Chapter 4

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There Are Humans With Good In Them...And Those With Bad In Them

~*~Third Person's POV~*~

"Armin, what are you doing?" Jean asks looking down at his blond friend who was currently looking through his bookcase, "Oh! Hey Jean, and I was looking for a it is!" Armin exclaims flipping through the pages of the worn out book. "What's that?" Walking over, the brunette (I have no idea what Jean's hair color is really xD) looked over the blond's shoulder to see pictures of odd places "Its a book about outside the walls! My grandfather gave it to me a while back, and I was going to show this to (name) and see if she recognized any of them." grinning as the duo walked out of the blond's bedroom. Jean, who was questioning this, simply shrugged it off and followed the shorter blond to the mess hall where their other friends sat.

"Morning!" They say seating themselves with Armin next to Eren and Jean next to Connie, "Morning, good thing you two came because Levi had just ordered us to do chores." Reiner states making the group of friends groan. "Hey Armin, is that what I think it is?" Eren questions pointing out the old book in the blond's hands "Yep. I was thinking of seeing (name) sometime today and see if she knows." this seemed to have caught some attentions of the girls, seeing how the boys had more chores then the females. "Is it alright if we join?" Christa suggests gaining a nod before the group turned to the sound of the door being kicked opened, "Finally! We can eat!" a group of older soldiers shouts as they seat themselves some feet away from the teens.

"So are we gonna mess with it? The stupid thing been annoying since it got here." A redhead questions, gulping down his drink as the leader of the group smirk "You got it, so meet up later tonight." that was all the teens heard before they were sent to do there chores. Though Eren couldn't help but wonder who was this 'it' "Eren, don't let what they said get to you." Mikasa says, understanding what was going inside of his head. "But Mikasa..I'm curious about who they were talking about also..." Their blond friend says slightly worried about who was the victim, "Don't worry, we'll just report this to Corporal Levi after our chores." Christa says since she was listening onto their conversation before the group disbanded to go to their assigned chores.

~*~Time Skip~*~

Never getting the chance to see (name); Armin had planned to see the female giantess during the night with Jean, Christa, and Ymir in tow. "I'm worried that the corporal will find out we're not in our rooms." The blond goddess states clinging to Ymir's arm "I told him that we'll be seeing (name) tonight because Hanji asked off, course Hanji knows why we're going so she's staying quiet." Armin answered, giving a reassuring smile towards the smaller blond. "Hey, how far is (name)? We've been walking for hours." Jean complained leaning against a tree with the male blond looking somewhat unsure, "I don't know really, but I know that she was here.." Ymir glared at the males since they 'wasted her time' but had to come along with Christa. "Peter, throw that around its legs!" A voice yelled clearly not knowing that the group had heard it "You don't think.." Christa whispers, worried about the (h/c) giantess before running to catch up to her friends who ran off towards the voices.

"Nick, is it still unmovable?" A redhead asks gaining a nod from his blond companion as Nick and another blond were standing on (name)'s back, but what caught the group's attention was the 3DMG around their waist "Good, now if it recovers again just slash it before it actually does." the redhead says before turning their attention to their leader who was currently staring at the giantess in disgust. "Such a disgusting shouldn't even be alive!" He yells quickly pulling out his swords to point it very close to her eyes that were still concealed by her long hair "Tch...where's Adam!?" the black haired man exclaims, looking among his small group for a familiar brunette. "H-Here!" Adam says raising a hand into the air as the leader slowly walked up to smaller boy, "..You had one job to somehow convince the commander, but all you could come up with was 'a horrible beast attacking'! You shithead!" the man yells again punching the boy which cause the brunette to fly some feets away from him.

Christa quietly gasp, watching with sad and worried eyes since the boy was perhaps around their age but had a smaller build similar to Armin "I-I'm sorry big brother..Bu-Nothing! You are to shut the hell up and help David with keeping this disgusting thing down!" said boy looked hurt before nodding and running to where Nick and David were. Ymir who began to notice the other remaining things around the giantess, the brunette grabbed a hold of Christa and threw the blond onto her back "You two think of something to help (name) out, we'll go and report to the commander." she says running off with silent footsteps. "Right..but what the fuck are we gonna do?" Jean questions looking to his blond friend who was currently thinking of something "We might need to take out the four who are guarding (name) but then there's the leader...Wait." Armin whispers, as the two continued to watch the leader get on a horse and ride back towards the direction of the headquarters.

(Name), who noticed the retreating form of the leader, shifted around alerting the men around her "Get it down bef-What the hell!?" Noah (redhead) shouts before backing up as the female titan's hand reached for him. "K-Kill it!" The men all used their 3DMG to attack the giantess, leaving Adam to run off in fear and the three older men to fight off the female titan "Shit, Armin look out!" Jean yells grabbing the blond's cloak to avoid the giantess's foot which stepped on the blond's previous spot. "T-Thanks Jean!" Armin shouts back before going back to watching the fight "Noah, the eyes! Get the eyes!" Nick yelled to the redhead who nodded, and flew up close to the giantess's face. "Such a filthy thing!" Noah grinned before throwing both blades into her dull eyes, soon causing hell for the humans as the giantess gave out a piercing scream.



Eren who was currently in a meeting along with his superior officers, all turned to the door as a mad Ymir and worried Christa appeared "Commander!" the blond shouts gaining the attention of Erwin. "Ye-There are men that are with (name)!" the superiors who thought nothing of it instead of soldiers just going to see the giantess, dismissed the two females besides Eren who grew concern "What happened?" The brunette asked looking at the two. "We'll explain it to you on the way! Our superiors don't seem to understand." Ymir exclaims grabbing Christa and running outside to the where their gear and horses were "Get your gear on and I don't care if its against protocol!" the taller female states, putting on her gear as the other two did the same.


Hearing a voice similar to (name) and a loud scream; Eren jumped onto his horse, forgetting his saddle and the two females who called out to him. Riding towards where the female titan was at, the brunette could see a horde of titans within the trees "Shit!" kicking the horse's side the brunette's speed quickened. Looking behind him, Eren could see a group of survey corps member riding on their own horses as they try to hurry and found out what had happened "(Name)! Where are you!?" he shouted looking around the forest area where the giantess would usually be. "Eren! You're here!" Armin shouts as he and Jean run out from their hiding spot "Armin?! Jean?! What are you two doing here?" the brunette asked before the group of survey corps member arrived, with an annoyed Levi as their leader.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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