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       WARNING: this book will contain two BOYS dating. If you don't like it, it's 2017, I don't know, pretend it's a fucking girl or get your morals checked or something cause you need to get over it. Hope you enjoy the book xoxo
"You're gonna be okay kyler" Anthony grabbed my hand, gently rubbing his thumb across the back of it. I put my head down hiding my eyes, my slightly too long sandy brown hair fell in front of my face.  Anthony sighed slightly, using his unoccupied hand to lift my head up. His captivating green eyes caught my own dull grey ones and for a moment I forgot all of my problems and got lost in his beautiful face. "Hey" Anthony said softly "do you trust me Ky?" The way he looked at me made me feel as if when I was with him all my fears and problems  couldn't reach me, as if he wouldn't let them. "Of course I do" I whispered lowly, scared to talk as a result of me feeling clingy and needy. "I love you" I continued, a little louder. I needed him to know it, in case I ever have an accident again. In case next time I don't make it. "Good, I love you too baby" he said cupping my face in both his hands, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead "im not gonna let anything bad happen to you, ok baby? I promise" he sat back in the car seat pulling me onto his shoulder, running his hand through my hair, calming my anxiety slightly. An alarm went of which made me jump hiding my face in Anthony's shoulder. "Sorry honey, it's time for your pills" my mom said from the front seat, my sister smiled back at me in pity from the passenger seat, placing her hand on my knee, letting it linger for a second before turning back around, continuing whatever conversation she was having with mom that I wasn't paying attention to. I sighed, the pills made me feel like shit and I already wanted to vomit due to the almost 5 hour car drive that we were only 1 1/2 hours into. I looked at Anthony pleading silently for him to not make me take them. He kissed me softly "I'm sorry baby" he said resting his forehead on mine "less talking, more kissing" I said pecking his soft lips. He ran his hand through my hair, something that calms me instantly, "on one condition" he handed me five pills. One for depression, anxiety, PTSD, anger and hallucinations aswell as a water bottle. I rolled my eyes turning and looking out the window. He ran his hands through my hair and along the back of my neck. "Please, Kyler" he whispered lying his head on the back of my shoulder placing a kiss in the crook of my neck "for me" he continued kissing me again sending shivers down my spine. I turned and looked at him, tears welling in my eyes "I'm not crazy" I whispered a tear falling "oh babe" Anthony said wiping the tear from my cheek pulling me onto his chest, kissing the top of my head then resting his chin on it. "Just because you need some pills doesn't mean your crazy" he ran his hand up and down my back, I sobbed harder "y-you're taking me to an institution, you're trying to get rid of me" I sobbed choking on my words. "Kyler Adam Carter how dare you" Anthony said softly but at the same time harsh sitting me up. He looked mad and I suddenly felt ashamed, I looked down mumbling a pathetic "I'm sorry" he lifted my head up with two fingers kissing my cheek "we aren't 'getting rid of you' we're getting you help so you never have to leave us, or take these" he stopped, motioning to the pills in my hand "ever again" I sighed taking the pills then leaned my head on the window knowing the drowsiness would kick in, in about fifteen minutes. Anthony scoffed from beside me, I turned and looked at him. "What?" I questioned wondering what I did this time "why would you use the window when I'm right here" he said fake pouting. I chuckled laying my head on his shoulder as he played with my hair "have a good sleep baby I'll wake you when we get there" he whispered into my hair "I love you" I mumbled drowsily. "I love you so much baby boy" I heard Anthony's angelic voice whisper before the darkness of sleep surrounded me.

"Ky, c'mon sweetheart it's time to get up" Anthony's voice rang in my ears right before I felt a pair of lips on mine. "Mmm" I whined "I don't wanna Anthony" I said sadness filling my voice. "I know kiddo but you have to" he said kissing my head, I glared at him "you're only five years older, don't call me kiddo" I growled, he knew I hated it. "I'm sorry babe" he replied holding out his hand, I took it as I stepped out've the car. The 'Jackson institution for the mentally unstable' looked like something straight out of a fucking horror film from the 50's. I looked at Anthony "There's no way in fucking hell im going in there" I stated. My mom hit my arm "Watch your language" she said firmly "I'm 18 mom I can do whatever the fuck I want" I said rolling my eyes. Anthony slapped my ass "Ow what the fuck Anthony" I yelled. He kissed me passionately "Respect your mother Ky, she's sacrificed a lot for you" he said his hand still on my ass rubbing the spot he hit "Have I mentioned I like this boy" my mom said smirking. I looked at him smiling "yeah, me too" Anthony smiled putting his arm around my shoulder. I leaned on his shoulder as we started walking toward the building. The inside was exactly how I expected it to look, just like the outside. Anxiety filled me as I realized I was starting to have a panic attack luckily Anthony noticed "baby you're ok, deep breaths, here" he ran his hand along my back and in my hair, handing me my emergency inhaler. I took a deep breath with it calming down slightly. Anthony pulled me into his arms holding me tightly. "Are you Kyler Carter?" A voice said from behind me. Anthony answered for me "yes he is" he rubbed my back as I continued to hide in his chest tears filling my eyes "ok you're patient number 5432 follow me" she replied in very fake peppy I-love-my-job voice. Tears fell as Anthony kissed me and then lightly pushed me in the direction of the lady "I love you" he said tears welling in his eyes "I'll see you soon. If only I had known how wrong this statement was. My heart broke as tears fell from his eyes. Anthony never cried "yeah, I love you too" I said looking at him one last time before turning around and heading in the direction of the lady, more tears falling as I saw the solitary rooms and uniforms.
Bare with me it gets a hell of a lot better. I update once every week. I hope you guys like the story. Feedback is always appreciated. Remember bad attention is better than no attention at all. Hope you guys liked this chapter and I'll see you in the next one- xoxo Skye

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