Chapter 5

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I was walking over to Laf and hercs for our plan tonight. I was taking maria my roommate with me. Something happened and she ended up sort of exiled from her group of friends, maybe ours will be her new group. She's kind of cute. People say we look alike. I dont see it but I know for a fact that I look nothing like my sisters and they look nothing like each other. We walked in and everyone else was there staring at us. I forgot they don't really know maria.

" anyone going to explain why there are two Peggy's?" Alex breaks the silence

The room broke out laughing, we keep forgetting that he's only been here for 3 days. Very interesting 3 days I like this guy.

" hi I'm maria reynolds" maria said awkwardly

" wait you were part of the group that almost beat me up on wensday" alex laughed

" sorry about that" she laughed

" ok you guys ready to go?" Yelled herc

" lets goooo" screamed john

We all walked out of the dorm and down the street is was a little cold out. But I knew it was not a far walk so I didn't mind. Maria had a good 3 inches on me and I kept looking up at here a few times I could have sworn she was looking back at me.


John is a really weird drunk. Like really weird. I once caught him petting a wall. Anyway my plan is to stay sober or mostly sober to make sure everything goes as planned. I've been trying to figure out what's going on between Peggy and Maria. I've seen them glancing back and forth at each other. We all know that Peggy is gayer than a double rainbow. But didnt Maria used to dat that James reynold guy, or someone like that. I want to see where this goes. I will be ready to film john because you know. I would be a good addition to my blackmail folder.


I was a little worried. I can get kind of strange when drunk. Ok really strange. But one thing that's always fun is that I don't forget in the morning like most people. Or if I do it will come back. Me later in the day. I hope I don't do something extremely stupid. I think I heard angelica say something about a blackmail folder. Add that to the list of places I do not want to be.

( time skip brought to you by snorkeling with turtles)

A few drinks later


John and alex both had a few drinks in them.  So did everyone else except me, of course. I had been watching maria and peggy for a little, I think its time to go see whats going on in the lams corner. I looked over damn they are weird a** drunks. Alex is sitting on johns lap with his head on his shoulder. Alex had his hair in pigtails and johns was in two braids. Wow alex braids well. John is telling a story with interesting hand motions and the bartender keeps having to move things so he wont knock them over,

*snap* one picture.

This isn't too bad but alex seriously looks like a little kid. It's hilarious. Suddenly alex looks up and says something i can not. Hear, but i see John blushing a lot. That's a good sign, right? John said something that sadly, once again I could not hear. Now alex is the one that is blushing. Aww these two are going to be like the group power couple. If this works. I better go see whats up with the rest of the group. Laf is laying on hercs shoulder and they are talking. Eliza is sitting with john Adams. That's surprising. Eliza is a little cinnamon roll. The guy she is talking too is the opposite. He is an as**ole to everyone basically. He doesnt even really have one set friend group. Proably because no one but that son of a bitch james reynolds wants to be his friend ever. I know alex hates him. But hes on a very long list if he's on the list of people Alex hates. I know that thomas jeffreson is just friends with him to spite Alex. Speaking of Thomas Jefferson hes making out in the corner with James Madison.

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