New writer

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Guys im passing this story to my bf and partner in crime lol jk. Her name is spidermansgirlfriend and I hope you like her stories. I recently found out that venom talks as I when his host I forget his name. Well when the host is asleep he talks in first person when they are both awake he talks in third person. I will still be writing it might be different from hers butnyou can decide which one you want to read. Thanks for your support and again the name of the other writer writing this is.


     I woke up the symbiote on the floor around a little still wrapped around me resting. Carnage is so cute when he sleeps, I need to get out of here I need to get out and find someone to help me survive S.H.I.E.L.D Deadpool maybe.

Deadpool may help he did suggest it before I just hope he will let me this time.

Getting up and looking around the symbiote immidiately wrapped itself aeound me.

I felt stronger but I didn't feel likr moving my own body I can trust Carnage nough for this job.

Carnage's pov

     He awokened me my power rose he let me this time take control, going on all fours sharp tendrils spikes everywhere finding a weakness in the cell. I found a weakness in a corner I exploited it and crashed out. The dimness of the light soothed me, crawling through the vents the guards didn't notice we were gone.

I smashed into the hull of the helicarior the outside wind whisled in my ears jumping from the ship. Falling down was like heaven the clouds moving gracefully amongst the sky.

Spider wanted his body back must not displease him.

Peter's pov

     I was falling dangerously close to the ground flicking a web to a building and quickly swung around till I slowed in speed. Taking out my phone and scrolling down my contacts.

(not will not b in order)

Aunt may







Gotcha I pressed the call button and put the phone to my ear Riiiiiiiiing.... Riiiiiiiiiing..... Riiiiiiiiiing.... click

(p is peter

dp is deadpool)

dp: Hey spiderman whats up

p: Hey Deadpool still up for some co-op mercenary work I sort of betrayed everyone by getting a symbiote.

Click beeeeeeeeeep.

He hung up a minute later literaly a stark helicopter flew in and caught me up, "Hey spidey you missed me I know you do." His voice was so cheerful, "Yeah I guess I have nowhere and no one else to turn to why not." I sounded sort of deppresed but Deadpool was cheery.

Not being able to see Aunt May, MaryJane's this wont be so bad I guess.

"Hey spidey i'm going to tell you our mission it is to-"

deadpool was cut off to a black screen

Hey guys this the end we dont want deadpool spoiling the surprise do we. Srry if this is too short its a friday and too tired to do much and i have to update two other stories.

"Hey why did you cut me out your no fun Rose-wolf"

Yeah whatever Deadpool srry about the mispellings n stuff this was on a phone dont blame me ok deadpool is going to try to speak. I wont let him byses

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