CH:1 New kid

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          Mark was sitting in the back of the class, he didn't want to be noticed, he had been bullied again this morning for his inability to drink. (Sorry guys, if you don't like that then give me something else someone pick on mark for other than him being short or something size related.) There had been a party to celebrate homecoming and he went because his friends had begged him, but he was allergic to alcohol so I couldn't drink with everyone else, and Bill, or his real name Billy, had made fun of him there, to the point if Mark didn't drink he would get kicked out of the party, so he left. And this morning Bill and some of his buddies had made drinking motions and then puking sounds as he past. So he got in his normal seat at the back and waited for his first hour teacher to enter the room. The school he went to was a school for both giants and humans, but even then most humans didn't want to send their children to the mostly giant populated school. The teacher finally arrived, he was tall and plump, with no facial hair. He sat down at his desk and then he clicked his pencil against a small bell placed near the front of his desk. 

          "Class, this our newest student. Sean McLaughlin, would anyone like to volunteer to take Sean to his seat?" The teacher stated. 

          Mark peered to the front of the class. There, climbing up the ladder to the teacher's enormous desk, was the new student. He was clearly human. No one answered the call. Mark was at the back and had to wear glasses most of the time anyway so he couldn't see the facial expression on his face but by his body language he could see he was trying to hide his nerves about the mostly giant class staring at him. 

          "Mark." The teacher stated, making Mark jump a little bit. 

          "Sean's seat will be next to your's so will you kindly show him to his seat?" The teacher asked. 

          Mark took a quick glance at the empty seat near him. Each student had a certain seat to sit in next to the opposite kind. The seat next to Mark was a normal giant seat, but on the desk there was a smaller human sized desk on top. Mark awkwardly stood and headed to the front. He noticed more about the small human. From what Mark had seen of humans this guy was a little shorter than most male humans, he was very pale and quite lanky. Mark made it to the front and set his hand in front of him. Sean stared at it in fear, he looked up at Mark and back at his hand. Mark whispered so no one could hear him, though he was almost certain most of the humans in the room heard, they had really good hearing. 

          "I wont drop you, or squish you, just climb on and it wont last long." 

          He gulped and was beginning to move when Bill loudly whispered from the middle left of the room. 

          "He's afraid of heights, he honestly shouldn't worry, it's not like Mark can hold him that high anyway."

          Sean looked even angrier that  he had been taunted, Mark wasn't sure he had understood or heard the part about Mark but Sean had a new determination in his eyes. He scrambled up on Mark's hand. Mark curled his fingers loosely around him and headed to their seat. As Mark began to move Sean held tightly to his thumb like a little frightened child. They reached their seat and Mark sat down first and lied his hand down on the desk next to him. Sean scurried over to his seat and sat down, trying to get rid of all the unwanted attention. As the class began Mark heard Sean begin to talk, so he subtlety leaned down to try and hear what he was saying, and was surprised when he was talking to him. 

          "If yeh mention that ta anyone then I'll harm yeh." 

          Mark nodded, understanding that Sean didn't want anyone to know about his fear of heights. The rest of the class was uneventful, so as the relatively quiet bell rang (They don't want to hurt the human's ears! XD) Mark gathered his things and was going to leave when he heard the teacher call him and Sean up front. Sean struggled down the side of Mark's aisle seat. 

          "You want me to carry you again?" 

          He asked, worried for the small guy who was now running down the aisle to get to the teacher's desk at the same time as Mark. Mark rolled his eyes and slowed a bit so Sean wouldn't have to run to catch up. 

          "Yes sir?" Mark asked. 

          "I would like you to carry Sean around for the rest of the day so he can get used to the school." Sean had climbed the ladder and was now on the teacher's desk. 

          "No! I mean, no sir, that's not necessary, he can just point me in the right direction and I'll get there." Sean said hopefully, he wanted nothing less than to ride in a giant's hand again. 

          "Nope, if I see you on your own getting to class today you both get detention, so Mark, don't loose him." And with that the teacher ushered them out of his room. 

          Sean was still on the ground when they came out of the classroom, but he was looking up at Mark with a  little fear. 

          "Uh, I guess we don't have a choice, hop on." He stated as he bent down on one knee and put his hand on the ground, palm up. Sean flinched away from the quick movement. 

          "Sorry but I-" Mark was cut off by Sean speaking. 

          "I don't like riding on anyone's hand, these humans here are too reliant on you giants, I need to do this myself, I'm a big boy." He stated, Mark had noticed Sean didn't talk much, so right now Sean's face was red with anger. 

          Mark oh so badly wanted to make a joke about how Sean had said, 'Big Boy', but he restrained himself because he wanted to be friends with Sean, who no doubt came from a town where humans and giants lived separably because of trust issues. 

          "Where's the Language Arts room?" Sean asked. 

          "Uh, it's down the hall, take a right, last door on the left." Mark stated. 

          He was certain he would let him carry him now, that was a long ways away. 

          "Ok thanks." Sean stated, then he headed off on his journey. 

          Mark rolled his eyes and followed at a distance to make sure he didn't get squished or they didn't get detention. The rest of the day was mainly uneventful, with Mark telling Sean where to go and following him to class and hurrying off to his own classes. Well, uneventful until Lunch that is...

Hey my lovely Peeps! This is an AU I found on tumblr and you can check that out on tumblr by typin' in "Floresonance" They do some other really cool G/T YT AU's so check that out. You may think I am copping but I only used the AU and two of it's characters, I added some of my own and I changed the story line like a crazy person, so I am not stealing anything, if Floresonance thinks I'm copping then tell me and if you don't like it I will take it down. I just thought your idea for them to all go to a school like that was genius and I wanted to go down my own path. So anyway, write you later.

-That Weird Author

G/T YouTuber AU The average life of a high schooler, sortaWhere stories live. Discover now