Under Water [Chapter 1]

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Using my toes I turned the tap to the tub off. Letting out a relieved sigh I slid down under the water, nothing felt better than a relaxing warm bath. I stared at the ceiling, blowing out of my nose I counted the ripples shot out. I took in a long breath enjoying the feel of the water run through my lungs. Eventually the water grew cold and I was forced to get out of the water, wrapping a towel around my waist I stepped out of the bathroom. I listened for my mother, a puddle of water formed around my feet. She was in the kitchen most likely making a microwave dinner for us.

I walked down the hall and into my room, Quickly I slipped into a pair of shorts and a long night shirt. Wrapping my hair in the towel I walked around my room shutting all the blinds so tight not even an inch of light could make it in. Blindly I felt for my lamp and turned it on. I let out a shaky sigh as I stared at the glass of water in front of me I closed my eyes and cleared my mind, when I reopened my eyes the water was floating in the air at eye level. I bit my lip in concentration, it twisted in the air. There was a knock on the door, in surprise I dropped the water and smacked the glass onto its side.

"Mel?" My mother asked, "Why is it so dark in here? Oh great, you spilled your water again." Pursing her lips she pulled open my blinds. "Have you done your homework?"

My heart was going double time, "Just about, all I need to do is my math-"

"Get to it young lady!" She said exiting my room, she closed the door behind her.

With a flick of my hand all the water came out of the carpet and went back into the cup. Nervously I drank it.

I had discovered these freakish abilities the day after my thirteenth birthday. For the past two and a half years I would practice them in the confident on my room, I wanted answers. I had questions that couldn't be answered. I was going to tell my mom, show her what I could do. But that same day we decided to watch E.T. I refuse to be tested on like E.T. was. Because I don't have a planet to escape to with my own people. Earth is my home, and I wont be able to run forever. I looked out the window chewing on my lower lip, a black raven peered in at me. I shuddered and grabbed my backpack.


"Hey Lauren." I greeted my friend as I sat down on the school bus.

She idly glanced up from her text book, using her middle finger she adjusted her glasses, "You look tired."

I shrugged and brought my hands to my eyes, rubbing them I sunk into my seat. "Yeah, I had a nightmare last night. I woke up at three and have been up since then."

"That's nice." Lauren said not looking up from her book, her finger ran over the words as she read them. Silently she mouthed the words, every so often her face would frown in concentration.

"Lauren. I slept with you dad." She didn't move. Sighing I sat back in my seat, frustrated. The bus pulled at a stop, two freshman climbed on giggling about some hot basketball player on the school team. Behind them a tall slim guy stepped on, he was wearing black jeans and a leather jacket. His sun glasses covered his eyes, he walked to the back of the bus and sat down.

Bored I pulled my water bottle out of my bag and took a long sip, I felt more awake instantly. Smiling to myself I read over Lauren's shoulder, the teacher had hinted on a quiz for today.


"Have you seen the hot new guy?" Claire asked sitting down with her lunch tray, she glanced nervously over her shoulder to see if anyone had over heard her.

"No, where?" Lauren asked putting her tuna sandwich down. I stared at it in disgust.

"Over there!" Claire pointed, always the inconspicuous one. Everyone at the table followed her finger, sitting against the building wall listening to his Ipod sat a black haired boy.

"He is hot!" Lauren grinned pushing up her glasses. "Where is he from?"

Claire shrugged. "He was on our bus this morning" I said turning my attention back to my book, I was reading Beowulf. I was being quizzed on the entire book next period, I wasn't even ten chapters in.

Lauren snatched my book, "What! Why didn't you tell me!"

I leaned over the table, "Hey! Give it back! I need that!"

She arched an amused eyebrow, "Go get it then!" She cleanly tossed it directly at Mr. Mysterious. It landed inches to his left, he looked in our direction.

"Fuck off." I snarled grabbing my back back, I left my lunch where it was grabbing only my water bottle. Annoyed I walked over and held out my hand, "Sorry 'bout that."

He flipped threw the book before looking up at me, he watched me take a sip from the bottle. "Some light reading?"

"Sure, Can I please have that back? I need to finish that book in... Crap sixteen minuets." I said after checking my watch.

The boy stood up, he didn't have a backpack. "I can help you study if you want, follow me."

With no choice I trailed after the boy, we stepped behind the school building, "Are you lost? I think I know this school a bit better than you." I trailed off.

He pulled a back of cigarets out of his pocket, I shook my head as he offered me one. "Can I please have my book?"

The boy snapped his fingers, a small flame grew from his pointer finger. He watched my reaction curiously. My eyes bugged out of their sockets, "Are you crazy?" I hissed looking around wildly, "What if someone saw that? Who are you?"

He grinned and inhaled from the cancer stick. "My name is Cain. We have been watching you, you showed signs of being like us. But you never did anything to prove it, until last night. One of us saw you pull water out of a carpet." He blew smoke across my face.

Coughing I smacked it away, "Wait, what? What are you trying to say? I'm so confused!"

The bell rang. Cain gave me a devilish grin, "Care to ditch with me?"

Happily I agreed, I always thought sneaking off the campus would be so complicated. I pictured myself doing ninja moves jumping over cars and off the campus. Cain simply led me through the parking lot and onto the main street. The thrill was gone.

"You didn't honestly think you were alone did you?" He laughed at me. "Trust me, your never alone. As much as you may think you are an individual, chances are there are more like you out there." He inhaled from the cigaret again. "There are hundreds of kids with abilities like me and you."

"You and I." I muttered under my breath.

He flicked ashes at me, "As I was saying, There are many like us. There is a special boarding school where people with a specially developed mind attend. We are specially trained."

"Developed mind?"

He snorted again, "Let me guess. You thought you were bitten by a radio active spider or exposed to gama rays," I blushed. "No, a part of our minds is more developed. It was in the womb. You are able to do things no one else can do, with the acceptation of a rare few. Those who have been attending the school for a long while and are well trusted with the principal are sent on tasks to find our kind, kids who don't have any clue what's going on. Like you." Again he laughed, mocking me.

"How did you see me last night? Were you in my room." My face turned red, what if he saw me naked!

"My sister saw you. She was in the tree outside your room, there she is." He pointed to a crow in the distance. It swooped down beside us. "Hey Malvita." The name rolled off his tongue.

The bird morphed into a human girl, she dropped onto the ground. As she stood up she pushed the black curls out of her face, she gave me a coy smile. "Have you told her?" She asked, her accent was heavily Italian.

Cain nodded his head and tossed the bud of his cigarette onto the ground, "Alright ragazza" He said to me. "The head master will come to your house tonight, make sure you have iced tea." With a snap of his finger he turned into smoke drifting away into nothingness. Malvita gave me a parting glance before turning into a bird and flying away, presumably after her brother.

I blinked several times, school would be over in an hour or so. My last class was P.E. not something I cared for, I began my walk home.

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