Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad, Sleepy-ass Werewolf?

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I honestly have no idea when I actually fell asleep. But, I do know exactly when I woke up. I must've overslept and ignored my alarm, because around ten-ish Victoire was angrily shaking me. I snorted awake, trying to blink the sleep out of my eyes, trying to make sense of the angry, pale girl shaking me violently. I think, when I woke up at least, she was rather aggressively screaming 'You Are My Sunshine' at my sleeping face.

"Get up, Fischy," She growled, "Your damn alarm's going off and I'm trying to sleep!"

"My name," I started, pushing her away, "Is Hynden. And I'll shut it off, okay?" I sat up, rubbing at my eyes, before grabbing at my phone. I swiped at it, silencing the noise. Victoire only grumbled and heaved herself back onto her top bunk. "Why's the room so dark?" I asked her, squinting around.

"I put up blinds." Victoire muttered, rolling onto her side so she was facing the wall. "And don't you dare ever open them."

"Um, why not?" I asked as I stood up, stretching. I rummaged around for a bit to try and find something to wear.

"Because I said so." Victoire sniffed. She rolled over and peered at me from her bunk. "And you don't want to make me angry, Fischy."

"Hynden." I said, settling on a pair of jeans and some corny T-shirt with a corn on the front, the words below the corn saying 'crop-top'. I laughed a bit on the inside at the pun.

"Whatever." Victoire muttered and rolled over. I stared at her for a second or two, then simply shrugged and went to change. I slipped into the bathroom to begin my morning ritual. I showered first and practiced keeping my mind blank. After a few minutes I found myself combing through my hair, which was freakin' tangled as fuck.

"You owe me food, by the way." I told Vic, "Since you threw out everything I bought."

"I told you, I'm allergic." Victoire said. She sounded rather annoyed, I could tell, but I didn't mind.

"So? Now we're stuck without food. So you're buying."

"Doesn't mean anything to me, Fisch-"

"My name is Hynden." I growled. "If you keep calling me 'Fischy', I will fight you."

"I'm sure you will." She grinned, reaching her arm over the bunk to ruffle my hair, to which I responded by smacking at her hand. "Now get out. I'm trying to sleep."

I grumbled softly and grabbed my bag and my books, shooting one last glare at Victoire before snatching my faded gray sweatshirt from the floor. And, with that, I departed. The hall of our dorm wasn't exactly alive and bustling, but there were a few occasional people walking together and chattering. They seemed happy enough and they were probably all normal, lucky hoes. I headed for the stairs, clutching my books close to my chest as I walked, and made my way down them. The sound of my shoes hitting the tiles echoed through my ears and the halls, but I remained quiet. Why waste my breath on words when there's no one to talk to? Woah. Dude, that was lowkey deep. I grinned softly to myself and nearly missed the last step on the stairs, but I managed to compose myself enough to make it seem like I'd meant to miss it. I offered a tiny, nervous chuckle and an awkward grin to the girls who passed me as my heart raced against my chest. Yeah, I hadn't actually tripped, but I'd still witnessed my life flashing before my eyes.

"Okay." I murmured to myself. "You're okay. Not dying... yet." I sucked in my breath and moved onward, taking in the scenery around me. Birds were chirping, the sun was shining, people were chattering... I had to admit, it was pretty okay. I mean, things could've been better, but hey- things were diddly darn okay. My first class was located in the Liberal Arts building which was located across campus, and luckily I had three minutes to get there. I cursed at myself quietly for oversleeping, I really needed to try to wake up to my alarm- but I guessed it was sort of something I couldn't help, I was a really deep sleeper. I did my best not to get hit by any cars while I hurried to class, my brows furrowed in thought, and made it just in time, and by just in time I mean fifteen minutes into class. I was lucky, though, for the professor not to see me. I ducked down and wriggled into a seat in the back and did my best to take notes and listen. I, however, probably had the attention span of a goldfish and I was just about as awake as my roommate. I rested my fist against my cheek and squinted at the board in attempt to keep myself awake.

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