8 | after school

22 2 0

*w/n : juhyun = irene

After the bell rang, I hurriedly stuffed my books into my bag. "Going somewhere?" Seulgi asked. I nodded in reply. "See ya." She said. I waved goodbye.

Lucky me, I brought my swimming suit to school. I walked out of the classroom, bumping into someone. The person's books fell, scattered on the floor.

"Ah sorry!" I apologized. I help pick up the fallen books. "Its alright." The person said. I turned around to see, it was Joy.

"Joy!" She smiled at me. "In a hurry?" Joy asks. I nodded and handed her the books. "See ya." I said, bowing before leaving. "Yeah. See you." Joy says.

• •

I entered the indoor swimming pool to see people stretching. "You're a bit late." The female coach said. "Hurry up and change." She orders. "Yes coach." I bowed, running towards the changing room.

• •

As soon as I exited the changing room, the members were already swimming in the pool.

"Do you know how to swim?" Asked the female coach. "I had swimming lessons when I was younger." I told her.

"What swimming style do you know?" Asked the male coach. "I know most of it." I say. "But I'm most confortable with free." They both nodded.

"Ok then, you should stretch first. We'll have a freestyle match afterwards." The male coach said.

• •

After a while the previous match ended as the coaches announce the top 3.

"Freestyle!" The female coach called. "Female only." She added.

"Seungwan! Juhyun! Dayoung! Eunha! Minhee! Gather round." She called. "This should be enough. Although we are one person short." The coach clapped. "Positions!"

The five of us stood on top of the starting blocks. I placed my goggles on and got into position.

I looked on my right. It was her. I breathed in.

"Let's do this." I say optimistically.


I jumped into the pool after pushing from the blocks with full force.

• •

"Eh. Coach Subin. She's pretty fast that new girl." Coach Myunsoo says while observing the swimmers.

Currently leading are both Juhyun and Wendy. Followed by the rest.

"I didn't expect her to be this fast for someone new. Also going against the ace." He added.

Coach Subin shook her head. "Let's see about that. Her record says she does track and is good at it. So her stamina is probably quite high." She says.

"However." The coach adds. Coach Myungsoo sighs. "We won't guarantee her stamina will last in the water." Coach Subin tells him.

"You're too much of a pessimist." He tells her.

The swimmers came to the end of the pool. They rotated for another round to the end. Just as they were approaching the middle of the pool, Bae Juhyun started to accelerate.

Meanwhile, Wendy slowly began to show exhaustion. She still tries to catch up.

Near the end, the other third year, Eunha overtook Wendy. The whistle blew as the match had ended. Wendy ended in third place with Eunha second and Juhyun first.

"See." She says. "I'd rather you call me a realist." Coach Subin smiles at Coach Myunsoo.

• •

Coach Subin claps. "Nice job everyone. As usual keep it up Juhyun. I can tell your stamina is improving Eunha. Both of you did a very good job." She praises them.

"Son Seungwan." The coach calls me. "Your stamina isn't bad. But! You need to find a way to make sure you don't fall out halfway. Work on that energy of yours." She comments.

• •

We did some practices until the sun was completely down and it was already dark outside.

"I think she's a great addition to the club." Coach Myungsoo said. "Yes but... she's not strong enough." Coach Subin opposed.

Coach Myungsoo shook his head. "No wonder students rarely register." He folded his arms. Coach Subin sighs. "C'mon we can train her." He begs.

"Coach please." Coach Subin jumped from her own skin. To see Juhyun standing behind her. "Don't sneak up on me like that." She told her.

"Coach. Please." Juhyun begged. "We could join more matches." She says. "See. Even the kid gets it. We could get recognition from sponsors and the school. Wouldn't that be a win-win?" Coach Myungsoo says.

Coach Subin sighs. "Fine. But. I don't want the club to be the reason her grades are worsening." She says.

"Thats great. Thank you coach!!" Coach Myungsoo bows. He pushed Juhyun lightly for a bow too.

"I'll be sure to inform the principal so her homeroom teacher and parents could manage her time." He tells her.

"Seungwan-ah!" Coach Subin calls me while I was drying my hair. "Good news for you. You're officially in the swimming club." She announces.

The other members clap and congratulate me. "But!" She exclaims. "I don't want to see your grades dropping so you better not neglect your studies!" I nodded. "I won't."

"All right. Guys you can wrap up."

• •

I was on my way to the train station until someone pulled the back of my vest ever so lightly. I turned around.

"Juhyun-unni..." I say. "Congrats. Welcome to the club." She tells me. I bowed slightly. "Thank you."

"You were good earlier." Juhyun adds. My cheeks reddened. I shook my head, flattered. "Ah... no not really. You were way way better earlier, unni." I deny.

"Kinda like this one american swimmer. I forgot her name-"

"Irene Guest?" She suddenly said. I looked at Juhyun. "Or am I wrong..." she mumbles. I smile. "A big fan?" I ask.

Juhyun bit her lip. "I read a biography about her when I was in junior high." She says. "So it inspired you to start swimming?" I ask. Juhyun shook her head.

"I started swimming in elementary school because I like how calming water is. But she inspired me to be more competitive." She explains.

"I want to break a world record for South Korea too someday." She adds. I smile listening to her.

'Wow' I thought. Such big dreams.

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