Chapter 1 - The Encounter

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So this is my 2nd fanfiction; English is not my native language but I will do my best to do a proper job.

In this story there is no –A

Emily – Hanna – Spencer – Aria are childhood BF from Rosewood

Alison has never been in Rosewood and she's not friend of the other girls.

In this 1st chapter the name of the park is also fiction.

Chapter 1 - The Encounter

It was a sunny day in California, Emily opened her eyes slowly as the sun hit her directly in the eyes; as she was awakening; she got conscious of her horrible headache; she was moving in her bed and she noticed that beside her there was another naked body.

A girl voice yelled. - "So now you extended your taste to Asiatic girls!"

Emily turned her face towards the source of that voice and she noticed that it was her girlfriend.

Emily. – "Paige!"

- X -

Emily Fields was a star in her town of Rosewood, she won a lot of competitions and that good performance gave her a scholarship to study in UCLA. She moved out to California with her high school's girlfriend Paige but the big city changed both girls. California was so much different to their town Rosewood, there were so many temptations in this new city; Emily was popular in California and that was the start of the conflict with Paige who was very possessive with her.

The 1st year it was a little rough with all the changes, but it got worse when Emily's dad, who was a soldier in the army, was declared missing in action after his last tour, that produced a change of 180° in Emily; she became a womanizer. Parties, beers and girls were the new 3 friends of the brunette.

She was neglecting her studies, her girlfriend and she didn't care, Paige and her childhood friends (Hanna, Aria and Spencer) tried to make more than one intervention for Emily but nothing has worked.

- X -

Paige. – "That's it Emily! I'm not going to ignore anymore your cheating!"

Emily. – "Babe, please hear me out ok!"

Paige was ignoring the brunette as she was packing some clothes. Emily tried to wake up the other unconscious girl who was in bed but there was not response from the girl. Emily dressed up quickly and she approached her girlfriend.

Emily. – "Paige, please don't leave!"

Paige threw the bag into Emily's face and yelled. – "Oh no no no! I'm staying in MY apartment! And You're leaving!"

Paige pushed Emily outside of the apartment and slapped the door in her face.

Emily sighed. – "Great! Now what?!"

(phone ringing)

Emily answered the phone. – "Hi Hann"

Hanna. – "Hi Em, how was the party of last night? I saw your snapchats... Damn Fields, you really are a womanizer! I don't know how Paige can deal with you!"

Emily sighed. – "Well, she doesn't need to do it anymore..."

Hanna. – "What do you mean?"

Emily. – "Well, she kicked me out of the apartment and I'm very sure that also of her life..."

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