Chapter 1 - Nicky, Rinne and the Escape Plan

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(Welcome to my very first Super 4 AU! Please note that this is not based on the original show. I just used the characters and re-invented them slightly. This is just to avoid confusion. AU stands for alternate universe. I do not own Super 4 however Nicky, Rinne, Hydreangea and some characters to come are created by me. And yes, Nicky is me self-inserted into the story. Enjoy!)

It was a normal day in the fairy Kingdom. The Queen, Hydrangea, was seated in the throneroom, with her daughter Twinkle beside her. Hydrangea looked proud and royal, while Twinkle sat there, slouched in her seat and blowing her fringe out of her face.

"Darling," the Queen said through gritted teeth. "At least try to look royal. You're setting a bad impression of our family!" Twinkle sighed, straightened out her gown and tried to force a smile. She looked off to the window. It had been blocked by an oversized leaf. All Twinkle had ever known was the castle. For all the sixteen years of her life, she had stayed inside the walls of the fairy castle, to never go outside, much less experience contact with fairies outside. Her mother had only said that she "Wasn't ready" for the outside world, and that it was "Dangerous for a royal-in-training". She sighed, and tried to stop her tears from escaping her bluebell eyes. She thought of all the fairies outside, how they could live their life however they wanted without a single care. But of course, she'd never know them. She'd never know anything.

After her daily practise of "Sitting on the Throne and looking Royal", Twinkle flew up to her room and flopped onto the bed. She had everything a princess could possibly want. Everything but the one thing she wished for the most. There were no windows in her room, only the walls, which felt like they were closing in on her every time she walked in. Her only companion, a forest sprite called Nicky flew over to Twinkle.

"Twinx! I made you a flower crown with some flowers I um... Borrowed from the flower collecting fairies!" Said Nicky cheerily, dropping the woven crown of daisies, roses and pansies onto Twinkle's head.

"Wow! How did you make this? You don't even have fingers!" Twinkle stared in disbelief at the small furry body, tiny stick-like legs, round wings and big eyes of her friend, and then took the flower crown off her head, admiring the fine craftsmanship of her friend.

"I have my methods. How'd it go anyhoo? Your mom wasn't too hard on ya right?" Asked Nicky, sitting down on Twinkle's lap, her glasses falling off her face. Twinkle smiled apologetically, pushing Nicky's glasses onto her face once more, and letting out a sigh.

"No, she was fine, I just... I can't do this anymore! I've truly had enough, I want more than this castle! I mean, look at you, a forest sprite! You depend on nature for your life, and get to experience it every day! What a life that must be..." Twinkle said, stroking Nicky as she stared off into space, fantasising for if she were to be a sprite herself.

"It's not everything it's cracked up to be T. Being a smaller creature means a higher chance of getting eaten, and I sure hope you remember that I gave up my forest life to stay inside the castle with you! The Queen is very strict about you having ANY sort of contact to the outside world. Which means-" Nicky suddenly started to cough. "I haven't exactly been in tip top shape recently."

"What! How come mother never told me about this! Will you be alright?" Asked Twinkle desperately.

"Well, I wasn't really supposed to tell you, your mom would probably flip out, but I'll probably be ok, yeah? I just.... I won't be leaving you for a long time Twinkle." Said Nicky, hugging her friend.

"I sure hope... You're strong, you'll be fine!" Said Twinkle, smiling down at Nicky.

"You betcha! I've survived for 10 years, what could go wrong?" Nicky laughed.

"But still, you must miss the outside, right? And I want to go out there too..." Twinkle stood up, still holding Nicky and pacing around the room.

"Oh no, oh nonononono. I hope you're not thinking we-"

"Escape? C'mon Nicky, we're both tired of the castle, and besides, if we do this sneakily, mom'll never know!" Said Twinkle, lifting her tiny friend up high. Nicky flew out of her hands and onto the desk.

"I..." She began, looking worried. "Like how you think. We'll do it tonight. No time like the present!" Grinned Nicky, giving her friend a high-five. Or more like a high-one.

"Your highness?"

"One of the servants!" Gasped Twinkle. "Ehehe, come in!" Said Twinkle, hoping she hadn't heard.

"Miss Twinkle?" It was Rinne, Twinkle's personal maid. "You plan to escape the castle I hear?"

"AAAAH- I uh ahah, that was just a game Nicky and I were playing! I mean, don't tell me you actually took that seriously!" Twinkle smiled innocently, Nicky flashing the same smile, perched upon her shoulder.

Rinne gave them a disapproving look. She was normally a kind and shy fairy, but was in an accident at a young age, and wore a petal eyepatch over one eye and couldn't fly.

"I hope you weren't planning on leaving me out on this right?" Smiled Rinne cunningly.

"Oh Rinne, you're going to help us! That's awesome!" Cried Nicky.

"Are you sure? You got really hurt last time you-" Started Twinkle, concerned for her maid.

"Pfft, that was merely a scratch. I will be fine. Plus, I know a lot about the area. Well at least I did. But even if my skills are rusty, I will aid you my princess." She said, bowing.

"Ok, cut the formal talk. You're in." Smiled Twinkle. 

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