X=Y (The World)

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Rose was in the kitchen while her parents were in their offices. She was preparing a meal for them and was concentrated on it. She was wearing a apron and had her hair in a bun for her hair or strands of it will fall in. She was in her pj's, which consisted of a black sweatpants and a gray shirt that had a lighting bolt on the front. (Picture not own by me and had to put it there for how her shirt looked liked)

 (Picture not own by me and had to put it there for how her shirt looked liked)

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No socks were on, only a pair of barefoot feet on the floor. As she was cutting some carrots, she heard a knock and stopped what she was doing. She looked towards the door and put the knife down. Rose quickly washed her hands and dried it off on her apron, which she took off after drying her hands. Looks like my parents didn't hear...I wonder who it is...it can't be Nate cause he texted me saying that he was visiting his grandparents, she thought while slowly approaching the door. In the background, the tv was heard and she could hear her parents chatting about money and whatnot. Rose reached the doorknob and her gut was telling her that this wasn't a good idea and could turn out bad, but did she listen? She should've, but didn't and so as she slowly opened the door, a feeling of a thousand needles piercing was in and tried not to show any emotion of pain. Crap....this feeling could only mean one thing and I don't want that. "Are you gonna let me come in or no?" This voice she knew and she looked up to see the fallen angel. *Rose's P. O. V. *  (You gotta be kidding me!) (Nope, no tricks here and a real deal) (Noooo! Why is he here? I had a suspicion about my shoulder feeling not itself whenever I'm near him....I knew it!) (Rose, he's staring at you) I closed my eyes and opened them again to face him. "Wh-" Before I could say, he came in and walked over to the couch and sat down with one of his leg crossed over the other. (He flippin came-this dude is gonna be toast when-) (Calm down and you can't really kill him, can you?) (.....I hate it when your right....I wish, but it can't be done...dang it!) I realized I was still by the door and I closed it for the chilly air won't come in. I then proceeded to go back to the kitchen to finish up the meal that I was making for my mom and dad. "Why are you he-" "Come here." I sighed and looked over to him as I said in annoyance. "I'm not going over there with you and let me finish my question. Why are you here? You could've gone with Li-" "I'm not in the mood to argue with you and if you don't want your friends to die, then come here or else" "Oh, really? What are you gonna do if I'm not gonna go over there with you, huh?" (Girl....I can sense a dangerous aura around him and it's not pretty at all) (So what? I can take him on with my bare hands) (Rose....) (What?) I could too sense a dangerous aura around him and he stated, "Your asking to get your friends killed if you keep with this attitude" "I'm not scared of you and I'll protect my friends with my life because they are precious to me" "Heroic, aren't you?" "Answer me, Xander. Why did you come here for?" "I just want to talk" "Talk?" I quietly chuckled and remarked, "Your out of your mind if you want to talk with me. I'm not gonna budge from the kitchen, so good luck" "Oh, I won't have to." His voice hinted at a much darker tone and before I could say anything, a pain unlike anything ripped from my shoulder and I instantly bit in my cheek to keep from screaming. (Told you so) (Gahhh....I hate my life and Xander!) I grabbed my right shoulder and with the other hand grabbed the countertop and steadied my body. "That mark can either hurt you or not, depending on my mood." I took a breath in and out as I narrowed my eyes at him while the pain increased. "You are a jerk and I hate you" "No, you love me deep down and I know that. Now, will you come over here and sit down next to me?" "No" "You know that the mark and I are tied and if you deny, more pain will come to you" "I'll take that rather than to sit next to you in any room" "You won't hold out for much longer. You are stronger than a average human and your pain tolerance is higher, but it won't help you in this case." I knew what he said was true and this pain right now....I can't do. "Fine, I'll go over to the couch and sit next to you. Happy?" The pain was taken away and I took my hand off my shoulder. "Very much so." He signaled me over and I walked over to the couch and sat down next to him against my will. Well, more like he forced me to sit next to him and that's one of the reasons I hate him. I wasn't close to him, but close enough to stab him. "Now that I'm here, what do you want?" "I just wanted to give you a present, that's all" "Wait....what?" He handed me a box that was wrapped with a black wrapping paper with a gold ribbon on top. (Oh, lord...help me) (He got you a present....that's really surprising) (This can't be good then....please don't let it be a human part or anything related to murder...) (You hope so) "Your not opening it." I grabbed it and throughly looked at it to see if there was anything leaking. "I don't trust you" "Well, you should" "Why should I? What if