Chapter 2 - Firefly, Memories and the Wand

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(First I'd like to thank all my YouTube subscribers for submitting their OCs to this story! They'll all be mentioned eventually, so don't worry, however in this chapter we have Firefly, created by amy. Ikc10! Thanks for your character, I hope I portrayed her alright. She'll be appearing more soon! Hydrangea, Nicky and Rinne are all my creations. Thanks and enjoy chapter 2! 

"Here." Said Rinne, spreading out a map across the table. "This is a map of the Enchanted Island my mother gave to me when I was young, before she.... But um, that's not important, we'll use this to guide us." She said, packing it in her satchel.

"That's good, but how are we going to escape? There are guards as far as the eye can see, and you'd better believe they won't be happy if they see us trying to escape. And neither will your mom Twink." Said Nicky.

"Huh, yeah... Rinne, do you have a wand?" Asked Twinkle.

"No, I was never given one. My family has always believed in fighting the more traditional way, as in Martial Arts and stuff. That's why I couldn't get myself out of that little situation I had a while back." She said, pointing to her unused, drooping wings.

"Drat. Nicky, do you have any sort of magic?" Twinkle looked over at Nicky.

"Well let's see... All I can do is make flowers bloom and revive dead plants. Nothing like making them grow really big or anything. Sorry." She said, her glasses falling down her face yet again.

"In that case, we have to resort to plan C." Said Twinkle sternly. "My old wand."

"Are sure about this Your Highness? I know you want to escape, but maybe taking your wand back is a bad idea." Whispered Rinne as she and Twinkle tiptoed down the corridor with Nicky flying beside them.

"It's a positively perfect idea! Sure it's risky, but it's our only chance!" Said Twinkle confidently.

"Ok then Twinx, but where exactly would it be? This place is GIGANTIC!" Said Nicky, carefully dodging a butler holding a sliver tray.

"Wait, doesn't that mean it's-" Started Rinne.

"Lunchtime. Of all the times it had to be!" Twinkle said angrily.

"Wait, if it's lunchtime then... Of course! You could ask your mom about where the wand is! Don't say anything about wanting to use it though. Just say you want to see it so you can.... Get used to it before you can use it again when you're Queen!" Smirked Rinne, as Twinkle looked back at her worriedly.

"I don't know... Mom catches on to me when I'm lying. All the time. But it's worth a shot."

The three went down to the banquet hall after being called by one of the butlers.

"Hey. Rinnabelle, you haven't been doing your job this morning." Said Firefly, the head of the fairy royal guard and the castle's protector.

"I apologise Miss Firefly. Her Highness needed my aid for a task." Said Rinne. She smiled sheepishly up at Firefly, who was a good deal taller than herself.

"Humph, I suppose the Royals come first. As you were." She flew down the corridor, continuing her patrol.

"She scares me." Whispered Nicky.

"Same here. And she guards me." Replied Twinkle.

"You sorta get used to her after a while. Besides, I'm a pretty good liar!" Laughed Rinne, as they continued down to the banquet hall.

"Darling! Do join us! And Rinnabelle, take a seat wherever you wish. Nicky, the maids have left you a bowl of nettles on the floor by Twinkle's chair." Smiled Hydrangea.

"Here goes nothing." Said Twinkle, putting on her most innocent face and taking her seat at the head of the table with her mother. Rinne sat on the right side of Twinkle and Nicky flew down to the gold coloured dish by Twinkle's feet.

"Eww! Nettles again? And you call this place a castle!" Scoffed Nicky upon seeing her meal.

"Come on Nicky, there's no way you could tell the maids that you don't like nettles unlike every other forest sprite! Plus, they made it especially for you!" Said Twinkle. Nicky looked down at the bowl, then munched carefully on a small leaf. She pulled a face and stuck her tongue out.

"Oh alright then." Huffed Twinkle, throwing a handful of salad into Nicky's bowl.

"Yesssss! Thanks Twinkle!" Nicky grinned and ate happily.

"So... Uh... Mother?" Asked Twinkle.

"Yes darling? What do you need?"

"I know you said I'm not quite old enough to USE it yet, but I wondered if I could have a look at my future wand. I mean, it's going to be a HUGE responsibility sooooo..... Please?"

"Oh Twinkle..." The Queen looked concerned. Twinkle started to panic. What if she said no?! "That's a wonderful thing to do! My my you're a responsible girl. Of course! As long as you don't touch it of course."

"Thank you mother! I'll go after lunch."

"My dear, I know you'll make a magnificent royal. Ever since I lost your father I've been wanting you to be the royal we always pictured you being. I'm so proud of you, and that you stay here in the castle with no complaints." Said the Queen, looking Twinkle in the eyes. Twinkle broke out in a cold sweat. Rinne looked over at them, her jaw hanging open and eyes wide. Nicky coughed, choking a little on her lettuce leaf. Firefly, who was passing by, broke from her serious expression and clasped her hand over her mouth, running from the scene.

Twinkle remembered her father. She remembered his words;

"Twinkle. You'll be the best ruler this kingdom will ever see. Don't ever forget that."

Before, all royal fairies were allowed outside. Twinkle was only a few months old at the time, so she hadn't been outside quite yet. However, she was born in a difficult time for the kingdom. The royals were running short of money, so the King set out on a journey to find treasure. He came across a dragon's cave. He tried to get the treasure it was guarding, but he failed. She remembered waiting in the castle for her father, the worried expression of her mother etched into her mind. Then they all found out. He was dead.

Then, the Queen vowed that no-one with any sort of relation to the royal family was ever allowed outside the castle gates, much less the royals themselves. She started to feel bad. Her mother would never forgive her if she were to escape. She barely ate that lunch. She didn't know what to do.

Later, they walked up the corridor to Twinkle's room.

"Twinkle... I'm sorry you had to be reminded about that... Is it best we-" Started Rinne.

"No, just I... Need a little time alone please. I'll think about it, ok?" Said Twinkle, flying off to her room.

"Twinkle, wait!" Shouted Nicky. But she'd already closed the door. Rinne grabbed the sprite before she could follow Twinkle.

"It's best we leave her alone. But there's always a sense in being prepared right?" Smiled Rinne.

"The wand? It'll be risky... But as a good friend of mine one said, "If you don't take chances, life'll be boring"... Let's go."

They rushed down the stairs to the royal artefacts room, hoping they'd get lucky in finding Twinkle's wand. 

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