5 | rain

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I left school at 6pm. Some students stayed to continue studying in school like Joy. While others go to their respective academies like Seulgi.

The (minority) rest, like me, end up going home studying or doing whatever they want. Which isn't usually what students here do.

The sun began to set by the time I went out of the school building. On my way to the train station, rain began to drop slowly from the sky. A minute later, it was raining heavily. 

I covered myself with my bag as I ran to the nearest shade I could find. I shake off the rain water on my bag.

"Now everything's wet." I said to myself.

A small little bell rang as I turned to see. It was him again. Kihyun.

He was wearing a raincoat, holding his bag in one hand whilst the other holding an umbrella.

"You." We both say at the same time. I blinked, trying not to make our eyes meet.

"You're all wet." He stated. I looked back at him. "Did you forget your umbrella?" He asked.

I bit my lip and nod.

"Oh my. You could get a cold." Kihyun took out something from his bag. A sweater. "Here. Wear this." He handed it to me. "I'll get you a raincoat." He said.

"No it's o-" It was too late to stop Kihyun now. I gulped as I put on the sweater he gave me. He later rushed out of the shop with a raincoat.

"I don't deserve thi-" "Of course you do! I'm not letting a lady catch a cold!" He said, helping me put on the raincoat. I couldn't feel myself breathing.

After the raincoat was on me. I covered my cheeks. 'It might've been red-'

"Your nose is red. See you're cold." Kihyun said. I gulped. "Where are you heading to?" Kihyun asked.

"T-the train station." I replied. "Come. I'll take you there." He insisted, holding my hand as he started walking.

I pulled away and shook my head. "It's alright. You helped me enough today." Kihyun shook his head. "I'm not taking any 'no's"

He opened his umbrella as the two of us started walking towards the train station.

"Are you going to your academy after this?" Kihyun asked. I shook my head. "I haven't registered in any yet." I told him. "What about you?"

"I'm heading to a math academy in Myeongil-dong." He said. "Eh?"

"Eh??" Kihyun looked at me, confused. "What's wrong?"

"That's where my apartment is." I told him. "Oh really? Then I guess we can walk together." Kihyun said happily.

We both entered the train filled with various types of people from students to workers. The train was so cramped even sardines had more space. I could literally hear him breathing.

It was so packed that there wasn't a place to hold onto. Kihyun was tall enough to get hold of the hand rail pole. Unfortunately I couldn't with my height.

The train shook a little. I lost my balance as I quickly held onto someone. "Whoa." The person said.

I then realized it was Kihyun's jacket that I held onto. I feel my cheeks redden again. "Be careful. You should hold tight." He said, putting an arm behind my back.

I looked away from him, as I stared at our feet. My cheeks were burning. I swear I hate my cheeks right now for being so obvious. My heart was thumping so loudly I bet he could hear it. Even my breath was uneven and uncontrollable.

But I guess I kinda like this situation...

• •

The train finally stopped at our destination. Kihyun and I both went out of the station. The rain seems to have stopped.

"So we're separating now?" Kihyun asked. I nodded, out of words. "Bye." Both of us said.

I looked at my feet. Suddenly I saw the same shoes earlier. "Kihyun-"

"Eh? Again?" He chuckled. "I guess we're going the same way again." He says.

"Y-yeah. I guess too..." We both kept walking. It was silent for a while. "Hey." Kihyun says. "Now that you can trust me more cause I'm not a complete stranger, where are you from?" He asks.

"Canada." I replied. Kihyun raised his eyebrows. "Wow. I bet your english is good." He says.

I smiled. "I-I don't know."

(note: the fact that i wrote this in english is ironic. * - means they start to speak english)

"Then let's try. *So why'd you move to Canada?" Kihyun had a different accent. But his english was quite fluent. "W-wait.. what?!?!" He got me shocked.

Kihyun raises an eyebrow. "What?" I blinked multiple times. "You can speak english fluently?!?! B-but how?!?! Did you live overseas?!?"

He laughs. "I lived my whole life in Korea. I didn't have the chance to live overseas like you, Wendy. My dad is an English professor in Hanyeong University. So I use the language quite often at home."

* back to korean

"Wow... You left me flustered just now. I bet you're good in Korean too." I said. "I guess so... my mum is a professor too but she majors in classical Korean literature. She teaches me how to write hanja and read poems at a very young age." Kihyun explains.

"You naturally got your intelligence from your parents. No wonder you're in the smartest class." I told him. "Plus." I looked at my feet again. "You've got the looks."

Kihyun shook his head. "Ah... no no no! I'm really nothing like that. My older brother is wayyyyyy better than me."

"This is my turn." I said. "Are we separating for real now?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, yeah. See ya!" Kihyun wave goodbye.

"Bye." I waved back.

Maybe moving wasn't that bad after all.

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