Chapter 9 - Always & Forever

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Thank you so much for the votes, thanks sarahmichael and larsson for following this story and all the rest who is reading this!

Note 1: Everything that is between double quotes " " it's dialogue.

Note 2: So last chapter ended with Alison flying to NY, this chapter will follow after that... This chapter is the longest as next chapter will be the last one, I will not give any spoiler of the ending, just to answer your questions if this has a happy ending or not... I think that after reading the entire chapter, you will have a clear idea of what is the answer for it ^^...

Note 3: Like last chapter there will be some musical moments...

Note 4: The last part of this chapter is linked with the abstract of Alison's diary of last chapter 'Revelations'.

Chapter 9 – Always & Forever

(In a plane towards NY)

Alison's thoughts. – "It's looks like the world never forgets to be cruel with me... every time that I think that I can be happy, life reminds me that hapiness is not for me..."

The blonde remembered her 1st love...

*** Flashback ***

Alison was lying on her bed with Pepe; she was gripping an envelope with her hands as she was afraid to open it; she was so lost on her thoughts that she jumped when someone else jumped over her on bed...

Samara said as she tickled Alison. – "Always so serious..."

Alison chuckled and then Samara lied down on bed beside Alison; she took off the envelope from Alison's hands ...

Alison pouted. – "Hey!"

Samara raised an eye brow. – "Columbia? I thought that you just got accepted in Berkeley..."

Alison chuckled. – "I did... but I also applied to Columbia..."

Samara. – "Why? I thought that Berkeley was your dream since your mom studied there..."

Alison chuckled and blushed. – "It was... but..."

Samara. – "But...?"

Alison looked to Samara's lips and bitted her lips...

Samara smirked. – "So... you want to stay close to me... is that it?"

Alison blushed and nodded; Samara showed a huge smirk on her face and then she leaned for a kiss but she stopped until her lips where brushing Alison's lips...

Samara teased. – "You love me that much huh...?"

Alison blushed and nodded. – "You know that I do... I would do anything for you..."

Samara smirked and raised an eye brow. – "Anything...?"

Alison blushed and nodded and then Samara kissed her, in question of minutes the make out became very passionate...

Samara. – "Next week is my birthday... I want my gift in advance..."

Alison blushed. – "What do you want?"

Samara murmured on Alison's ear. – "You..."

Alison blushed and she was a little nervous as this was her 1st time; but she smiled as she was happy to give her V-card to her 1st love.

Alison waked up naked on her bed; she looked around but she got sad as she didn't find Samara with her after her 1st time, she thought that the other blonde would stay a little longer; Alison noticed that the other blonde forgot a bracelet on her bed; Alison smiled and she decided to use it as an excuse to look for Samara in her house; since both families were very close, the house of the Cook was one of the few places that Kenneth allowed Alison to go without restriction. Alison got into the Cook house, a maid let her in and she got surprised for all the decorations on the house...

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