this present is a flippin human heart?" "That wouldn't be in the box and why would I put a human heart in it?" I rolled my eyes and before I could even begin to unwrap the ribbon, a phone ringed. I looked to my right and saw my phone on the coffee table and it was ringing. I put the box or present aside and grabbed my phone. I tapped the answer thing and held it to my ear. *Narrators P. O. V. * "Hello?" "Ah, is this Rose?" "Yeah...why do you ask?" "Oh, I don't know if you remember me or not, but I'm Ben" "Ben?" As she said that, her mind wandered to another person named Ben and shook that off. "Yes. I go to the same academy as you and we have three classes together" "We do?" Xander glanced at her and put an arm around her shoulder. Rose ignored it and kept talking with this "Ben" person on the phone. "Yeah, we do." Her mind clicked and she knew who this person was. "Ben Walker?" "Yeah" "Ohhh...why are you calling me?" "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me today." She was taken aback and couldn't mouth a word as no sound came out. Xander didn't like this one bit and was a bit angry of this "Ben" person who was trying to steal her away. He swiftly got her phone out of her hand and randomly threw it somewhere. Rose glared at him and tried to get up to get her phone, but couldn't as a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her back. She landed on his chest and tried to get out, but his tight on her only tightened more. "Let me go!" "No" "I demand you to let me go to this instant!" "Sorry, angel, but I'm not going to do that" "I'm a flippin princess and your a fallen angel. No one thinks or likes this and I'm a independent teenager!" "Your title doesn't concern me and you aren't really a independent teenager" "I'm 15 years old and I deem this inappropriate!!" "Your almost 16" "I don't give a crap about that and I say again, let me go!" He put chin on her head and Rose's body tensed. "So feisty....that's why I like you." The tip of her ears slowly turned pink and as she was about to say something sarcastically, her parents came down and both of them saw their daughter. "Rose?" Her mother said and beside her was Rose's father. "Hi, guys. Sorry for all the shouting that you heard. One of my guy friends is here and we were just yelling at each other about politics" "Politics?" Her father said. "No." Both of her parents looked at each other and back at Rose and Xander, who was still not letting go of her and Rose hated it. "Alright then....we both heard-" "Don't you guys have a meeting about work?" "Yes, but-" "You should go right now or there won't be any more time, right?" Both looked at her and smiled. "She's right, honey. We should go right now" "Let's go then." Both grabbed their coats and waved bye to Rose as they closed the door that lead to the garage. As they both left, Rose sighed. "Can you let me go?" "No" "Gosh, your like a flippin yandere and that's not like you" "Your now concerned about me? That's nice" "No. Anyway, I need to take a shower today and my meal that I made is now for waste....dang it. It's your fault" "How is it my fault?" "You came here and that's your fault....I was about to go to the movies with Ben and now I won't. Looks like I have to get a new phone because YOU flippin broke it" "Have you met him before?" Rose crossed her arms in annoyance. "Why do you care? You have her and that is all should matter to you. I'm not her and she's not me. You need to be with her because it's what the universe wants and I really need to take a shower. Can you let got of me?" "No, but you'll have a reason to" "What?" "Before I can say it, let me tell you something clear. You are mine and with the mark I gave to you, your mine" "Well, that's exciting....yay." Rose said sarcastically. "Just remember that and where's your bedroom?" "I'm not gonna tell you, jerk" "Well, time for a adventure, isn't it?" "Don't tell me your gonna....." "Gonna?" "I'm not-I hate you so much right now and I'm gonna not be able to get up, am I?" "Nope" "Well then....may the lord help me to get through this and I'm sorry for what I have sinned, dear father. I shall try not to sin too much....try to anyway" "Really? Your praying?" "I need some help!" "I'm waiting" "I'll try not to hate people or try to punch my enemy in school. May you help me from this dude over here that's next to me and I don't even know how he got to be down here. From what I know, he committed a great sin that is so grand that no angel shall return to heaven and shall be a fallen angel for eternity" "Not for eternity, you know" "I'm talking here" "Fine" "Anyway, I shall try to be good and nice to other people and this is all. Amen." Rose uncrossed her arms. "You go to church right?" "Why do you ask?" "Nothing" "That means something, but I'm not going to press forward. Are we gonna go or what?" "Go?" "Let's just....I want to go to sleep, thank you for asking me." He let go of her and Rose finally got up. She stretched her arms and looked at the tv. Well, at least he's going to go away and I will try to be happy....stupid Xander.

I FINALLY UPDATED THIS BOOK. Yay! A new chapter....anyway, sorry for not typing for this book. I will try to update regularly if I can. Anyway, I hope you have a nice day! Bye! 🖼

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