Uni x salt

421 20 12

[Kawaii_GamerGirl notified me of this ship for I have forgotten about it. I also see two other requests so heheh ;3]

One day uni was walking in the park, and then he saw Cory.

He ran up to the blonde and yelled at him.

"yOu iDiOt yOu aReNt sUpPoSEd tO sLeEp oN pArK bEncHes" he yelled at him, causing Cory to wake up.

"Uni...chill, it's just a park bench, you salty bastard" he muttered slightly, rubbing the park bench.

Steam came out of units ears.

"I am not salty!"

"Yes you are"

"No im not!"

"yEs yOu aRe"

"nO iM nOt"

"Uni if I dipped you in a lake It'd become an ocean from all your salt" Cory smirks, knowing he had won, but did he really?!

"Well maybe it's because I'm married to the salt!" He buffs and Cory looks at him in disbelief.

"I did it you felt that way about salt uni. I ship it"

Uni then took out one of those salt shaker things and began making out it with. It got to the point that mothers had to cover their children's eyes as they walked pass uni and his salt.

The end.

Don't worry I don't actually write like this XD At least I don't think so.

Anyway Ima go work on those other two request things! C'ya

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