Ario armanie(Garmandy)

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How you two met:
You were in the process of writing your new single and you were having trouble coming up with lyrics so you were sitting down in a dark recording studio
When He comes in and turns on the light and you get pissed....

You- omg! Whats wrong with you don't you see im in the middle of something

Ario- sorry! Im looking for my band they said they were in the recording studio but there's so many

You- is it your first time coming here or something?

Ario-yes we just started being a band like a week ago and today is our first day coming to the studio and im already late and super lost

You- oh lol I can help you find them  we just have to go back downstairs and ask what recording studio was booked for your band which name is?

Ario- Mix5

You- WoW! Thats a stupid name

Ario- Hey! We had no choice, we won a singing competition and the producers gave us that name

You- by the way im Y/N

Ario- nice to meet you I'm Garmandy but everybody calls me Ario

You- ok so we are here I hope you find your band and they aren't super mad at you for being late on the first day I hope to see you around

Ario- Yeah Can I have your phone number cause like what if I get lost again

You- sure lol

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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