Wakey Wakey Sunshine and Sadness

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I was cold. Like, really cold. I opened my eyes and tried to see everything around me, but nothing looked familiar. I groaned and pushed myself to my feet, my body protesting in pain- and why shouldn't it? I'd literally changed into something else and then back to myself- as I attempted to use my wobbly legs. I felt as though I'd just ran ten thousand miles.

"Where am I?" I muttered to myself. My tongue felt like a slab of cement and talking physically hurt my throat.

"Oh, look, you're awake."

I jumped, like, five feet into the air when I heard Vic's voice. "Vic?!"

"Happy to see me, Fischy?" She grinned.

Of course, I wasn't. But my mixed feelings toward Vic didn't stop me from worrying over her. "I didn't bite you did I?! Did I hurt anyone? Did I-"

"You didn't bite me, Sunshine." Vic rolled her eyes. "And even if you did, it wouldn't do anything to me. As for your second question, you didn't hurt anyone other than me. I have a vicious rope burn from your goddamn pulling. It was like walking a Great Dane or something."

"It was like walking...? What do you mean?" My eyes narrowed, something was up. "And 'if you did, it wouldn't do anything'? What does that mean?"

Vic rolled her eyes. "What it means, Sunshine, is I brought you here last night. You biting me wouldn't do anything because I'm not human."

"If you're not a human," I started, frowning, "What are you?"

Vic gave me a look that said 'really, bitch?'. "What do you think I am, Wolfy? I can't stand garlic. I don't go outside during the day. I don't know how to cook because I don't need to. I'm a..." She trailed off, waiting for me to finish her sentence. I narrowed my eyes, confused.

"You're just really bad at taking care of yourself?" I asked, just to spite her.

"No, Wolfy." Vic said. "I'm a vampire."

"You also wear silver rings."

"Silver doesn't hurt me, dummy. Just you." Vic said. "I have other aversions."

"Like genuine human connection?" I asked.

"Hah. You're so fucking funny, aren't you?" Vic mocked. "No, dumbass. It's not 'human connection'."

"Then what is it?"

"Like I'd tell you."

"You're right." I sniffed. "But, since you're a vampire- that means you can't leave this building until tonight."

"So what?" Vic asked, leaning back.

"And," I said, looking at her, "You were taking care of me last night, right? So you didn't feed."

Vic frowned, maybe she hadn't realized she hadn't eaten. Or drank. Whatever it was called for her kind. "You're right." She shrugged. "Might as well just use you, huh?"

I glared at her. "Don't you fucking dare. What I mean is you have to talk to me anyways, so we might as well get to know each other."

"Fat chance, Wolfy. I don't do socialization." Vic told me, digging in her pockets. She pulled out a box of cigarettes and a lighter. I wrinkled my nose in disgust, but said nothing. I wouldn't question her habits, I guessed I owed her that much. After all, she'd kept me from harming people last night.

"Aw, come on. It'll be fun." I said, sitting down. "Besides, it'll keep away the after-shift depression. Hits me hard, y'know."

Vic let out an annoyed groan and glared at me. "You're not going to leave me alone about this, are you?" She asked, lighting her cigarette.

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