Good Morning Sunshines

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Emma's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm at 5. Usually I get up at 5:45 but today I have to get two people ready and two people off to school.

I snuck from under Jackson's arm and grabbed my bag and headed to the bathroom. I changed into a warm outfit since it's almost winter. I decided on light simple make up because I'm too lazy. Then I straightened my hair and brushed my teeth. Ta da I'm not a zombie anymore

When I walked out of the bathroom, I saw a very tired Katherine waking up from her slumber.

"Good Morning sunshine" I chuckled seeing her tired face.

"Mom can I skip today" She said.

"Haha very funny but no your mom would kill me if I let you stay home" I said. "Now hurry up if you want Starbucks before school"

That made her get out of bed faster than one of Jacksons supporters liking his Instagram picture.

I walked over to his room and watched him as he peacefully slept. I know it sounds creepy but I mean he's hella cute. I decided to be nice today and wake him up with kisses.
"Wake" kiss on the forehead "up" kiss on the nose "sleeping beauty" kiss on the lips.

That time he kissed me back but his eyes were still closed.

"I think I'm still sleeping, you might want to kiss me again" He mumbled.

"You don't talk in your sleep so I think you're awake" I got off the bed. "I have to wake your brother up."

"Noooo" I heard him say as I walked out and into Julians room.

He also looked super duper cute sleeping. Maybe even cuter than Jackson if that's even possible.

"Time to wake up sleepy head. We need to get ready for school" I took his blankets off of him.
"Emma? You're still here"

"Of course silly I get to take you to school"

He got up all excited and hugged me.

"Your clothes are on your dresser for today. I'm going to go get your waffles ready for you" I said getting up.


I walked downstairs and grabbed the eggo waffles from the freezer and put one in the toaster. While that was toasting, I poured some milk in a little cup and set it at his seat.

As I was taking the waffle out of the toaster, I felt two arms wrap around me.

"You didn't give me a proper kiss" He whispered as I was cutting up Julians waffle.

I turned around and faced him. "Maybe I don't want to" I said even though I really wanted to.

"That's a lie and you know it" Jackson said. "Watch"

He came close to my face just centimeters away from my lips not moving any closer. I couldn't help it, I gave in making the first move and kissed him.

We parted when we heard, "Eww Jackson girls have cooties" coming from Julian.

My face turned red.

Jackson let go of me " I know bud, she was the one who kissed me. Ew"

I smacked his arm before bringing Julian his plate.

Katherine came down all ready.

"Hey you actually look human now" I joked to her.

"I know. I don't know if I could ever let Bryce see me when I first wake up"

"I don't think he'll judge you if he really likes you" Jackson said.

Aww he was actually being really nice. Cute.

"What did Jackson say when he saw you?" She asked me.

"I don't think he's seen me before when I first wake up. I woke him up after I got ready today."

"You look beautiful no matter what" Jackson said.

"Gag in my mouth" Katherine said leaving the room.

"I don't know what that means but I agree" Julian said as he got up from the table.

"Go get your coat and shoes on mister. I'll grab your bag." I ordered.

Katherine came down all ready and I just had to put my shoes on.

"I'm going to go drop my overnight bag at my house then we can leave." I said to everyone. After throwing it in my house, I got in Jackson's car and we all went to Julian's elementary school (Is that what school Kindergarten goes too?)

Julian wanted me and Jackson to bring him in so Katherine stayed in the car probably texting Bryce. Julian stood in the middle of us and held both our hands.

"Can we do the swinging thing?" He asked.

I have no clue how but I knew what he was talking about.

"1....2....3..." Jackson and I said at the same time and we swung him up.

"Again!" He said laugging.

So we did it until we got to his classroom. Jackson signed him in and I helped Julian put his jacket and bag in his little cubby.

"Who's this Julian?" His teacher asked.

"This is my babysitter and Jackson's giiirrllllfriend" He said.

We both chuckled at the way he said girlfriend.
"I'm Emma, Ms. Krecioch had to work the nightshift and needed me to get him up and here on time." I shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you Emma." She said.

"We had a sleepover together. But Emma slept with Jackson in his bed.-"

"Umm we have to get to school. Bye Julian" Jackson said grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door.

"Bye Julian" I said as we walked out the door

Jackson and I quickly left before the teacher and parents could give up dirty looks.

"It didn't sound that bad, did it?" He asked as we got into the car.

"Just a lil bit" I said and we both laughed.

"Let's hit the road to hell" Katherine said.



Once we got to school, we rushed in just in time for first period, which today is Chemistry.

"Why are you guys so late?" Alan and Kate asked.

"Well I had to sleep over their house and take Julian to school." I explained.

"Why couldn't Jackson just do that?" Kate asked.

"His mom doesn't trust him to wake up and get himself and Julian ready and at school in time." I said.

"Which I don't know why she doesn't. I'm very responsible when it comes to getting up on time" Jackson said.

"Oh please even I know you can't" I said.

"Hey shush it"

"Okay guys take out last nights homework so I can check it?"

After school and dance practice, I got a ride home from Kate and started on my homework.


Sorry it took me a while. I didn't realize I already finished it but didn't post. But let's be real here this is a cute chapter if I do say so myself. Let me know what y'all think. Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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