV saying the girls went missing. Hope smiled in relief, the girls were finally gone but where they were, no one knew. It went on for years, Hope's anger and sadness did many things, she couldn't control it for long. Everything bothered her and no one was there to tell her it was okay. Her Mother left when she was seven and her Father went missing when she was thirteen, the last thing she said to her Mother was that she's not needed and to leave, the last things she said to her Father was to disappear. Now Hope is alone, the only thing that she fears is her words, the words that made her Mother, Father and many other people leave, the words she hated and despised but she couldn't stop speaking, it was like speaking was apart of her life and It wouldn't go away, ever since she could talk her words have hurt countless others and left her alone. In the beginning I said she got all she wanted, and she did. If she said she wished for money, she would get it, if she wished for a car and license, she would get it, but the only things that could never happen no matter how much she wished for was, her family back, anyone she hurt or killed back, her curse to be gone and to never speak again. Most stories have a happy ending, but the way this one ends, no one knows. She kept the power of her words a secret and went on with her life. No one knew about Hopes words and no one cared, except for one girl. Her name was Faith, Faith has lived her life perfectly, her parents were together, she had a huge house and everyone was happy, it was a life that Hope always wanted but could never have. Faith was nice, she saw how Hope struggled with life and how no matter what people said, Hope never cried. One day Faith went up to Hope and asked her why she never cried, Faith's words shocked Hope, and Hope told Faith that the reason she doesn't cry is because she can't. After that day Faith sat and watched Hope from a distance, she never really understood what Hope meant, but was intrigued by her words and sought out to find the answers to her questions. Many days went by and still Faith had no idea what Hopes words meant, finally Faith decided to ask Hope, but Hope just stood there and didn't say a word until the bell rang for class. Still many questions in Faith's head and no answers. Faith thought that Hope was like an unsolved puzzle, and just like the puzzle you could never see the true picture until all the pieces were put together, but with this puzzle, all the pieces were lost. Faith was worried for Hope and wanted to find out more, she invited Hope to dinner, but she refused, still Faith tried and tried until she could try no more, none of her questions answered, just more questions made. Questions filled her head and all were about Hope. The only thing Faith found out was that Hope's pieces will never be able to be found, like they were taken away and locked in a cage. Even though Faith tried many times and never succeeded, she never gave up. After watching Hope countless times Faith talked to Hope again, this time she invited Hope to sit with her at lunch but Hope once again refused and sat alone. Faith wondered if Hope liked being alone but then she thought that no one would like to be alone, being alone seemed sad and of course lonely, but what Faith didn't know was that Hope had been alone most of her life, through the sad and scary times, the proud and happy times, no one was there taking Hopes picture as she held her school awards and no one was there to tell her that it was okay to be afraid of the dark and that it's okay to think that there's monsters under your bed and it's okay to cover your ears when lightning strikes but no one is there for Hope when the lights turn off and lightning strikes, not even her tears can comfort her because she can no longer cry.

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