Chapter 2

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Unblossomed Flowers May Not Look Like Much But...

~*~Third Person's POV~*~

Opening her (e/c) eyes, the giantess looked around blinking as she felt the warms rays of the sun. "Finally, we're here." Someone spoke making the she-titan look towards their direction, "Now look at that. The stupid thing actually waited." the giantess flinched at the soldier's choice of words before looking down. "What the hell are you two doing? Get back to work." Levi says glaring at the two soldiers before facing the giantess "...You aren't stupid. Okay brat?" the man walked away leaving her to her thoughts, before feeling someone climb onto her shoulders. "Hey again." She gave a somewhat of a smile, while petting Eren's head "S-stop that!" The teen blushed at the odd affection towards him. But smiled as the giantess's gave a sound close to a laugh, "I just wanted to say thanks for helping me with that boulder." Eren states again smiling before frowning as he could see that the giantess hair was in the way of her eyes. "He-Eren, let's go!"

Levi calls again walking around the castle base, as the brunette sighed but hurried down afraid of what the short captain would do 'He almost...' was the giantess's thought as she placed a hand over dull colored eyes. Feeling something warm flow onto her hand, the she-titan quickly ran off towards the closest source of water forgetting that many soldiers had witnessed her running off but were stopped by their commander "Don't. Me and squad leader Hanji will handle this." upon hearing her name the brunette squealed before launching after the giantess. With the blond commander in tow, they watched as the she-titan basically threw her face into the lake. Course the two questioned it before seeing the lake slightly turning red and watching as the titan brought her face out and started to dry when she knew that the water had gone. "Miss, is something wrong with your sight?" Erwin called out causing the giantess to almost run into a tree when hearing his voice, standing in place Hanji decided to land on the female titan's shoulder and pull back the messy but neat (h/c) stands and gasp; causing Erwin to raise an eyebrow.

"Hanji, what's wrong?" The brunette simply waved to the blond as the commander quickly rushed over before freezing at the sight. A large scar went across her face; cuting both of her eyes as blood still flowed a bit before disappearing. "I..I'm guessing something happened a while back for this to happen. Right?" Hanji gains a nod before the titan-obsessed woman sat on her shoulders, letting the (h/c) locks fall back into place "I see..that explains why you point to know which way the headquarters was during the night. But that doesn't explain why you seem to know where everything is during the day.." Erwin begins before sighing as he stood on the giantess's other shoulder. "It can wait! Besides I think we should let her decide when to tell us." Hanji smiles gaining a pat on the head as the she-titan went into a jog heading back towards the old castle "Alright, perhaps after we get the new recruits?" the blond says to himself, jumping off the giantess shoulder and heading back inside the castle as Hanji simply stood.

"Well since you're going to be with us for a while. I might introduce you to everyone later, since I notice no one said anything.." She begins whispering the last part, "I'm Hanji Zoe. And again, I'm guessing you don't have a name huh?" the brunette looked shock when the (h/c) titan nodded. "I tell..later" The giantess musters before falling onto the ground, falling asleep from exhaustion while Hanji just gave a grin before jumping off. Only turning to see any other movement, her eyes widen when seeing unblossomed flowers surrounding the giantess's gigantic form as the brunette quickly noted it inside her small notebook. She continued walking away with a smile before remembering the two titans they had captured causing her to run off and grin at the thoughts of her 'experiments'.

~*~Next Morning~*~

"AAAAHHHHH! SONNY! BEAN!" The giantess quickly rose to her feet when hearing the cries of certain brunette, running towards the castle's courtyard to see Hanji crying over the corpse of two dead titans "This can't...this can't be happening!" she yelled as soldiers went to dispose of the bodies. Course none still notice the she-titan until one screamed seeing her large hand grabbed the brunette gently before walking away "W-wait!" stopping, Eren climbed onto the lowered hand before clinging to the giantess's thumb as she begin to walk away. 'Squad Leader Hanji..' The teen thought watching as the (h/c) titan placed the crying woman onto her shoulder and Hanji instantly hugging the titan's neck, coming to an open field the giantess placed the two humans onto the ground before again walking away. "Where is she.." Eren questioned before looking shock as the female titan returned with a large rock in her hand, placing the hard object down the (h/c) took a few steps back "H-hey.." the male muttered hoping for an explanation.

Ignoring him, the giantess swing a fist at the rock causing the said object to break into two. Leaving one side where it sat the other was moved next to it, the titan then began to claw at the flat side of the rocks craving out names. Watching from afar was Squad Levi who stood by, impressed as the giantess stayed quiet with her fingers beginning to bleed "Why would a doing this?" Oluo says as Petra sighs before smiling sadly. "Well at least we know she's nice. And won't attack us." The woman states smiling as she saw the words on the rocks. Understanding what the giantess was doing, Eren began to gather flowers occasionally looking back towards the still crying brunette "" looking up the teen almost dropped the plant life in his hands at how close the female titan was. "" She says before leaving to go sit by the handmade graves, Eren nodded before running towards the brunette "Squad Leader Hanji?" the said woman looked up with red puffy eyes.

"Wh-" Before she could question the woman froze at the site before her, and slowly stood and walk towards them with Eren in tow "Sonny...Bean.." the brunette says placing a hand on the graves. Giving a small roar the giantess then walked away grabbing Eren by his cloak, who dropped the flowers by Hanji, and headed back to the castle. "Do you think it was best to leave her alone like that?" The teen questioned sitting crisscross on the giantess's palm, "She need some alone time.." she answers surprising them both at her full sentence. "W-well, I should get going. I'll see you later." Waiting to be brought down Eren questioned when the female just brought him closer to her face "Bye.." giving a short kiss, causing the brunette to blush red at the still odd affection towards him, and dropped him onto the ground before again walking away to lean against the castle building. Relaxing at the gentle breeze, the she-titan closed her (e/c) eyes only jerking them opening when hearing horses in the distance.

'Probably just some soldiers returning..' She thought going back into sleep ignoring the shocked gasps that were heard as the new recruits watched the female titan, "That's the titan that helped Eren back in Trost." Armin stated causing Mikasa to look at the giantess with a grateful look. "Really? Some say she was scary looking.." Christa says making Jean sigh "But what's with the flowers?" he stated, causing his friends to squint their eyes to see the unblossomed flowers surrounding the giantess's body. "Those are gladiolus, aren't they?" Ymir asks looking back at the group, making Mikasa and Armin mutter a 'I see' and causing the group to look at the duo "Unblossomed flowers may not look like much but.." Mikasa begins as Armin went and finished the sentence.

"They show us that new beginnings will happen."

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