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Grey's P.O.V.
I had woken up to an empty bed. I quickly checked the clock on the nightstand beside me. 3:30A.M? Where the fuck is Ky?

"Kyler, baby are you down here?" I semi-shouted as I headed down the stairs. No reply. I went to the living room to see if he went to watch tv. Nada. He wasn't in the kitchen or bathroom either.

"Baby, where are you?" I yelled through the house, panic washing over me like a tidal wave.

"Babe, please answer me!" I screamed. Still nothing. I ran outside.

"The car." I stated out loud. "Where the fuck is the car?"

Kylers P.O.V.
I was shaking. I cranked the heat up, although it didn't do much good, I wasn't shaking cause I was cold.

My phone vibrated beside me. I knew who it was before I looked.

Baby, where are you? Are you hurt? I'm worried, please message me back.
Sent: 3:45A.M.

I messaged back I'm fine. Half paying attention to the dirt road ahead of me.

Exhaustion made my eyes heavy and it was all I could do to stay awake.

When I had gotten the call at 2 I was reluctant to leave. To see him. But it was the only way I could get answers as his deal was that we talk in person or we weren't talking at all. Not that he was really in a position to be calling the shots but I wanted, no, I needed answers.

I cranked the radio in a desperate attempt to stay awake. My phone kept buzzing so I reached over and turned it off. The last thing I needed was Greyson talking me out of this.

I stopped at some random 24/7 convenient store. I searched the aisles until I found what I was looking for. A burner phone. This way I could still talk to him, without Grey unintentionally making me feel guilty.

I dialled the number I knew so well. It connected after the second ring.

"Yeah?" The voice questioned.

"It's me." I stated. As if I'd flipped a switch his voice turned harsh. "Where the fuck are you? I've been waiting for almost and hour."

I laughed annoyed. "What's funny?" His tone softer, but annoyed. "I'm 5 minutes away. You can wait for me for five minutes, I waited for you for 5 months."

With that I hung up, dropped the phone, stepped on it. Got in the car and drove to my destination.

Unknown P.O.V
I heard his car before I saw the headlights. It was roughly around 4:30 and I was growing more impatient by the second.

I needed to see him. I needed to talk to him. I wanted to hold him. To apologize. To explain.

My heart was pounding as he stepped out of the car. This was happening. This was real.

He stood infront of me, close enough that I could cup his cheek. Run my fingers through his hair like I know he loves. Kiss him. But I didn't, instead I asked one simple question.

"Can I hug you?"

Grey's P.O.V.
I sat on the couch, staring at the black t.v. Screen. I was racking my brain, trying to figure out where he went. I tried to call him but it went straight to voicemail, meaning he had shut off his phone.

I left him a voicemail anyway. I started off shouting. "Kyler where the fuck are you? I've left you like fifty messages. If you're gonna fucking Houdini in the middle off the night the least you can do is leave a goddamn note." I sighed. "Sorry, baby. I'm not mad, I'm just really worried. I'm sorry if I did something to hurt you but please don't just leave like this. Come home so we can sort it out please. I-I lo-." I sighed "Just come home okay?"

Kyler's P.O.V.
"Can I have a hug?" It wasn't a complicated question, but it sent my mind in a maze of thoughts. I stood there not knowing what to do.

"We don't have to." His voice was reassuring and it made my stomach tighten.

I didn't say anything, I just hesitantly wrapped my arms around his waist. He placed his hand on the back of my back and the other on my lower back. I tensed slightly but he didn't notice.

We stayed like that for a second and then I pulled away. I could tell he wanted to hold me longer but I couldn't. It felt weird. Wrong almost. And I knew exactly why, he wasn't Greyson. He never would be.

"Why'd you insist on us meeting so early?" I questioned. "I have a flight at 6:00A.M." He stated simply.

I scoffed. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I looked down, anger consuming me.

"What?" He questioned, placing his hand on my shoulder. "You're pathetic Anthony." I turned angrily, knocking his hand off my shoulder. "It's honestly tragic." I headed towards the car.

I walked a few steps before I heard him call me. I stopped but didn't turn around. "I'm sorry Ky, about everything. About lying, about hurting you...about....about leaving."

I slowly turned around. "Then why did you?" I said, calm but aggressive. "I don't have a good explanation Ky, and even if I did it wouldn't matter. I left you when you needed me and that was shitty" he looked like he wasn't done but was waiting for me to say something.

"Yet you still did." I laughed angrily.
"I know" he said looking me dead in the eye. "I'm not trying to justify my behaviour it's just..." He looked down.

"Just what?" I challenged. "It was hard for me" he said as rage filled my body. "You were going through a lot an-" I cut him off. "Hard for you? It was hard FOR YOU? I was the one in a mental institution, all alone, depressed and a bunch of other fucked up shit. I was the one who got left behind. I was the one who was abandoned. But it was hard for you!" I shouted.

"Kyler I-" "Like I said Anthony..." I turned around in the direction of my car. "Pathetic" I got in and drove away.
Hey guys! I hope you liked that chapter and it's probably not the last you'll see of Anthony. Who do you like better; Anthony or Greyson? Personally I like Greyson but that's probably cause I created him exactly how I imagined the perfect boy so.
As always feedback is always appreciated and remember, bad attention is better than no attention at all. Hope you guys liked this chapter and I'll see you in the next one-xoxo Skye.

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