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"Hyung!!!!", Taehyung turns around to find a 15-year-old with chubby cheeks and his locks covering his face.

"You didn't come to practice yesterday, do you know how much trouble I had trying to make up an excuse for your absence?"

Taehyung turns around to find himself staring adorable face, "Sorry Jungkook, some things came up that I had to take care of."

"Okay," Jungkook replies his voice immediately softening, his face concerned,"The competition is next week you know, we've been working up to this for years." Taehyung stares at Jungkook,"we are a duo, you can talk to me if you need to."

Taehyung softly smiles and ruffles Jungkook's hair,"You should worry more about yourself," Jungkook's cheeks turn crimson. Taehyung turns around and walks down the empty hall way his snickers tapped the tiled ground as he took a step.

"Why does he always ruffle my hair, I'm not a child," Jungkook mumbles. The bell rings.

~One Week Later~

"Okay I've got my music sheet, CD, water bottle and ID," Jungkook nervously sighs,"I hope we practised enough,", he grabs his phone off the table, rushes down the stairs, walked to the front door with his bag balancing on one shoulder, he took off his slippers and put on his shoes.

"Bye Mum!" he shouts.

"Goodluck!" his mother replied from the kitchen,"watch out for cars and stay on the foot path."

"I will!" Jungkook closes the door behind him, the wind swept the locks of his hair which were forever falling into his face, "I hope he's not late this time." he walked down the road to the bus stop.

~About Half An Hour Later~

Jungkook stopped in front of the building that towered above him, making him feel inferior. His hands immediately started sweating as he tightly held his bag straps. Breathing out unsteadily he walked through the glass doors trying to cover the overwhelming nervousness he felt.

At the front counter, he showed his ID and gave his music score, "Go down this hallway, turn left and there would be a room, please wait there until your name is called."

Just before he left he asked the lady who gave instructions to the waiting hall of Taehyung was here yet.
She checked the list of applicants for the competition,"No," said the lady,"He will have to be in 20 minutes if he wants to compete."

"Thank you," said Jungkook, he walks down the hallway," It's okay," he assured himself," he usually comes at least 10 minutes before they perform."

He saw many other competitors sitting down in the waiting room, he found a seat making sure the is a free one next to him for Taehyung.

Jungkook checked his watch, it's been 10 minutes since he sat down."Where is he," tapping his finger he continued to check his watch.


The speaker announcement ended with a beep.

"Hyung is still not here," Jungkook started to panic, he couldn't use his phone in the waiting room so he couldn't call or text Taehyung.

One by one he saw the competitors go into a room to perform.

"He said he would be here for sure and promised me that we will win first place together."

"Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung, please come into the performance hall, thank you"

"Oh no," Jungkook thought as he got up and headed towards the hall, "what are they going to say when there is only one of us here?"

He pushed open the door and saw 4 people, three men and one woman sitting down at a long white table.
Jungkook bowed.

The examiners looked at him for a few seconds. " It says on your application sheet that there are two of you."
Jungkook froze on the spot,"what do I say, this is embarrassing"

He looked at the examiners.
How could he break a promise?

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