Chapter 4 - The Forest, The Boy and The Meeting of Destiny

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(Welcome to Chapter 4! I hope you're all enjoying yourself. There's some Genekle in this so YAAAAAY! I was happy to add this part:) more characters coming soon!) 

The three friends stared down at the beautiful world they floated above. The bright green grass, colourful flowers and sunset sky with pinks, oranges and blues took their breath away. Once they were away from the castle, they landed on the grass. Twinkle kicked off her shoes, held up her gown and ran through the forest with excitement.

"The grass on my toes feels... Incredible! And the forest is like an endless maze of beauty!" Laughed Twinkle.

"It feels so good not to cough all the time anymore.... Aaah... I missed this..." Said Nicky, landing on a flower bed and lying down, looking up at the sky.

Rinne sat on the branch of a tree, staring happily at her friends. She climbed higher up the tree. The view was like a dream. It felt almost unreal. She felt like she was the Queen of the world. Like for one moment, she was bathing in glory. Like she wasn't handicapped, or a servant. She saw the sky get darker, meaning her fantasy started to slow down, and eventually disappear. She quickly descended the tree and lit the lantern she had in her bag.

"Ok you guys, what do we-" Rinne was cut off by a loud noise coming from a short distance away from them.

"Woah! What was that?!" Nicky flew up to look. "There was an explosion!"

"What if somebody was hurt? We have to investigate!" Twinkle slipped her shoes on, cast another magic bubble around Rinne and the three of them flew over the the black smoke that rose through the trees.

They came to a small valley, where they saw the source of the smoke.

"It's some kind of machine thing! It definitely doesn't work anymore though." Said Nicky, buzzing around it, admiring its detailed design.

"Wait, it couldn't have just fallen from the sky... Could it? Twinkle? Twinkle... Are you ok?" Rinne said walking around the machine, then coming to a halt when she saw Twinkle standing still, a shocked expression on her face.

"I-It's a... It's a.... A boy!" She finally stuttered.

"A boy?!" Said Rinne.

"A boy?!" Said Nicky.

"A boy?!" Said the King from inside the necklace.

"Dad!" Twinkle rolled her eyes and gave the locket a joking tap.

"Y-yeah... He must've been driving whatever that thing is... But he looks like he didn't make it..." Said Twinkle, sitting down by him.

"Wait," said Rinne, running over to him. "He's breathing! He's ok, just unconscious."

"He doesn't look like a fairy...." Said Nicky, looking around him. "Oh wait, maybe his wings are just under his clothes or something!"

"I don't know.... He doesn't have a wand... What if he's from another island! Father told me that there were multiple islands in this world, but I thought it was just a myth!" Said Twinkle. She looked at the boy's face. He had black hair, and light brown skin. He was wearing a white long sleeved shirt and black trousers. He wore a pair of red trainers and had a strange glowing blue thing on his arm. Twinkle thought to herself. Maybe he is magic! That does look quite advanced for a fairy however...

"Twinkle, can you conjure up a couple blankets or something? It's getting late and we're all tired." Said Rinne, pointing at Nicky, who was flying slower and slower until she collapsed into Rinne's arms, fast asleep. Twinkle did what she was told in a flash, waving her wand and creating 3 blankets.

"One for you and Nicky, one for me and-"

"Twinkle... What's with the 3rd one?" Asked Rinne.

"For the boy! We can't let him get cold now can we?" She smiled kindly as she draped the blanket over the boy.

"Twinkle... You're too kind. Let's get some rest, ok?" Smiled Rinne back, as she tucked Nicky in, lit a small flame in the lantern then quickly falling asleep afterwards.

Twinkle turned over to face the boy. He was still unconscious from his fall. She looked at his serious face. She didn't know why she cared so much about him. However... There was something she felt about him... That she couldn't ignore.


"That girl... Firefly? Could you call Twinkle down for dinner? She's late. Also Rinnabelle and Nicky are nowhere to be found. Hurry my girl." The Queen asked her chief protector. Firefly said no words, but saluted and hurried around the castle, searching for the three. She had looked everywhere they could possibly be. She eventually came to Twinkle's room. There were numerous cracks in the wall they had escaped from, and right by the cracks, a small bit of Nicky's fluffy fur. She soon reported back to the Queen.

"My Queen.... I have failed my mission... I cannot find your daughter, or Nicky, or... RINNABELLE. She said the last name through gritted teeth. "However, I found cracks in the wall and some of Nicky's... Fluff."

"Oh my.." Said the Queen, slouching in her seat slightly. "What if something has happened to them! My daughter!" The Queen looked as grief stricken as the day she lost her husband. Firefly remembered that day almost as well as the royal family did themselves. She held one hand to her sword protectively.

"My Queen, I will send out my strongest army to find the Princess and her companions. We shall not return until we have succeeded."

"Thank you my dear Firefly. Please, find my precious daughter before it's too late!" Cried the Queen.

(Back in the valley)

Gene suddenly woke. He looked behind him. His pod had been destroyed. He was told he'd never be able to drive one properly, but he did it anyway. He should've listened. He looked to his side. He saw... 2 fairies... And a furry creature? He pinched himself. Not a dream. He'd arrived in some other world... It definitely wasn't Technopolis alright... He'd been told that magic didn't exist, but yet he saw that the girl beside him had a... Magic wand? It seemed unreal. But the girl was very beautiful. She had sky blue hair that extended to just past her shoulders and slightly tanned skin. The rest of her was covered by a blanket, which he too had. He smiled at her. Had she given him the blanket? He decided to get some sleep and thank her in the morning. He looked up at the dark sky. A thousand shining stars looked back at him. Even Gene knew this was a meeting of destiny.

Twinkle opened her eyes to see- a face staring down at her!

"Ack!" She shouted, sitting up and accidentally bumping heads with him.

"Ouch! Hey!" Moaned the boy, clutching his head in pain.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry, I'll fix it right away!" She waved her wand, then touched it to his head.

"Hey, it doesn't hurt anymore.... That's amazing! Who are you?" Smiled the boy.

"I'm Twinkle. Just Twinkle. Who are you?" She didn't want to give away that she was a princess, just in case he was secretly one of her mother's guards or something.

"I'm Gene. Just Gene." They smiled awkwardly at each other.

"I ought to be going. Wait, my pod! Ugh, I'll never get back to Technopolis!" Gene walked over to the pod and gave it a sharp kick.

"Rinne is fantastic at fixing things! When she wakes up we'll ask for her help. Well get you home Gene." Said Twinkle, walking over to him and staring into his eyes. She felt strange... She felt emotions she had never felt before... 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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