Chapter 35

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You wore this with skinny black jeans and white converse/combat boots


"Well dinner was fun, wasn't it?" You walked along the beach, shoes in one hand, Dan's warm hand accompanying the other. The feeling of sand squirmed around your socks with each step you took. The sounds of crashing waves and the distant whooshing from cars filled your ears and little orange and white lights flickered at the other side of the water, very far away.

"Yeah. Sorry about my dad" You giggled, pushing a strand of stray hair back which had slowly made its way across your face. "He's a bit... invasive when it comes to my relationships"

"If you think that's bad, you need to meet my mum" He laughed, squeezing your hand.

After a while, you sat down on an old log and placed your shoes in front of you. It was close to the water and you begun throwing rocks into the water, trying to skim them but failing.

(Skimming rocks is trying to make them bounce on the water, idk if it's national or not (I'm Scottish/British). I though sending 'xxx's when texting was but wHOOPS)

"Noob" He disappointingly shook his head playfully and picked up a flat stone. He stood up, quickly smoothed down his dementor jacket and effortlessly flung it to the water, successfully bouncing three times before it landed with a satisfying 'plop'.

"You try too hard" You murmured just loud enough. "He turned back to you with a foolish grin which he was trying to surpress but failed.

You kicked a few lone pebbles out of the way and sat down on the sand. Dan copied and quickly leaned back against the dark log.

"Sand, fuck off mate" He swatted at his shoes which were covered in sand.

"See, I think ahead" You grinned, holding your shoes up and placing them back next to you. Your head tilted upwards and you started to admire the stars which were presented on a clear dark blue canvas tonight. Not a single cloud in sight. A small smile crept upon your face.

(This is maybe gonna sound weird but it's how I feel so yah)

These stars held a meaning to you. No matter what had previously happened in your life, these stars stayed the same. No matter what what crap was flung your way, there was always something there that never changed. They had seen you at your worst, your best. They have seen you crying yourself to sleep, relentlessly shouting at yourself through a pillow and saw you admiring them at 4am when your mind was too awake with negativity to sleep.

The deep blue/black night sky complimented the stars and showed that no matter how dark everything seems, there are glimmers of hope.

Dan's POV

I looked over at her. Her eyes gleamed with wonder at the stars. She always managed to find happiness and excitement in the littlest things. Again and again, she picked up the sand and let it sift through her hands. Her eyes shifted across the night sky, looking at each individual star.

She looked over to me and let out a little laugh as she realised I was staring. She once again released the sand from her grip and laced her hand with mine.

"See that star? The one in the middle of that wonky triangle? She pointed. "This sounds so stupid.." She hung her head and flickered her eyes away, a thin peice of hair falling out of place.

"Hey hey, nothing you say sounds stupid" I let go of her hand to push her hair back and held her hand again to run circles on the back of her hand.

"Well, I uh, named it. I call it Luna" She looked back up, the twinkle returning in her eye. "I didn't have many friends when I was younger. Everyone found someone better, I guess. So I kinda made friends with a star. It would never judge me , it never said I sounded or looked stupid or my hopes and dreams were unachievable. To be honest, that star supported me a lot. It was always there for me, and it always will be" She giggled at herself.

"I bet you think I'm crazy" She looked back at me, a hint of regret in her smile.

"I already knew that Y/N. You're bloody insane, but in the best way possible"

The regret faded and she showed a genuine smile. She scooted next to me and kissed me passionately. No one like Y/N had ever kept me feeling butterfly's in my stomach every time we connected. She made me feel special, like no one else could. I knew I wanted to spend forever with her, longer if possible.

Your POV

"I love you Y/N" He blurted out. I looked at him, shocked. Why me? "There are three things I've learned in my life; 1: it does get better. 2: no matter how different you feel from everybody else you will find one person who understands you and wants you for you, even if it takes eighteen years" He giggled a bit, nervously.

"And I know that I don't want to spend another day away from you. Ever. Yeah, life might be meaningless, but there's no one else is rather spend my meaningless life with. Well, romantically. Phil's pretty important to me" He giggled. "I love you Y/N"

I stared at him, eyes wide open before they creased as a smile slowly danced it's way onto my face. "I love you too Dan"

I hugged him tightly, knowing finally, that an actual person would finally be my star.


A/N; sorry for not updating for a while.

I'm actually pretty proud of this chapter

Can you please leave opinions on this chapter because I kinda like this style of writing but idk

It's longer than usual (1105 words) because it's a Christmas/New Year present and honestly you guys deserve so much more than a new chapter because you're all so nice and appreciative. I'm also talking to my ghosties, I appreciate you too boo.

Also I got a laptop for Christmas, so I'm doing the cover because I think the current one is boring af

My parents know about this book actually kill me. And my dad wants to know EVERYTHING. All I've told him is how many reads and nothing else because is he FUCK finding out about this. He doesn't even know Wattpad exists so that's a plus BUT HE TOLD MY AUNTY AND IM SCARED IF HE DRINKS TOO MUCH TONIGHT HE'LL SPILL IT TO EVERYONE

And it's New Years Eve, Happy new year! Let's all hope 2017 isn't as shit as the train wreck known as 2016.

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Love - L x

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