one - jane

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Jane was quiet but spoke her opinion.
Jane was smart with academics but dumb in the street.
Jane was gorgeous but nobody wanted to date her.
Jane was skinny but she wore loose clothing.
Jane was almost perfect. And everyone knew that.

Everyone except for Jane herself.


I walk into my bathroom, grabbing stuff for my weekend relaxation.
What is included in this 'weekend relaxation', you may ask?
Well, just a face mask, lotion and reading a good book. Yes, folks, I'm that girl. I like reading gay books while I listen to bomb music. My favorites are My Chemical Romance and Set It Off.
I frown when I realize I ran out of my favorite face mask last weekend. "Daaamn it!" I whine and go downstairs into the living room. "Mom, I have to go to CVS, I need to get more face mask." She looks up at me and smiles.
"Okay, can you get milk and some cookie dough? I'm going to have a bleh night." I giggle and nod. I slip on my old beat up Converse before grabbing my keys and heading out the door. I hook up my phone to the AUX and smile as Sweater Weather comes on my Pandora. I freaking love this song. I start singing the lyrics, awfully may I add, and I stop at a stop light. "Oh it's too cold!!" I sing/scream. I hear a car honk and I jump in my seat. I look over to see a group of boys in a car laughing. I frown and flip them the bird. "Anytime, sweetheart!" I hear one of them yell and drive off, the light turning green. I go the opposite direction and drive to CVS.

I continue to look in the spot where the face mask usually is. I bite the inside of my cheek in frustration. "Dude, where the fu-" A woman gasps beside me, making me jump. Everything is making me jump today.
"Don't cuss in public! There could be children around!" She glares and walks off, I see a young girl trail behind her. I spot my face mask and roll my eyes. "I hate people." I groan and walk up to the register. She was a girl that went to my school, I think her name was Martha? I'm not sure. "Is that all?" She asks. She looks horribly miserable. I nod my head and avoided eye contact. I hate making eye contact with people. It makes me nervous. "$5.25, please." I hand her the money and she bags my item. "Have a good night," She says and pulls out her phone.
"You too, Martha. Try not to be so grumpy, you'll be out of here soon. Plus, there is a grumpy woman with a daughter; she is a bitch." I hear her chuckle and I walk out, getting into the car. "I'm done with plastic promises!" My radio screams. Lol, me too, radio. I start the car and drive off.

"Mom, I'm back! I'm not a murder!" I yell and I hear her musical laugh. I smile to myself. I go into the living room and sit beside her. "Did you get my cookie dough?" She asks, looking at me. I gasp. "Shiiiioot! Shoot! I didn't!" She frowns and smacks me upside the head. "You stupid, now I have to go and get it myself." She gets up off the couch. "I'll be back," I frown due to feeling bad. I get up and go upstairs to my room. I sit down in front of my vanity and turn on the vanity lights. I smile and throw my hair up, getting out my facial cleanser. I wipe off all of the excess bacteria. I don't wear makeup that much. I usually only wear it during the week and for school. I wear BB Cream and powder, sometimes mascara. It is rare though. I squirt some of the face mask onto my hand and rub it onto my face. After that's done, I go and get my laptop, turning off my vanity lights before hand. I turn on Distance Disturbs Me by Set It Off. I got into them when I was around fifteen. I am seventeen now. "Stuck on sentimental, on the history we never had." I mumble along to the music. I pause what I was doing and waited a few seconds for the bass drop. "Distance disturbs me! How I wish we never met!" I scream along and start dancing around the room, laughing at myself. I lay down on my bed and check the time. 9:15 pm. I groan and remember it was indeed Sunday, meaning I had school tomorrow. I bring up my upper lip in a disgusted face. "I fucking hate school." I mumble and open Wattpad on my phone, reading until my face mask dried.

I'm washing off my mask when I hear my phone alert me of a message. It was probably mom or Bree, my best friend, texting me about some stupid makeup trend. She is obsessed with makeup. We were like totally opposites. She loved makeup, boys and everything girly. I loved music, books and everything.. quiet and emo. She wore the brand PINK and bright colors. I wore black and grey with red here and there. She had a boyfriend of two years. I don't have a boyfriend and honestly I only like, well by now love, one guy. One beautiful boy that made melt when he laughed for smirked. Not at or with me, neither of those actions were never due to me. He probably barely knew my name and I knew a lot about him. His name was Brendon.
Brendon Urie.


