Chapter 10: Crashing expectations

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Logan was still in his office late that night, working long after everyone else had gone home as usual.  Suddenly his door opened and he stiffened as his father entered the room.

"Mitchum," Logan greeted his father, wondering to what he owed this surprise visit.

"Logan, working so late?  I'm certain that your fiance would like to see you at home a bit more."

"Is that what you've come to tell me?  I hadn't expected relationship advice from you," Logan shot back.

"That's uncalled for, son.  It's about damn time that you grow up and start to act like who you are," Mitchum started, but Logan cut him off.

"Don't you start with that, Mitchum.  I've grown up.  I'm working in the family business, doing everything that's expected of me.  The London office has never run so well.  I'm engaged to be in a loveless marriage, just like yours.  I've done everything that's been asked of me plus some.  You hardly have room to complain about my behavior.  I've settled down and I've grown up, but it's still not enough for you, is it?"

"Don't you take that tone with me, Logan!  You've been given opportunities that most people would kill for, yet you're still not grateful.  Being a Huntzberger involves sacrifice.  You should know that."

"I know it all too well, Mitchum.  I've sacrificed a hell of a lot to try to be what you want me to be.  You want to talk about sacrifice?  How about saying goodbye to the only woman I've ever loved, a woman who is more than good enough to marry into the Huntzberger family, in order to fulfill your dynastic plan?  She made me a better man.  She taught me how to grow up and be a man.  I want to accept my responsibility, Mitchum, but I don't want to live your life.  I draw the line there.  I've sacrificed myself to do what's expected of me, but don't think that you'll run my life forever.  I want more.  I love this business, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to be part of it, but I will not be the man that you are.  I don't want to be the estranged husband, and I don't want to be the absent father.  I happen to think that I can be a businessman and a family man, but you won't even give me that chance.  What you've arranged between Odette and me?  That's not family.  That's not a chance at happiness."

"Which brings me to the point of my visit, Logan," continued Mitchum, dropping a legal envelope on Logan's desk.  "Here's the pre-nup and contract.  You have one week to sign it and return it to the family attorney.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be going."

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