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Been awhile hasn't it?

Ha and I thought I would actually commit to this, but I guess all things must come to an end.

I know I haven't been active on this account in such a long time, but it's been hard.

I regret to inform you but I gave up on writing, it was never my strong suit and I can't take the pain and confusion I bring to myself just to force myself to write something to keep others entertained. I haven't wrote in awhile and I'm sorry.

I'll officially be leaving wattpad, leaving writing behind forever.
I've written many things in my life and I always looked up to myself as being an author when I become of age, yet I'm going to let down the past me and you don't know how much that hurts.

But I can't bear it any longer.

I wanted to write, I wanted the voice in the back of my head to stop calling me a lazy good-for-nothing idiot. I wanted to make something of myself.

Yet I can't even bring myself to look at a piece of paper and actually make something good in writing. I'm failing English because of my lack of empathy and that I don't know how to explain things well. Most people will say that I'll learn over time, but it's been this way since I was five, FUCKING FIVE.

I can't bear the pain of forcing myself to write anymore because I don't have a creative mind and I probably never will.

And look I don't even know what I'm writing about now, I confuse myself in the littlest ways possible and that's what makes me a bad writer, I get off topic so much and I often don't even know half the stuff I'm writing yet i didn't give up.

Unfortunately I'm giving up now.

I'm truly sorry. If you understand my motives and why I must put this suffering to an end I greatly appreciate you as a person.


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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2017 ⏰

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