Ch:12 YouTubers At Last

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Mark smiled as he walked into school, and why, you may ask, was Mark smiling on a Monday morning such as this? Well, you'd have to look to his shoulders to know. On his right, sat his, maybe-probably-they-just-don't-admit-it-yet girlfriend, Amy. She was giggling at something Jack had said earlier and was now leaning against her sort of boyfriend's neck, which in turn tickled him, making him jurk around and make all of his passengers giggle even more. And on Mark's left shoulder sat his best friend and his girlfriend, Jack and Signe. But their laughter stopped short when they entered their first period class, the one they all shared a day. Everyone in the room was huddled around one person, and they were all laughed histaricly.

"What's going on?" Jack asked. Signe shrugged and Mark tilted his head in confusion, shrugging would nock his friends off.

"Let's go find out then!" Amy said, laughing at Mark's frozen state, so he walked over to the crowed. Just then, Jack noticed a familiar Pair.

"Sareena! Kylie!" Jack said, smiling at the pair in front of them. Everyone looked over at him, confused, but he didn't seem to notice as the Giant of the pair turned around.

"Oh! Hey... Jack? Right?" The Human asked. The green haired Human nodded.

"You dyed your hair!" The Giant girl asked, pulling her long braid over her shoulder, revealing red tips, matching Mark's.

"That's all cool and everything, but how do you two know Jack?" Mark asked. The Human was the one to speak, though it seemed that she cut off her Giant companion.

"You know how we had that fire alarm that one time? Well when the spriklers went off the floors were really wet and I slid on the floor, and nocked him and his friend Fred down." She said, smiling. Mark spiked an eybrow.

"Fred?" The Giantess shook her head.

"She means Felix." Everyone 'Ohhhh'ed and Jack smiled a bit, these two were funny.

"Mark, Signe, Amy, this is Sareena, the Human, and her best friend, Kylie the Giant. Sareena and Kylie, this is my best friend Mark, his girlfriend Amy, and my girlfriend Signe." Both Mark and Amy blushed like mad when he noted that they were a couple, but they didn't correct him.

"Dude! You have a girlfriend! You legit just moved here!" Sareena shouted, which seemed to be all she did, but it was in a joking manner, and Jack nodded with a wide grin on his face.

"Sareena!" Kylie scolded, though it was lighthearted.

"Um, what is going one?" Amy asked, reuring to the crowd of people before them.

"Oh them? There're watching the new viral video of the week on YouTube." Sareena said, looking down at her nails.

"Yeah! The makers of it are from out school!" Kylie said excitedly. Everyone in the group's eyes popped.

"Who are they?!" Jack said in aw.

"A couple of seniors, Rhett and Link." Sareena said smiling. Signe coked a brow.

"You mean the two goofs that wore glow in the dark hairdye to school last week?" Amy asked, smiling at the memory.

"Yup! We've been watchin' them for a while, but now they're an international sensation!" Kylie said, looking over the shoulder of the nearest Giant trying to get a glimps of the phone the teens were using to stream the videos.

"Cool! What do they do?" The two girls smiled widly at each other and launched into a long explaination of what the two boys did, finishing each other's sentances.

"Well, they do lots of stuff!" "Like wear meatloaf as shoes, though it didn't work," "But they also compile lists of things you would never think of," "And they play silly games too," "And sometimes they do a radio show!" Everyone smiled and laughed as the girls explained, and they eventually got a glimps of the viral video.

G/T YouTuber AU The average life of a high schooler, sortaWhere stories live. Discover now