Chapter 9

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Katies pov

So we are in the ambulence on our way to the hospital and Michele hasnt said a word since Austin's little freek out but she seemed to be okay other then the fact that her son has a knife in his leg.

The thing I dont get is the fact that they couldnt remove the knife in the ambulence we had to wait untill we got to the hospital to do it.

The longer its in the more damage it causes. As we arrived to the hospital they take Austin in on a gurny and I never left his side no matter what happened I would NOT leave his side.

When we get set in a room the ambulance people told us the doctor will be in here in 3.

When the doctor came in he said

'' Mr. Mahone your going to need about 10 stiches and you will be on your way but your not going to be able to be on your feet very much but you can come back in 3 weeks to get your stiches out'.

'Okay thats easy enough I guess' Austin said stiffening a smile.

Austin's POV

On the way home I was holding Katie's hand and she was laying on my sholder sleeping.

Once we arrived home my mom and Katie helped me upstairs to my room and layed me on my and now Katies bed that we share ever since that night I woke up with her wraped in my arms we have been inseperable ever since.

Katie then layed next to me with her head on my chest. "Austin"? she asked sounding as if she were crying. "Yeah babe"? "I'm so sorry Austin if I wouldn't have ever went down there to talk to him this wouldn't have happened imso so so sorry"! " Katie its okay I did my part to protect you"

"thats the thing though if I wouldn't have been stupid enough to go down there to talk to him you wouldnt have stiches in your leg"! she sobs into my chest.

"Shh, Katie baby its okay lets just get some sleep okay?" "O-okay" shesays nuzzling under the blankes into my chest. "Au-Austin?" "yeah Katie" " Austin I-I love you" with those words a huge smile grew upon my face. "I-I love you too Katie." and with that we both fell asleep her wrapped in my arms just like the first night we slept in the same bed together.


Katies Pov

I walked down stairs to get a drink because my throat was killing me.

As I walked into the kitchen I hear some shuffeling upstairs in Austin's and I's room so im guessing Austin just got up looking for me. I then pour myself a glass of water then hear our bedroom window shut.

With that I drop my glass into the sink in run up to our room and the sight I see brings me to my knees Austin laying in a pool of blood in the bed with a note next to him I run up to Austin ignoreing the note and see that his throat has been slit.

I lay my head on his chest and just cry. I then pick up the note and read it.

Dear Katie

Next time you tell me no make sure you have nothing for me to take from you. Sincerely Luke.

I wake up to Austin looking at me worriedly. He instantly pulled me into his chest and starts talking to me.

" shh shh Katie baby it was just a bad dream your okay I'm right here. As I cried into his chest. " do you wanna talk about it?"

"Maybe tomorrow but right now I need you here with me." baby I'm not going anywhere I promise." And with that we both fell asleep.


Austin's POV

I wake up with Katie still sleeping on my chest and I don't want to wake her because of her weird nightmare last night but I really have to pee.

I lightly shake her "Katie babe I gotta pee." She shuffles a bit but then opens her eyes. "Hmm?" she asks "babe I gotta pee" I say smirking. She then rolls of me onto the side of the bed so I can get up.

Katie's POV

After I help Austin to the bathroom and back to the bed I decide to get dressed. I throw on a light purple tank with some bleached shorts and trow my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head.

" babe?" I hear Austin say. "Yeah?" "Can you come get me please?" I walk around the corner to see Austin standing in the doorway. I take him back to his bed and lay him down. "So what was that dream about last night?" He asks me.

Ugh I was dreading this question. "Um well it involved you , and Luke" I say. "Yeah well what happened?" He asks.

" Well... I was really thirsty so... I went downstairs for some water, then I heard shuffling upstairs..." I say tearing up.

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