Chapter 9

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We finally got home. I'm glad that if anyone was taking in my siblings it was the Washingtons. They are basically the nicest people ever. And i most defiantly learned something intersecting about Alex's past. I seriously can't wait to see him slip up with that in class. Ok that sounded mean. We have a lot of the same classes because we both are studying law well i'm studying law and marine biology and alex is studying law and english. Wow two double majors in one room. This year will be interesting. One good thing is that the entire squad has mr.washingtons class. And no one has classes on Wednesday. Its Sunday night and we have intro to classes on Wednesday and real classes Thursday. All my summer work is done and finally alex is done to. Alex and i were sitting on the couch. He mumbled something.

" what " i said

" this stupid cast makes everything harder to do" alex groaned

" do you want to watch a movie?" i asked

" sure " alex said

" one thing first" i added

" what?" Alex said

" go take off your binder. You always fall asleep in movies and i dont want you to get hurt" i said

" are you two a couple yet?" Lee yelled through the ceiling

" surprisingly they are not" burr responded

" what about Laf and herc " thomas asked

" surprisingly not" i yelled

" i thought laf liked Washington" lee called

" no i don't" laf said from next door

" wait laf likes my dad" alex said

" Washingtons you dad" james herc laf aaron lee Thomas and Sam yelled

" not exactly its a long story" alex and i yelled

" are james and thomas a couple yet?" Burr asked

" yes" they responded

" finally" herc yelled

" what about lee and Sam " laf said

" yes" they said

Something broke in the other dorm

" george are you ok" Sam yelled

" yeah how did u know it was me" george yellled

" because you and james reynolds are the only two not talking and your a spaz" Sam yelled

" he's not wrong" james reynolds

" who needs phones when you can all just yell through the walls?" Alex laughed

Everyone started laughing

" bye people we r going to go watch a movie " i yelled

" what movie " thomas asked

" RENT" i said

"What's RENT?" Alex asked

We all gasped

" Ive only seen 4 movies 2 of which were the little mermaid" alex yelled

"John go make you boyfriend less movie deprived. But please nothing else with these walls we hear the most random things but miss out on others. But there are some things we just can live without. " burr said

There were murmurs of agreement from the other dorms.

" ok, but he's still not my boyfriend" i said

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