Frozres~its over isnt it?

615 33 17

School had just ended and I was rushing to the buses. Worried I might miss my chance at getting home and not walking. My mom was at work and who knows where my dad is and my brother doesn't give two craps about me.

"Come on come on come on!" I rush out of the school building, I had to make it to the bus! I'm not walking home again! As I turn the corner to where the buses usually are I see them zoom off.

"Goddammit!!!" I shout as I watch them zoom off in their desired locations. I sigh.
That's when it starts raining.

"You got to be kidding me!" I whimper, as I pull my coat closer around my body. I just sit on the curb in front of the school and look up into the rainy sky. I never liked rainy days, they weren't as joyful as snowy ones. With snow you can build whatever you want, you actually had a sturdy material to make whatever your mind can think off, at the right temperature of course.

I didn't feel like going home, mom wouldn't be back until tomorrow morning and even then I'd have to leave to school so I would only get to see her for less then 20 minutes in the morning. And my brothers never home anymore, he's usually staying at a friends house. Ever since dad left he hasn't been the same, he can't even look at mom straight. Says it's her fault. But I could never blame her, she works hard to take care of us kids and give us a stable living environment.

I hadn't known I was crying until something brought it to my attention, well more like someone.

"Hey you ok?" I look up at the boy who snapped me out of my thoughts. I had my hood over my head and can only pray that he can't see the redness around my eyes and just think it's the rain.

"Y-yes I'm fine" i sniff, I know it was proven that you can't get a cold from rain, but I can still believe I will, and we all know how powerful the human brain is.

The boy held a umbrella a over my head, As he sat next to me on the curb.

"Are you crying?" He asks, concern laced his voice. Like you'd care, you don't even know me I thought.

"No, it's just the rain....." I mutter, refusing to make eye contact with the boy. I knew he didn't believe me but I was grateful he left it alone. "Alright, how about I take you home! Can't stay out here all night." He smiles kindly at me and jumps up, reaching his hand out. I sigh and shake my head.

Why am I agreeing to this

"Sure" I say as I grab his hand and he lifts me up off the curb, but when I'm finally standing straight I realize how close we really are, and then I realize I'm staring and we are holding hands. I don't think he notices it either. He just seems to be staring back.

I laugh nervously and let go of his hand, backing away alittle. "Sorry.." The boy shacks his head and smiles. "It's fine." And we begin our way towards my home.

"I'm nick by the way"



Me and nick were heading to our lunch table, talking about the video game we played last night and how he beat me, every single time.

"I swear dude, I'm not good at video games!" I laugh and he smiles.

"You're not that bad.." He grins and laughs. I push him gently. "You idiot" I smile wid,y at him and stare into his chocolate colored eyes. I blush slightly and look away, hoping the awkwardness between us would dissipate.

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