Chapter 28

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I had been here unable to move left alone with in this darkness my thoughts for what seemed like hours. Then i saw some of the blackness starting to blur in to something else. Before i could make out what it was i heard a voice.

" hello john"


I heard john leave the dormI wonder where he was going. Its nice to have a break for once in my life. Not much ids going on right now surprisingly. Its strange for my life. I got a notification on my phone and looked down to check it.

Angle: you guys are all staring with us over break you have no choice.

God: ok

Baguette: k

Jhon: yay

Red: ok?

Alex: um ok

Well that solved the issue of where to go over break. I thought john would want to see his siblings but i guess they are happy with the Washingtons. The he gets letters from them every now and then i know but i have never seen what they send. We have very little homework surprisingly so i already did it all. My phone started ringing. Its probably one of my friends. I hot ignore. It started raining again. It must be important. I looked at the number but instead of seeing of of the contacts off my friends i saw a number that i knew to well. The hospital. 

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