Chapter 2 - Home

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Note 1: So Alison and Emily became roomies, Emily didn't clarify that she's actually into girls.

Note 2: In this chapter there will a time count from the moment they became roomies (1 day, week, ...)

Note 3: Everything that is between double quotes " " it's dialogue.

Chapter 2 - Home


(Radio station)

"Hello sunshines! This is the station that makes your hearts beat with the best music selection, let's start the morning with..."

Emily dropped her hand over her radio alarm clock.

Emily sighed. – "Jesus, shut up!" (Sighs) "Why I believed that a radio alarm was better than a simple alarm..."

Emily was getting out of her bed; all grumpy because it has been exactly 24hrs since her last drink; someone was calling as her phone was ringing; as a zombie, she put the phone on her ear.

(On the phone)

Hanna. – "How you doin'...?"

Emily huffed. – "Horrible! I think that I will bail on this..."

Hanna. – "What?! You can't?!"

Emily smirked. – "Of Course I can! I will open this door and say to blondie that this roomie arrangement doesn't work for me..."

Hanna. – "Don't you dare Emily Catherine Fields! It hasn't been even a week!"

Emily huffed. – "I don't care! I can't live without a drink, all my body is sore..." (She was opening her door and calling to the blonde) "Alison! Alison!"

Hanna. – "Don't...!"

Emily hung up and she got in the living room but her throat got mute under the view: Alison was stretching with a sportive blue outfit; her top was so tight that her boobs looked so big.

Alison turned her face in order to look at her in the eyes

Alison smiled. – "Hi Emily, were you looking for me?"

Emily gulped. – "Ah? Yeah... I – I – I need to tell you..."

Alison continued stretching as she asked. – "Yes? I'm listening..."

Emily self-talk in her mind. – "Oh God, you're really flexible..."

Emily shook her head to clear any lusty thought; Alison looked at her confused.

Alison. – "Didn't you sleep well?"

Emily replied. – "More - less however, now that I'm awake I feel so much better with the view..."

Alison looked confused with the lost look of the brunette.

Alison asked. – "You look really red, are you really ok? Perhaps getting soaked the other day make you sick..."

Emily gave her a nervous smile when her phone started to ring again.

Emily. – "Sorry I need to get this..."

Alison nodded and continued stretching.

(On the phone) Hanna. – "You hung up on me again!"

Emily was hypnotized by the blonde so she didn't put attention of what Hanna was saying.

(On the phone) Hanna. – "Em... Em... EMILY are you hearing me?!"

Emily murmured. – "Oh god... look to that butt..."

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