I wake up the next morning, my hair sticking to my mouth and my eyes heavy. "I hate school." I mumble for the millionth time in my whole life. I go to my closet and pick out a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey tank top. I throw on a black jacket and my old beat up converse. I slap some BB Cream and powder on my clear face. I brush out my straight, long brown hair. I look at the girl and the mirror and frown. I'm so ordinary and boring. I bite my lip and decide to put on mascara today. I put that on and grab my phone, earbuds and skateboard. I put on some music and smile at the loud music in my ears. "Baby, burn the bitch down." I laugh at that lyric. I don't know why but I really like the lyric in the song. I arrive at the school and I pick up my skateboard. I walk up the stairs and into the doors. I see Bree and she waves bye to her other friends and walks up to me. She looks... nervous for some reason. "We need to talk, now." She demands me and drags me into the bathroom. "I-I know you don't like to talk about it but I have to tell you something about Brendon." I roll my eyes and start to leave. Yes, I am basically in the love the boy but I didn't like to talk about him. It made me feel like I was paying too much attention to him without even being around. I don't know why, I just don't like talking about him. "No no no, listen to me." I turn around and look at her with an emotionless stare. "He is throwing at party Friday night, I think we should go. Maybe you'd get the courage to talk to him." I gawk at her and go back to being emotionless.
"How about no."
"Just think about it, Jane." I roll my eyes.
"Fine, whatever. I have to get to class, later Bree." I say and walk out quickly. I make my way to my first period and sit down. I listen to music and read until the period starts. I feel a tap on my shoulder beside me. I look over, taking out an earbud. I see Mallen Richardson. He was probably the most quiet kid I've ever met. "Do you want to be my partner for the art project?" He asks and I smile at him.

"Yeah sure.. but why me?" I ask as he sits down beside me. He shrugs and looks at me.
"You are the least annoying of everyone in this class. Plus, you seem like you don't talk about boys constantly." I chuckle and cross my arms.

"Oh my God, have you seen Matthew Martin? Ugh! What a hottie!" I say in a valley girl voice. He laughs at me and he pulls out a sketch. It was really good. Almost like a professional did it. "Whoa, you are really good at drawing," I gawk and a light blush stains his cheek. I grin at his shyness and purity.
"T-Thanks, but we have to paint a big canvas identical to it, let's get a head start." He says and we get to work.


Lunch finally rolls around and I walk quickly to my usual lunch table. Teenagers comes on in my earbuds as I sit down. I rock my head back and forth to the music and smile. It is an old song but it is pretty good. I like it, anyways. I see Bree come over to the table, a juice in hand. She takes out an earbud and places it in her own ear. Her face scrunches up and she takes it out, letting it fall onto the table. "How do you like, or even understand, that noise?" She curls her lip. I shrug and smile. "At least my music doesn't have annoying girls talk about being worth it when they clearing aren't." I mimic her face and she glares. "I don't know why we are friends." She says and sits down.

"Because I'm worth it!" I mimic/sing and she slaps me.

"Would you shut up?" She smirks. "What if Brendon listens to that?" It was my turn to glare.
"I also question our friendship."
And the rest of lunch, I listened to her go on and on about makeup and cute boys.


I get my skateboard from my locker and head outside. I'm halfway down the street before I remember I had to meet Mallen in the art wing. "Shit!" I mumble and turn around. I pull out my phone as I arrive to the school, getting off my skateboard quickly, picking it up while texting Mallen. I bump into a wall and fall down. "I freaking hate school! They try to educate my dumbass and then they injure me with the building itself!" I say, frantic. I hear a deep chuckle and I look up. My eyes widen as I see the only boy I've ever liked in my whole life.
Or loved. Whatever..
"I'm not a building.. but I'll take it as a compliment, since I have been working out." He pridefully says. Oh, that was cocky. I frown; I don't like it when people are cocky.
"Oh please, if I would've seen it was you, I just referred to you as a soft wall.." I huff, knowing well I sounded childish.

"Well that is very rude of you," His smirk widens. "I like that. I'm Brendon. I'm also having a party Friday, you should go." He winks before walking off, leaving me completely flustered.
He seriously didn't know who I was?
Enough to think I didn't know him?
I have a pathetic chance at EVER being with him.

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